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Messages - thecrypticodor

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Had quite a bit of Paypal loot to burn through so I scooped up quite a bit stuff this last month. Here's some of the more notable of it. Not pictured is The Last Story for the WII which I would have gotten today if it weren't a holiday. Damn you Labor Day!  >:(

Game Gear - Sonic 2 - Streets of Rage 2 - Shining Force The Sword of Hajya
Intellivision - Diner - Popeye
Genesis/MS - Phantasy Star II - Shining Force - Paperboy
WII/GC - Donkey Konga - Super Mario Galaxy 2
other - Tales of Symphonia Chronicles - NES dognone controller - Breath of Fire III

Got a couple of 2600's dirt cheap that were being sold for parts/repair. The six switch just had a cracked solder joint on the cartridge connector that needed to be resoldered. There was actually nothing wrong with the junior. The dummy probably tried to use a NES or Genesis RF switch with it not knowing that it wouldn't work with that. I think six is enough 2600's I'm not going to buy another except for maybe a Coleco Gemeni or two :P

If you want to get a decent turntable cheaply just buy a used one from the 80's. Technics turntables from the 80's can be found way under $100 online. I have a Technics SL-D20 direct drive and a SL-220 both great machines.

Classic Video Games / Re: Anyone collect sealed video games only?
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:32:09 pm »
How I feel about people who collect only sealed games? They're a-holes that care less about enjoying games as entertainment as well as a art form and instead care more about their collectability and supposed rarity. I love it that so many people just reseal games and rip those douche bags off.  :D

Off Topic / Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« on: August 25, 2014, 10:44:58 pm »
I picked a few albums recently.

I found a copy of Samhain's Unholy Passion today at a record shop for $10. Which is a pretty good deal as most Samhain stuff is out of print and usually goes for three times that online.
For those who may be unaware Samhain was a band Danzig formed in between the Misfits and his solo career.  As you can see I digitally blacked out the naughty bits in the photo as I'm not sure whether it would fly here if I posted it in it's full uncensored glory.  ;D

Judas Priest Stained Class was $2.99 at a goodwill.

I also got Mercyful Fate's Into the Unkown and Rush's lasted album Clockwork Angels both from Amazon. I have no ideal why I waited two years to get Clockwork Angels I'm actually a huge Rush fan and have everything they've done and this album in particular is amazing. The best album they've have done since the 80's.

If console modifications count I would bet I'm the only one here with a Intellivsion modded for composite output.

General / Re: Dirtbags like this make me sad and angry!
« on: August 20, 2014, 01:33:07 am »
If he's keeping the discs in the cases I'm not the least bit surprised. It will happen to him again and again until he wises up and keep the disc's behind the counter like what every other savvy store owner does. For the really expensive games he shouldn't even have their cases out either as they're also worth money.

This item isn't even listed on VGCollect...

Descent 3 the Linux version by Loki software.
Funny I was recently playing the Windows version of Descent 3 on linux Mint using Wine.
Have you actually tried to run that on a modern Linux distro? That would be insane if it still worked right out of the box.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Atari 2600 4-Switch Color issue
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:36:12 am »
Are you trying to say that the tint is off? If so there's a color tint adjustment control on the motherboard.
You don't have to open the console to adjust it either. There's a small hole on the bottom of the console you can guide a flat blade screwdriver through and into a hole in the motherboard that’s directly underneath the control to adjust it

Classic Video Games / Re: DOS Games
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:41:31 pm »
Abuse is incredible.

Some other of my favorites include
Descent 1&2
Crusader no Remorse
Jazz Jackrabbit
Shaddow Warrior

Hardware and Tech / Re: PS One Video Issue
« on: July 21, 2014, 01:10:52 pm »
Take the pickup assembly out of the one that is reading and put it in the one that doesn't.
Definitely it's really simple to do just unplug the two cables that connect the drive to the motherboard and swap it over.

From what I always heard about these test units is that they're supposedly region free and boot burned games.

Classic Video Games / Re: Your number 1 game of all time?
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:50:17 pm »
Not really sure Probably either Metal Gear Solid 3 or Half Life 2.


Stopped in few Goodwills and they had Diablo 1&2 as well as the Lords of destruction expansion pack all complete so I scooped them up. Also Picked up Quake II and all those PSP and Xbox games and ICO from another thrift store Everything $3-4 bucks each.

Also picked up some stuff on ebay

Xenoblade Chronicles $60
Zelda PH $15
Eternal Darkness $20
Frankensteins Monster and Airlock together $20
Mountain King $4
Fast Food $5

Classic Video Games / Re: My 8-Bits: Mattel Intellivision
« on: June 22, 2014, 06:45:39 pm »
Cool write-up, as always! Thanks.

As a collector that may not have the fortune and funds you have available, what would make me want to buy this over a Colecovision (and keeping in my mind I already have an Atari 2600)? Are there are any "must-have" exclusives for the Intellivision that makes it an essential purchase over a Colecovision?
They're both very different beasts. The ColecoVision is known for it's fantastic conversions of popular arcade games of the time. The Intellivision was better known for it's more ambitious and sometimes even experimental lineup of original tittles that were generally more complex than most of what was available for both the ColecoVision and the 2600. The Intellivsion has early examples of strategy, simulation, RPG and dungeon crawlers as well as some very good arcade conversions as well.

The Advanced Dungeons and Dragon games are fantastic and are still a blast to play.

Classic Video Games / Re: unknown video game facts #1
« on: May 27, 2014, 10:43:10 pm »

Rumor has it that they are planning to make a new console. But judging from word of them putting there current line up on it, it may sadly be only an android console. One can only hope.
There's a ColecoVision flashback coming out soon maybe that's what you heard.

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