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Messages - bizzgeburt

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I actually didn't spend any money on games for about 4 months now ... had to buy some LEGO-sets for my stepdaughters birthday  8)

Only little something I accquired was a trashy Poker Game for PS2 (World Series of Poker, german version) which I didn't even pay for cause it was a swap.

...and 5 Super Mario Bros. PEZ-dispensers in a packaging I didn't had so far ...  :D !!!
Actually decoration ...

General / Re: How do you prefer your Sonic games? 2D or 3D?
« on: September 03, 2024, 05:27:14 am »
I don't see myself as a "huuuuuge" fan of the sonic-franchise, but I played some titles, 2D and 3D alike. I personally prefer the 8bit and 16bit Sonic-games. The only enjoyable feature of later (3D) releases for me was training chao's  ::)

Sonic-games on MasterSystem or Genesis/MegaDrive are classic platformers, especially the first two main-titles, with later titles emphasizing more on dashing and speed - I personally like exploring stages and collecting everything I can reach, so the more fast paced titles kind of spoil this for me.
Nervertheless, I confess to like Sonic-games in general. Some more, some less ...

General / Re: Is there any hope for this site?
« on: August 29, 2024, 04:28:51 am »
Is it just me, or does it seem like interest in gaming is on the decline in general? I feel like there's less interest in gaming on sites like Youtube even, with most gaming content being rage bait or some pedantic video about some currently trendy game or series. I guess it all just kinda bums me out and makes me wish things were the way they were back in 2013/2014 when the zeitgeist felt like a bunch of people who were excited about gaming, both new and old, and tracking down games from their past.

Gaming is fully commercialized now. In times many collectors and gamers grew up in, most games had a little magic to them, everything was new and the 1st of it's kind. I personally experienced different phases during my lifetime in which the nostalgia for the games that I grew up with was very high. I started collecting videogames when the 2nd wave of nostalgia kicked in during my late 20s. Maybe it's a demografic issue as well.  :o dunno. These are just some thoughts about it. ... it seemed to me as if during covid/lockdowns people started to radically hunt the retro games market for many of them sat at home bored, having time for such things for the first time. I know many people who started collecting during that time. Nowadays we experience the first wave of those people already quit collecting for several different reasons ... prices in europe were at an all-time-high for the past 2-3 years, now they slowly start to lower down again never to return back to where they were in 2017  :P. Anyways, my main suggestion on why so many people left this forum is, that forums in general are kind of obsolete today. We're getting old and we should start accepting it!  ;D

General / Re: Is there any hope for this site?
« on: August 21, 2024, 10:25:51 am »

Most people post their thoughts to the annual 52 Games Challenge topic, whether they intend to actually try to complete that goal or not. There is also this general games review topic for anyone to use.

Thanks! I guess I'll work out something about my personal gaming projects, such as finishing every Final Fantasy game in my collection.

Returning to the subject of this thread - is there any activity of this community on social media that's capable of recruiting some more members for the site? Maybe some fresh blood can save this herd from going extinct  8) ?
I personally consider this site one of the go-to ones when it comes to easy ways of keeping track of your game collection, I'd actually recommend it for that. Especially the opportunity to add information myself to help this database being accurate is a huge plus imo. ...

My assumption is that there're definitely some potential new users for VGC somewhere out there, but they need to know that this site exists ...

General / Re: Is there any hope for this site?
« on: August 21, 2024, 09:25:33 am »
I'd actually love to show more activity in this forum, but honestly spoken: Most topics discussed here other than internals simply don't interest me enough for me to reply to or I simply lack anything noteable to say about it  :o  I'd be able to post/reply way more often if there were more retro gaming topics  ;D

by the way: Is there any thread in here where I can submit reviews and such?

yours still reading (mostly) silently,


General / Re: Where do you buy your retro games from these days?
« on: August 16, 2024, 03:15:53 am »
I have two main sources for retro games:

1. is a local buy/rebuy shop for videogames founded in 1990. This shop is an institution when it comes to retro games in my area. I bought Donkey Kong Country 2 there ... on it's release day!  8) Horst, the owner of the shop, is my 1st go-to when it comes to games for my collection. His prices are always slightly below internet and the money he pays for games you sell there are reasonable. I tried many alternatives but always find myself coming back to this shop!  8)

2. Annualy I visit a RetroGamesCon in Heidelberg, Germany - prices are  :-X , but I found many rare games there, especially sealed PS1 RPG's.

Classic Video Games / Re: Croc is coming back apparently.
« on: August 06, 2024, 04:34:52 am »
I'm still waiting on Gex and Tak to return.

That seems questionable to me due to the fact that the character of Tak is associated with Nickelodeon - at least that's what I'd suggest for it was a animated tv show before it was adapted as videogames for several platforms ...

prove me wrong, pls  :P

Classic Video Games / Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« on: July 09, 2024, 03:45:32 am »
Both are bad games.

This is something I can't quite confirm - Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II has quite a good reputation as a racing game of it's time, being one of the favorite childhood games of David Hamilton  8)

I don't play racing games either but I wouldn't consider it bad just because I for myself don't like/play it :D Compared to games of it's genre and platforms, Super Monaco GP II remains a top notch racer.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: June 20, 2024, 05:45:28 am »
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy Origins on PSX. This is part of my attempt to finish all Final Fantasy Games in Collection. I allready beat Final Fantasy I on easy and normal mode (this collection features two different difficulties) and Final Fantasy II on easy mode. After squeezing in beating Final Fantasy Legend on GB, I started a "normal" game of Final Fantasy II. Being at almost 70 hrs now, I'm quite near to the end, with a lot of leveling and grinding ahead of me  8)

After that, I plan on playing Final Fantasy Legend II and III on GB and going on to the next title (Final Fantasy Anthology).

This attempt seems quite repetitive, so I will squeeze in shorter games in between the FF titles I play, for I don't want to get bored half the way through. I MUST finish my PSX-RPG's before the Discs "die" on me again  :'( ...

Best casino game I played so far is "Casino Games" for SEGA Master System  :P

A fake slot machine is ALWAYS much better than the real thing too :)

I actually do LIKE gambling ... as long as there's none of my hard earned involved  8) I always loved finding casinos in RPGs ...

Classic Video Games / Re: RPG (Role Playing Game) Maker chat thread
« on: June 13, 2024, 04:36:31 am »
Hello Jason,

I use RPG-Makers for about 20 years now, mainly on PC and Later RPG-Maker MV for PS4, so I can't tell anything about the PS1-Version, especially as this version was never released in the region I live in.
But I found an interesting FAQ on this topic at gamefaqs, so maybe you check it out here:

Good luck!


Best casino game I played so far is "Casino Games" for SEGA Master System  :P

General / Re: Classic Console Call Of Duty Mostly Explained 6th Gen
« on: December 13, 2023, 09:27:23 am »
First of all, a bolt-action rifle isn't semi-automatic, it's a repeating rifle. The Gewehr 41 and 43 were semi-automatic, but were far from being the standard issued rifle of the Wehrmacht. Most of them ran around wielding Kar98k's ...

Second: If you consider "Finest Hour" the hardest CoD, I assume you never played CoD 5 aka World at War on veteran difficulty ... storming the Reichstag, dying yourself from checkpoint to checkpoint ...  8)

Hardware and Tech / Re: Playstation Portal
« on: November 20, 2023, 06:36:23 am »
It seems like there are a lot of people out there not really enjoying the Portal but it seems like its mostly people who either had unrealistic expectations or a total misunderstanding on how remote play works. I've put about 10 hours into Final Fantasy XVI on the portal and my experience has been nothing short of flawless. I'm really loving this device and the amount of playstation gaming i do is about to take a huge upswing.

My Portal arrived thursday but I didn't get to playing it much bc I was on a weekend trip. My impression is quite the same. I didn't have unrealistic expectations about this device and I enjoy using it. Screen works awesome, even when playing shooters, I'm really amazed by the graphics on this "little" tab ... (It's actually a behemoth of an handheld).  8)

Hardware and Tech / Re: Playstation Portal
« on: November 16, 2023, 09:47:42 am »
My package arrives in a few minutes, running late :D I'm excited to try it out.

Is PlayStation Portal already submited as item on vgc ?

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