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Messages - kamikazekeeg

Pages: 1 ... 426 427 [428] 429 430 ... 434
Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:35:14 am »
Kill La Kill just finished and it's absolutely over the top ridiculous and I loved it.  At first, it's just this fan service type anime with action, but it's silly and you have some fun with it.  Then it just keeps building and building and getting just more insane and by the end it's this fever pitch of crazy.  If you have seen Gurren Laggan, you get the idea, it's the same company that made that, but it's doing that at a much frenetic pace than I feel Gurren Laggan was.

If you can get past all the extreme and purposefully done fan service at the start, I feel anyone can get into it.  You can watch it on Crunchyroll.

Also, don't think it's nothing but the ladies, this anime is full of near nude equality ;D

(Edited by Foxhack: That GIF is 19 mb! Turned into a link in consideration of those of us with crap download speeds.)

Sorry about the gif, didn't realize it was that massive lol

« on: March 29, 2014, 04:30:30 am »
Pretty fantastic, the coloring is wonderful.

Hit a couple thrift shops on the way down to the retro game store and didn't really find much other than these PC ports of Sonic CD, Sonic R, and Sonic & Knuckles lol.  They are from 1999 and 2000, not sure if they even work, just thought they were kind of cool and they were only a buck because I think the cashier thought they were CD's lol

As for the good stuff, I bought this at the retro game store today.  Wind Waker strategy guide, Warioworld with strategy guide (Never played it, but it looks like it could be a fun 3D platformer, Jak X for my Jak & Daxter collection that I have, but don't know why as I really only just love the first one lol, and Red Faction 2 just to have as I got Red Faction cheap the other day.  Going real old, there's Talespin, a cartoon I love, but never played the game, and Chip & Dale, a real classic.  Also got a loose Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS.  I've not played it before, but I needed it for my collection.  Just need Spirit Tracks and I think I technically have all main releases of Zelda.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 24, 2014, 05:42:04 pm »
Gotten kinda focus on doing my craft stuff and tv show/movie watching at nights, so haven't gamed in abit, but I am playing Assassin's Creed 4 on Wii U.

It is such a damn fine game.  It might rival Red Dead Redemption for my favorite game this generation.  How far are you?

Not as far as I'd like, mostly just been trying to collect as much as I can in Havana right now lol

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: March 24, 2014, 04:55:10 pm »
Gotten kinda focus on doing my craft stuff and tv show/movie watching at nights, so haven't gamed in abit, but I am playing Assassin's Creed 4 on Wii U.

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 24, 2014, 04:04:13 pm »
I don't think they will.  Like you said, he was the driving force, the big face, he's been there since the beginning, he's the voice of the band.  Smoot, as sad as it was him passing, he was newer to the band.  I feel that they are gonna end Gwar and move on.  I don't think I'd want to hear a Gwar without Oderus.

Off Topic / Re: Music thread
« on: March 24, 2014, 05:27:58 am »
Dammit, Gwar singer just passed away yesterday.  Big loss for the metal scene.  That's gotta be real rough for the band after losing their guitarist 2 years ago.  RIP up there in Metal Metal Land.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: March 23, 2014, 09:55:57 pm »
I think even the PC versions of the old ones are gonna be better cause aren't there are mods and newer improvements to the game you can get for the old games? That's more than enough of a reason to me.  I know I'd only recommend Fallout 3 and New Vegas on PC if the option is available lol

General / Re: Video Game Crafts
« on: March 23, 2014, 05:45:33 pm »
I did a bunch of Mario's based on the main NES/SNES Mario's last night for the retro game shop I visited who said he'd be interested in a bunch for the store to show off and to sell for himself and I get trade in credit towards games there which is more than cool with me lol

This one is kinda cool though as it shows big and small mario throughout the early years.

Off Topic / Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« on: March 22, 2014, 10:56:47 pm »
I just finished watching the entirety of the free legally available Kill La Kill episodes on Crunchyroll.


I haven't had a single anime hold this much of an interest in over eight years.

It's a crazier Gurren Laggan and that is saying alot lol It's ridiculous.

Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel (...)


You're gonna learn what true horror is once you pop that game into the console.

Awww, did they not improve over the first one? DID THEY NOT LEARN?! lol

General / Re: Gaming Love/Hate Relationship...
« on: March 22, 2014, 11:43:23 am »
Strategy RPGs. Most of them bore and/or confuse me, but I still feel enticed to try and play them.

Yeah totally.  I still do have good feelings for Warcraft and the old Command & Conquers and can still find enjoyment, but I came to realize at a point that I don't truly like them anymore.  Still have the urge to sorta play them, but I also know that urge won't be long term especially when I get my ass kicked by something lol

General / Re: Gaming Love/Hate Relationship...
« on: March 22, 2014, 11:23:18 am »
Probably need to start up a "Re-sellers can be jerks with their prices" thread since this is getting pretty off topic XD

Yeah I had Mag Max as a kid and liked it - wasn't my favorite, but I remember enjoying it a good bit.  But I saw a review of it not too long ago and it actually looks horrible.  :P

Yeah looking at the review, it's like a really slow space shooter with really bad music, but it's one of those games where I go "Oh, I had that as a kid!", knowing it isn't good, but I still want it lol

Funny enough Ikari Warriors is very similar.  Slow moving shooter with bad music and questionable gameplay.  I apparently didn't have the best of taste as a kid or at least my nostalgia goggles are working overtime into making me think I liked them lol

I love that Twisted Metal large box case.  I had no idea they made a big box for that one.  I've got to get it

Nice finds :)

Twisted Metal 2 is actually my favorite, I already have that, but I was really stoked to find this long box of Twisted Metal cause it's just one of those game boxes that really stands out.  I think they match with the Saturn and Sega CD boxes which I really like.

Today I went to a retro game store opening and had a great time with a little trading and more importantly, I got a CIB of Legend of Zelda on the NES. Pricey for sure, but it's one of those games I've been needing and wanting for a long time, it's the jewel of my Zelda collection, I'm so happy to finally have it along with the gold version of Zelda 2.  I also got Wind Waker HD for a nice price (I still have the digital edition from my Wii U, but can't sell it lol), the Twilight Princess strategy guide for the Wii which is an enormous strategy guide, Pac Man 2, Ikari Warriors 2, Magmax, and GH: Aerosmith cause I'm collecting the Guitar Hero games on PS2 for the heck of it and it's stupid cheap lol

Mostly got Ikari Warriors 2, cause I was wanting the first game, one of those childhood memory ones, but they didn't have it and never played the sequel and Magmax I swear is another childhood memory game that I didn't remember till just now, so I grabbed that.  Don't even know if that one was good or not.

Geez, looking at a review of Mag Max, I totally remember this game now lol Much like Ikari Warriors, you look back on it with nostalgia goggles, but it probably isn't so great lol I still wanted it though, it's just kinda cool to have those games...except for Bible Adventures.  Cause screw that game lol

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