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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 421 422 [423] 424 425 ... 435
General / Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:29:45 pm »
I'm both.  I don't collect everything, just the things I'm interested in and once I get the chance to set everything up properly and have the working systems I want, I'll be more inclined to play the older stuff like with my slowly growing N64 and NES collection.  I want to play the old games, but right now it's just about grabbing what I can find cheap for my collection or buying the few things I want to have in my collection.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:26:49 pm »
It's your own fault. I DID warn you about the game.

I now must live my life with this burden of having played two minutes of Ikari Warriors 2...It is my

Off Topic / Re: Southwest Florida Folks!
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:11:24 pm »
I used to live in Port Charlotte..... but now i live in Delaware =(

I moved from Alaska down to here lol Drove through Port Charlotte before, seems kinda nice right next to the water like it is.  Had to go through there a bunch of times when I had to go to Sarasota and Tampa for my dad's health reasons at the time a few years ago.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:08:52 pm »
Well I had bought a few NES games, some I haven't played or even heard of recently and I sorta got to play a few of them after I kinda fixed my NES, such as Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road...all I got to say about that is OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE.  The first game wasn't good, it just has nostalgia value for me, so I grabbed the sequel, not knowing what it was, and just damn is it bad and I only played it for two minutes. 

Visually its a garbled disaster.  It plays about the same as the first one and that's the only compliment.  We also went from like the jungles of earth, to fighting alien spiders and other nonsense like that.  It has terrible audio, there was some warp pit that popped up randomly and pulled me, putting me into some random minigame that I didn't understand and because I didn't win, I lost all my health, came back into the level, died, and there is only one life...

To top it all off, the intro for the game has the text for what is being said happening one letter at a time every second or two.  EVERY SECOND OR TWO.  I watched for a minute and it was down like two lines and then I quit...though i couldn't get out of that screen as it forces you to reset.  Holy crap is this a disaster of a game and I barely even touched it lol

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: April 16, 2014, 04:38:43 pm »
Bummed that Mario Kart 8 isn't getting the special edition in America.  Was gonna pre-order the game for that, but instead I'll just grab the game on launch day.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: April 16, 2014, 03:43:23 am »
Got back onto my Harry Potter run to re-watch the series and I just finished The Half-Blood Prince.  It still hasn't improved for me, it definitely is the weakest of the movies, not that it doesn't have its good moments, it's just obviously filler and preparation for the ending.  It's that 2nd or 3rd to last episode in a tv series where it is just prep material to finish it all up lol Again, not terrible, just not as exciting as the last movies.  Too much of the awkward young love stuff too which didn't help. 

To me GTA IV was where the series started taking itself way too seriously.  The PS2 games were guilty of this to some degree but they still had a sense of everything being tongue-in-cheek.  With GTA IV (and what little I played of V, which admittedly wasn't much) the series just feels much more dark & bleak to me.  I much prefer Saint's Row, give me straight-up silly anyday over melodramatic.

Saints Row 2 came out the same year later on and it was an absolutely better game in pretty much every way.  It might not have been quite as stable and good looking as GTAIV, but man was it a hell of a lot more fun with tons of stuff to do.

... don't you mean Saints Row 3?

No, I mean Saints Row 2.  Both GTA4 and SR2 were released in 2008.  SR3 didn't come out till 2011.

To me GTA IV was where the series started taking itself way too seriously.  The PS2 games were guilty of this to some degree but they still had a sense of everything being tongue-in-cheek.  With GTA IV (and what little I played of V, which admittedly wasn't much) the series just feels much more dark & bleak to me.  I much prefer Saint's Row, give me straight-up silly anyday over melodramatic.

Saints Row 2 came out the same year later on and it was an absolutely better game in pretty much every way.  It might not have been quite as stable and good looking as GTAIV, but man was it a hell of a lot more fun with tons of stuff to do.

I was thinking this but didn't want to say it.   :-X    ;)

I'm very open about my hate with this game lol I loved the first 3 games (Since GTA3), but that one is just a disaster.  The engine and city looked good, but Niko is awful, Roman is awful, they removed customization and most things to buy, the car physics are terrible, there are really not many good side missions, the story is bland, you have no reason to have money, the friendship crap is abysmal...It's easily the worst GTA game I played.

I picked up Grand Theft Auto IV - Greatest Hits for $5 and Super Caesar's Palace for $2.50.

...GTA IV has not aged well.

I didn't think GTA IV was good when it was released lol

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: April 15, 2014, 01:39:37 am »
I just had the urge to rewatch Child's Play 1-3 so I did.

That movie scarred me as a child when I caught part of it playing on a tv at a local teen center lol God damn Chucky and your creepy dollness lol

Modern Video Games / Re: This is Scary
« on: April 15, 2014, 01:28:25 am »
His persona can get obnoxious, but I generally like his viewpoints on things.

As for the video, I've never actually heard of Clash of Clans before, so I guess that is something good, but honestly, I'm not surprised to hear how these higher ups have no desire to make games, but to purely sell a product and to squeeze as much money out of something for profit, even if it kills the series.

I don't know if we'll have the same crash of the 80's, I think there's simply too much of a variety of companies and ways to get games now, but I would not be surprised if the real large companies have something serious happen to them.  EA, Activision, Ubisoft, whoever the mobile guys are (Wasn't it or whoever they were in charge of Candy Crush struggling recently?), they've gone through kind of a golden time I assume and now they are struggling I think with an increasing fan hate that I hope crushes them as the good times can only last for song. 

As a massive Battlefield fan, after the debacle with SimCity (And I'm not even a huge SC fan), I can't support their future games at all.  Battlefield 5? A game I'd normally support because I love the series, after BF3 and BF4, they've shown that they don't understand development time.  SimCity shows they know very little about what the fans of their series actually wants and despite actually liking ideas they implemented with the new game, I can't support SimCity 2 with that shitty launch of SimCity...I'm sensing a pattern here...And coming up, I couldn't be more fucking stoked for Star Wars Battlefront 3, but I'm gonna have to really push myself to not support it because I just know EA is gonna fuck it up somehow.  I feel like they were a reason as to why Titanfall was such a barebones title, because they needed that game out as soon as possible.

I think where the '83 crash was a rather bad thing at the time, I feel like a AAA game crash right now would be rather healthy for the industry...Not to say anything about the loss of jobs by people at the companies that go under, but sometimes things need to change even if it is in a very upheaval sort of way.  I'm not someone that is pure indie hype, I do like big budget titles a plenty, but after being bothered by too many broken games, things need to change.  I have to change too in what I buy as I'm a very laidback gamer, but I've hit a point where I need to go "Can I support this company any longer with the decisions they are making?".  That's saying a lot for someone who still gave Battlefield 4 a chance, and while still playing and liking it, was just too much for me to take.  No more Battlefield games and that really sucks to say.

Modern Video Games / Re: 5 3DS Games at $29.99 Starting April 22nd.
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:45:32 pm »
That is pretty awesome, I know some sites here will go lower than that then. Will be pretty sweet.
I want all of those games!

Yeah I want all of them myself, I just don't have 150 bucks to spare on a bunch of 3DS games I won't be playing anytime soon lol  The good thing is that this means also that used prices will go down, so I can possibly consider a few of them later on used for closer to 20 bucks.

Modern Video Games / 5 3DS Games at $29.99 Starting April 22nd.
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:16:46 pm »
It's always great to see Nintendo drop prices on their games because they usually take forever to come down from full price which is annoying, but these are good games here.

New Super Mario Bros 2
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Donkey Kong Returns 3D
Mario Kart 7
Super Mario 3D Land

For myself, I'm considering Mario Kart 7 to kinda get me pumped for Mario Kart 8 coming out at the end of next month.  I'd get more, but I've sorta gone overboard on newer games lately and I have a huge pile of stuff to play and finish, mostly on Wii U, but I still have more on 3DS also.

Off Topic / Re: Japanese Learning
« on: April 14, 2014, 03:43:24 pm »
I started using My Japanese Coach on the DS, but haven't touched it in a few months.  I've probably forgotten everything I learned in it.

How good is something like that? I assume it's not quite the full learning experience and more of an accessory or lead in to deeper learning, but it would be handy.

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