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Messages - kamikazekeeg

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Quick Ebay, not really, especially without the manual or third disk.

General / Re: Store Employees Poaching Games
« on: April 04, 2014, 01:37:19 am »
Hey, you know what Toys'r'Us does to employees who take advantage of their jobs in the store, or who use their employee discount to grab stuff and resell it?


This was one of the very first things the managers drilled into the employees' heads when I started working at a local store several years ago. So if any of these people are doing this then they're breaking corporate policy and can get them fired, if not worse.

It's disgusting.

That is if these places have the same policy.  Smaller, second hand market stores, might not have the same rules.  To some that own them, employees buying them might not matter as long as the stuff is sold, though I imagine most businesses would rather discourage it, since it ends up hurting their customer base.

General / Re: Store Employees Poaching Games
« on: April 04, 2014, 01:02:47 am »
Yeah, really can't be anything other than torn also, as it really just comes down to two collectors trying for the same lot, they are just in the better position.  I think it's a tad scummy if they are taking it all just to then sell it, that kinda just brings it a bit into jerk territory, but I know I've thought about if I worked at a thrift shop and how great it would be to get access to stuff before it goes out lol  I really can't blame them for doing so, it just make it tough for the small time collectors like me.

Awww, the PS1 I got seems to not be working.  It turns on, runs the games, in fact, the system is nearly spotless, like it is in glorious shape, not a spec of dust on it, inside looks great too, but I can't seem to get my controllers to work.  I have two, one that came with this console and it doesn't work at all, no registering.

That sucks. But at least if you really want a good working one, it won't cost much to replace it.

Yeah it's not too big of a deal for what I spent, it was really mostly just gonna be for show when I'm able to put all my consoles out over actually using it as I'd just rather use my PS2 to save on space. 

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 02, 2014, 08:40:30 pm »
After I read that, let me be clear on something that I'm not sure came across right: I know it's not a real animal.

I meant that I find it a little disturbing that people are getting joy from doing violent things to the goat. But now that I think about it, maybe something is wrong with me, since I don't find it the least bit disturbing when I play violent video games about people but I do when it's an animal. Oh well.

Well of course I didn't mean it that way, I just meant that it's such a ridiculous idea, combined with the bogus physics, and crazy set pieces, that it's far too goofy to ever take it in any serious regards that it's "positive portrayal" of animal cruelty.  Even if it was super bloody and violent, I don't think I could see it any other way than just silly.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 02, 2014, 07:30:44 pm »
Am I the only one a little disturbed by positive portrayal of some pretty violent stuff happening to an animal in those trailers?

Probably? I don't know, because it's such an utterly ridiculous and nonsensical game, you really can't take it seriously.  It's such a goofy ass game, where you can become the goat king which allows you to spawn "peasant" goats at will and then you can go and become a demon goat by sacrificing 5 people on a pentagram you find giving you like crazy weird demon type powers.

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: April 02, 2014, 06:24:23 pm »
Those are super awesome pieces! How long did it take you to make those pieces kamikazekeeg?

I did the Mega Man and 8 Bit Hall of Fame one in about a night, but I did the Mega Man title over two nights and then ironed it the next day. I'm not sure of the exact time because I take breaks and stuff, but it's at least 5 to 6 hours for just beading.
That has to be pretty therapeutic. They came out nice though :D

I basically just pop in a podcast and work on them for a few hours straight.  I do get into this kind of zone that way where it's just not a big thing and can do it for awhile, though I have found out that constant nights of doing the large projects start to wear me down and can't keep doing stuff like that as over the past week, I did basically 4 bigger pieces that add up to around 20k in beads and that's alot of time spent beading lol

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: April 02, 2014, 03:00:39 pm »
Those are super awesome pieces! How long did it take you to make those pieces kamikazekeeg?

I did the Mega Man and 8 Bit Hall of Fame one in about a night, but I did the Mega Man title over two nights and then ironed it the next day. I'm not sure of the exact time because I take breaks and stuff, but it's at least 5 to 6 hours for just beading.

I'd say paint it black and then put a big Playstation decal or paint with a stencil over the black  on the side with a familiar Playstation logo.

Awww, the PS1 I got seems to not be working.  It turns on, runs the games, in fact, the system is nearly spotless, like it is in glorious shape, not a spec of dust on it, inside looks great too, but I can't seem to get my controllers to work.  I have two, one that came with this console and it doesn't work at all, no registering.

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: April 02, 2014, 12:04:38 am »
Worked hard the past week or so on some new stuff, most of it to sell at the retro game store I've been going to as the dude loves like custom fan art stuff.  It's really cool knowing my stuff is getting put up lol

With that, I did one specifically for the store which is 8 Bit Hall of Fame down in Bonita Springs, Florida.  It was my longest piece at 35" and around 3500 to 4000 beads.  The second one I just finished and it is epic, my biggest piece by far with 7500 beads and 36" long, the Mega Man title shot from the first game looks amazing.  The third I did last week which is Mega Man from the Rock Man version of the games title screen.  Such big Mega Man pieces and I'm not even a huge fan of the original NES ones lol Good games, but I loved how the art looked.

Popped by a thrift shop that is close by to me, though I rarely seem to ever go there, and I went pretty late in the day, so I expected very little there, but I did find the old large size PS1 system there, with a memory card and non-analog controller, for only 9 bucks after tax.  Don't know if it works yet, but it's more just to have for the collection as I have a PS2 and a PS1 Mini to play the old Playstation games if I want to.

Also found a PS2 Fatty there, but for 34 bucks, it wasn't a real good deal to me, especially since they don't offer refunds and don't say if they are working or not (Unlike the good Salvation Army I usually find stuff at where they specifically say the system works).  I'll take a 9 dollar chance on a broken PS1, but not a 34 dollar chance on a broken PS2 lol

Kamikazekeeg, when I get around to updating my wish list; I will have to get with you because that's something I'm facing is what games are better on PC or console.

Sure thing, I could probably help out with that.

I'm a big PC player myself, generally the games I really like are best on it or only on it such as STALKER, Metro, most Bethesda stuff, but there can be good games on consoles for sure.  Not everything is on Steam, though most of it ends up being on there and it is a really great platform.  There is the downside though of ports that get that shit treatment on PC.  There's a lot of those games that are just terrible on PC.  Mass Effect 1, Borderlands 1, the initial Resident Evil 4 port, Dead Space 1, these are not PC recommended titles.

Most everything has good exclusives on it.  The PS3 does, the 360 does, the Wii U does, the Wii does, there is always something good.  I understand the convenience for sure, I have a massive Steam library, though I am starting to pull back on the digital releases I can unless they are stupid crazy sales and anything in the future that is new that I want will be a physical copy for myself that will most likely end up being steam anyways, but I want more physical titles.

Just on PS3 alone, there's the PSN network that is gonna have the PS1 games, there's HD ports of Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, there's good games like the Uncharted Series, God of War series, 3D Dot Game Heroes which is basically a Zelda ripoff/tribute, and others like Ni No Kuni that I'll recommend on it being Studio Ghibli related alone as I still need to play it lol

I feel like the 360 is a tad lesser in the exclusives department, even if I was a supporter of it during the generation.

It kinda comes down to...What games does he like?  Does he likes shooters? They are the best on PC hands down. Does he want platformers? Generally better on consoles, but there are alot more showing up now on PC with the big 2D indie platformer push.  Action games? Generally better on consoles especially when the ports don't really bring much. Racing is better on consoles, though Sega All Stars Transformed is great on PC. RPG's? Basically just consoles for the most part.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 01, 2014, 02:49:48 am »
Played MGS: Grounds Zeroes last night.  Glad I only rented it from Redbox as it was pretty much what I heard and expected lol I do like the gameplay changes and how the game actually doesn't feel really that clunky anymore.  Stuff I thought was gonna be terrible like the refilling health and Sutherland voice wasn't so bad.  Overall it has me very excited for the game and really hoping it gets a PC release as Kojima showed interest in it.

I think MGS fans kinda did this to themselves.  It was well known that most people bought Zone of the Enders just for the MGS2 demo.  I think they finally just figured "Why bother with the pretext?  Just sell the demo straight out."

Pretty much.  This is obviously like a tutorial level in Phantom Pain that they slapped extra content onto so they could sell it.  If they just released the main section as is, it's basically a demo or at the very most a 5 dollar digital buy for fans to wet their beaks and see what new ideas the Phantom Pain will bring.  I'm not someone that wants to play on every difficulty perfectly, to gather every single item unless it gives me something really cool, and do essentially challenge maps, so 30 bucks for it is ridiculous.

I will give them that the intro for this is kind amazing and I wish I had a PS4 to see it in the best quality, because it's this really awesome, no cut, shot that has to be like 5 minutes long that follows the bad guy, you get a little story, a little intrigue, and then basically seamlessly merges with you as Snake and it was incredibly well done.  Looking up the intro on Youtube, it is actually nearly 10 minutes long.  I was totally into this entire scene.

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