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Messages - doafan

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 [67] 68 69 ... 83
General / Re: November 2015 - The Calm before the Holiday Storm
« on: November 06, 2015, 11:10:07 am »
Am kinda poor right now but still managed to add another title to my collection, in fact I purchased this title this past 1st of November but totally forgot to add it, never had a chance to play the two first titles and even before didn't saw or read a review about BloodRayne: Betrayal decided to give it a try and only because it was very cheap, paid $ 2.45 bucks for it, after the purchase started to watch some reviews of it and only found one negative but I totally believe that the reviewer is an asshole that doesn't know how to play  >:(

General / Re: Games you were hyped about leading up to their release.
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:58:34 am »
With a lot of shame have to admit that Resident Evil 6 was one of this titles, managed to purchase the Archives version but the results were not the expected, the game is practically keeping dust in a shoe box isolated from the rest of my titles because I really don't want it to play it again in the other hand there are good games that made me hyped at their moment like Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 I didn't went to work the day that this titles were released and all the fucking days I were talking about them before and even after had my copies, Parasite Eve 2 was another one of these, loved the first one but so decided to give this one a try and didn't disappointed me, the bath scene at this moment is at my top 5 of all times, Silent Hill 4 was another one, practically every time that I was around the store asked the seller if the game already arrived  ;D

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:40:03 pm »
For once, we have a guarantee that it won't be Cena since he has a new reality show he's the star of that he's filming, and is taking time off for it.

Sir you have just done my day, that's the best new that I have heard in all day.

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: November 05, 2015, 07:14:34 pm »
WOW! Seth Rollins ****** his knee up badly and is gonna be out for NINE months, they stripped him of the title already.

Just wondering who is gonna be the new champ and most of all in which event they will decide who will be the new owner of this one, don't want to see Cena again with it and do really hope that they give Reigns a chance for the title  ;)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 05, 2015, 01:14:24 pm »
I'm a huge Suda 51 fan I'd suggest Shadows of the Damned far over Killer is Dead. the Characters in Shadows of the Damned are just great the banter between Garcia F**king Hotspur and Johnson is Hilarious

Didn't resisted the temptation so yesterday saw some images of this game and it's quite "interesting", can't wait to reach this stage and see what the hell is wrong with Laura I didn't saw any videos cause really don't want any spoiler right now  ;)

Shadow of the Damned is much like Lollipop Chainsaw

Trust me when I say that's this is all I need to know  ;D

but I believe it's cheap, so it shouldn't be a big deal to get.  Probably would be fitting to get alongside Killer is Dead, but I never played that one.

And you are right I saw a complete and mint copy for only $ 10.24 at ML, need to talk with the seller ASAP  8)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 04, 2015, 08:18:41 pm »
I need to go back and beat this game.  I only put a couple hours in before I think I got sidetracked, but it was fun.  I like goofy, over the top, games like this.  Shadow of the Damned was another that had some fun moments, in particular that section that is basically a love letter to Evil Dead lol

You should need to give it another try, purchased Metroid: Other M after this one and this game is still at the box, lol, by the way a friend told me that I need Shadow of the Damned at my collection but to be quite honest haven't heard or read any review about it so how good is it ?, I'm planning to get Killer is Dead but if you convince me I'll totally put this last one at the wish list  8)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: November 04, 2015, 08:02:39 pm »
Hard to admit it but have been playing Lollipop Chainsaw all days since I purchased this title, why ?, well because it's fucking hilarious, Resident Evil 5 and 6 killed my love for the zombies but this game totally made me recover this emotion for these creatures also Juliet costumes are perfect for a perv like myself am currently trying to get all of them but the most sexy are first of course and last I do want to unlock all the achievements for this one, am glad that this one doesn't have that kind of impossibles, just need to play a lot and complete some normal situations to get them, already have 41 of the 50 that this title has  ;D 

It took me a while but finally have received my copy of Metroid: Other M, this title has created a lot of controversy about if it's good or bad so have to admit that I had my doubts about this purchase but two things took my attention, the first one is that this title at the timeline is the "continuation" of Super Metroid and the events of it are before Metroid Fusion and since these two games are my favorites didn't have another choice to add it into my collection, the second reason is that Team Ninja was the developer of this game and am a big fan of the DOA girls, well don't have to say that I didn't resisted the temptation of seeing Samus in her Zero Suit, paid only $ 16.30 bucks for it so really it wasn't that expensive  ;D

General / Re: Item(s) you regret trading/selling/giving away
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:30:35 pm »
Well I have a couple of bad decisions but the worst two are the following:

* I sold my SNES Jr. with the Super Mario World, Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Samurai Shodown because wanted to have a Playstation and be able to play the Resident Evil 3, Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Silent Hill
* The second one was when I sold to EB Games my copy of X-Men vs. Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter both from the PS1 just to purchase the Marvel vs Capcom for the same console and now those two game are kinda rare and expensive.

Off Topic / Re: Wrestling Thread!
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:28:37 am »
Wasn't able to post my impressions about the event cause I took the day off yesterday so lets begin.

* Alberto del Rio was a big surprise since he spoke some bad things about is retirement and the management when he was part of WWE months ago, didn't saw his performance when he entered this company but have to admit that this fight was good enough for me, every guy that can kicks Cena's ass have my respects, kinda ironic that a Mexican has now the US Championship.
* The best fight without a doubt was the one of Reigns and Wyatt, this two finally have settle up a complete match alone, was expecting to see Dean Ambrose or some of Wyatt's friends outside the cell, not to help them but to give them some external support but this doesn't mean that the match was bad, damn when I saw the kendo sticks did remember The Sandaman from the ECW, miss this guy.
* WWE Tag Team Championship Match what can I say the Dudley's deserved to win this one, I was yelling like when I was 15 cause these dudes were part of my childhood so they got all my support anyway gotta love what the referee did was expecting to see a disqualification because that was part of the cheat and steal tactics from Eddie Guerrero, really can't wait to see them with the belts.
* About the Charlotte vs Bella fight I didn't saw this fight, took that time to shave, why ? cause I'm not a big fan of the divas, at least not the new ones I was a big fan when China, Lita, Trish, Stacy, Mickie James or even Candice Michelle were part of them, these ones doesn't convince me.
* Rollins vs Kane well this is another match that I did see at least not complete, really don't know about the deal with these two and really don't care, was expecting to see another match between Cena and Seth after all he still has the chance to claim for the belt well I guess so, haven't seen RAW or Smackdown lately so am not quite sure if this already happened.
* Was disappointed with the performance of Goldberg I mean Rayback, for a moment expected to see a new Intercontinental Champion but don't get the wrong idea, Kevin Owens is one of my top 5 wrestlers right now, love his career even when some months ago I didn't knew about his existence until I saw a match between him and Matt Hardy at ROH, am glad that he still remain as a champ.
* Undertaker vs Lesner: what can I say, already read that a lot of people loved this match, am sad to say that I don't share this emotion, the dead man is old and time is something that nobody can beat and this was part of the results of his fight, do not get the wrong idea but this is exactly the same situation that we saw at the last WWE event at the fight between Sting and Rollins when a doctor had to enter the ring to see his condition, loved the way that all the people give support and am intrigued about the appearence of Wyatt, for a moment was expecting that these dudes kinda give the Taker some tribute.

Go back a page or two and it mentions how I got this lucky. :)

3 bucks for 6 sealed titles where five of them are pretty rare and expensive right now, damn you bastard (no offense) I do envy you a lot but in the good way, the only good thing is that this granny didn't went first with Rick Harrison cause am pretty sure that this mothafucka wouldn't paid this amount for these titles  >:(

They are all unopened.  :o

Holly shit and I was thinking that I made a good deal with my latest addition, your purchase indeed is epic  ;)

Holly shit are those Game Cube Zelda titles new ?  :o

It took me a while but finally managed to get my copy of Lollipop Chainsaw for the 360, being a zombie fan this game cannot be outside of my library, being honest the true is that I want to see Juliet in her Sexy Rider Suit outfit but definitely didn't wanted to purchased a new one or even pay more than 25 bucks for it so I searched and was able to found a used one at Mercado Libre for the price of $ 14.48, it was a pretty good deal since it is in a very nice condition and the best part is that the seller gave me the chance to pay it in two weeks  8)


Some of the stuff here I've had for a while. I just never got around to posting.

Damn there are indeed pretty good additions and no offense but the way you used to take the image is fucking amazing just wondering if the one at back of the Mario NES cartridge is a N64  ???

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