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Messages - necrosexual

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General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 09, 2016, 02:51:43 pm »
i got gifted a giant best buy gift card.
and when i went on the site... well, let me tell you, the moment i saw 'price match guarantee' i knew i was in for the longest haul of price manipulation fucking ever.

but tbh their selection of games is pretty slim, and PMG is only for new titles. balls. ;/
and they don't sell cherry mx blue switch keyboards or i'd just get that instead, and even then, i will never fucking buy a razer keyboard again and iirc, that's all they sold.

now i'm kinda wanting to sit around and wait out for a decent sale but... the only best buy near me has always been kinda inaccessible to me for a travel reason until recently. used to always be 11+ miles out.
so i have no idea when their sales are typically.

so i'm contemplating waiting for a sale, buying a couple $50 ebay cards (lmao) or -maybe- getting that fucking gamer club shit and a newer game with it, then using that store for my preorder from here out. or getting $100 psn credit and beefing up my PS classics list and giving my vita a lot of love and affection. (and by that i mean 'waiting for PSN sales which i can predict easier than BB sales')
thoughts? someone here has to use best buy more than my ass does, and the effort involved in using that price match online is too damn much. i'd just get shit shipped to me otherwise.


To be fair 100K is a bit much especially if you would go the good games road only.

One needs to have a really huge and nice collection for 100K

To be fair I would also sell my collection for 100K because I could easily buy everything back for full ebay price and make allot of profit. But just imagine having a collection that is actually worth 100K.

If you have such value in a collection you pretty much have all the good games for all the main consoles probably all cib.

You collection would be pretty much complete you'll have store signs etc, people with such collection see things in a different way.

If I had such collection I would be pretty deep in it, I'm pretty sure that there is pretty much nothing left to collect for unless i went the neo geo road or go for proto types, and other autograph collectables and development units.

100K is pretty big especially if you only collect the better games and not in filler titles since those usually not count in value.

100K is not a collection that one will easily aquire. It is a step in the right way for getting an elite collection and it is definitly not a feet that every collector will accomplish. I'm pretty curious what my collection will look like in the future though :p

My point is that one cannot  say that they want to sell their collection for 100K in a heart beat while their collection is actually worth for example 3k to 10K

Everyone wants to do that but there are not many people who have such a collection. Do not underestimate it since 100K is pretty much having everthing good except for truly rare and expensive stuff ::)

Selling a collection wich is worth for example 10K at most for a 100K That's just cheating :o

i think most people wouldn't want to sell their $100k collection 'in a heartbeat' and if it wasn't for surgeries, i highly doubt i'd ever ever say the same. but the quality of life i would have with those surgeries vs the quality of life with a fuckload of vidya (mind you, $100k would mean i wouldn't have to find another country, i could even stay in the states, tho atm i'm looking at other countries... the USA is simply too expensive to get surgery in) would be enough for me to seriously consider selling $50-60k of stock... tbh, i only would need $60k to ensure all my bills during recovery are covered, and to get the surgeries in other countries (and would of course pay for the flight/boarding).

in my particular life circumstance, my life would be much better if i had those surgeries, than a bunch of vidya. it affects my life in a lot of nuanced ways, from social to occupational to mental and physical.

as far as coming into $10k being 'easy' or whatever, i can't say the same for my age bracket and general other health/mental issues. so $10k is quite a fucking chunk of change for me. one can say it is if they're healthily out of poverty, but one doesn't fall into poverty by choice, usually, lmao. and once you're there, climbing back out is easier said than done.
i'm working on it, mind you, but ye. probably easy for many here to say $10k is an easy grab, but yeah.

(and fwiw, the only reason i chalk my collection to being higher than $3-5k is because i am the owner of one of those hyperdimension neptunia re;birth 1 LEs that came 1/1000.
that fucker is worth a lot and HDN fans are insane.
mine is used, but it's all like new.))

I do see your point 10K is not easily aquired by everyone and medical bills are important if one has some handicap or ilness It's priority number one.

I just see allot of people selling their collection for around 10K and go on a vacation for a month or 2 that's a waste in my eyes.

My collection is worth allot more than 10K but I won't sell it, money ain't an issue aside that it won't be a life chancer for me.

Well to be fair it definitly would be a life chancer but the only thing that would chance big time is that I would quit collecting for good since I sold it all and I guess I would play way less games. There is no reason to go back it will take way to long to get nice stuff for cheap especially in excellent shape cib,

I do wonder what I would do in my spare time though  ::)

i'd probably go back to collecting after haha.
but probably much more limited than now. ie, only games i truly -want-. some of the super rares i want, for instance. i'd prolly never amass a video game armystore worth ever again fo' sho'.
i'd basically say, ay, i have like $30k left over.

time to spend it on the ones i want back and the rest can stay gone

i like having a bunch of dust collectors what can i say.

but yeah, selling $10k worth for a vacation is a bit silly imo. like as kickass as it would be to idk, go to the UK for a few weeks, i'll, ehm, pass.

General / Re: Hope this isnt a new trend
« on: July 09, 2016, 01:26:27 am »
You could of just waited for a review. Most games today are not even worth buying day one anyway.

I can't speak for others, but I never read (much less trust) "professional" reviews. I put more weight into word of mouth from close friends and other gamers. Also, I know my taste in games and a "professional" reviewer's attempt at humor and biting wit isn't going to persuade or dissuade me from picking something up.

Also (again), I think that if there's a game you want to play then it's absolutely worth picking up on day one.

as someone else who plays niche games, tho, i mean, critics are extremely hard on niche jrpg type titles. they trash all kinds of games i fucking love. i remember tales of the abyss got a 6/10 in game informer... it's in my top 10 of all time tho.
pokemon mystery dungeon got a 3/10. i enjoyed that a lot when i had it. i need to rebuy it.

so there's a general distrust of professional reviewers in the niche community. if you prefer AAA titles, not niche ones, then yes, there is far more stock to be placed in a professional review. they aren't as harsh on AAA titles unless those titles really are absolute dogshit.

re: preorder discussion, you guys must not play a lot of niche games because once you get in that dog-eat-dog world, finding the games months after the release is hard as dicks. esp if you prefer brick-and-mortar stores, so you can check out the case and contents before you buy for imperfections... it gets really hard. and gamestop has a horrible tendency to have a game wiped out of their system and reappear much later (devil survivor overclocked, for a long, LONG time, was NOT in their system... it suddenly reappeared tho and now i see it everywhere).

if it's a game like sorcery saga: curse of the curry god... good fucking luck. haven't seen that game in a gamestop since the day it came out. i regret not preordering. same for mind=0. looking them up, two gamestops near me have these games. they are both 11 miles from me... in opposite directions.

gonna go up and preorder 7th dragon code iii tomorrow in fact lmao. because i want that little art book. also, i imagine it's another 'disappeared to the void' game.

anyway, on topic, as for prices dropping fast, if a game is not a vvvv niche jrpg/vis novel, i never buy at full price. it's also why my wii u has like... no games. if the prices don't drop, i probably don't bother. i'll get them when they're being phased out of gamestop and the prices drop to the bottom of the sea. i regret like fuck not grabbing both baiten kaitos titles at gamestop when GCN was phased out. they were $5 a piece. beating the fuck out of myself everyday for it.
but vvv niche titles are worth preordering even if you don't want to play them that very day... chances are, when you want to, you'll be shit outta luck finding them (HDN re;birth 2, for example, i had to drive out 30 miles for. worth it, but still)

it is really hard, tho, because online-only games... the community either
a) will leave you the fuck behind if you jump in late
b) will be dead by the time the price drops [which is why it drops]
so it's really hard to gauge how online-only type games will do. unless it's... splatoon, which ofc was going to keep a thriving online, as one of very, very few online titles on the wii u that's worth half a shit. or CoD, which, again, keeps its communities for ages, guaranteed. the sad fact is, tho, is a lot of online-only games are designed to try to force you to play from day 1, they're designed to leave newbies in the dust, to encourage a fuckload of day-1/week-1 sales. because if you buy a game with tiers and upgrades as an integral part of the game three months post-release... well, you're fucking behind from the get-go and it's a lot of grinding and general bullshit to catch back up.

thus why a game like bloodborn, releasing at a bad time, in an flooded genre like MOBA is right now, has seen a fuckload of returns and a price drop...
and also, realistically, one can only play one online game at a time. you have to be pretty dedicated. online games (esp MOBAs) are perfect for those who only pick up a game a month or one every three months. and what game is successful depends on hype and marketing.

edit: shit, i didn't realise i had accidentally clicked page 2.
i'm really sorry for the thread resurrection, gomen gomen.

Marketplace / Re: PlayStation 1 games for sale!
« on: July 09, 2016, 01:01:53 am »
ahhhh crap. shit.

if the tomb raiders are all still up for grabs by the end of next week (gotta do finances after wednesday) then i'll be shooting you a PM by next friday... the black label ones, i don't have greatest hits in my collection.
been looking for them and i only find them in shitty condition.

Classic Video Games / Re: First video game you ever played?
« on: July 08, 2016, 09:44:17 pm »
super mario world, according to mi madre.
now, i don't remember it, i was fucking a 1 year old lmao.

the first i remember distinctly tho was either super mario kart or tetris attack.

can't say i've played enough of FF6
and i have never played chrono trigger (dodging flames now)

so between super mario rpg and earthbound...
i like them both a lot. uh... shit.

my aunt had earthbound, i had SMRPG as a kid.
my aunt still owns earthbound and the guide, mind you. i tried buying them off her. no dice.

but i remember being entranced by that game. very intrigued, because the four character following was so unique to me and the battle system was just... yeah.
i really fucking wanted to play. she never let me, fear of me saving over her file, so i had to play it later in life but i really wanted to play that fucking game.

SMRPG got me into rpgs tho. i still own my copy and for a while i played it once a year. it's so easy tho, it's incredibly easy to breeze through. hmm...

ugh, i'll have to say SMRPG because of memories and stuff. nostalgia is heavy here.
but earthbound is hella close.

i have played a bit off FF6 tho, it is fantastic.
i need to play CT, just haven't.


To be fair 100K is a bit much especially if you would go the good games road only.

One needs to have a really huge and nice collection for 100K

To be fair I would also sell my collection for 100K because I could easily buy everything back for full ebay price and make allot of profit. But just imagine having a collection that is actually worth 100K.

If you have such value in a collection you pretty much have all the good games for all the main consoles probably all cib.

You collection would be pretty much complete you'll have store signs etc, people with such collection see things in a different way.

If I had such collection I would be pretty deep in it, I'm pretty sure that there is pretty much nothing left to collect for unless i went the neo geo road or go for proto types, and other autograph collectables and development units.

100K is pretty big especially if you only collect the better games and not in filler titles since those usually not count in value.

100K is not a collection that one will easily aquire. It is a step in the right way for getting an elite collection and it is definitly not a feet that every collector will accomplish. I'm pretty curious what my collection will look like in the future though :p

My point is that one cannot  say that they want to sell their collection for 100K in a heart beat while their collection is actually worth for example 3k to 10K

Everyone wants to do that but there are not many people who have such a collection. Do not underestimate it since 100K is pretty much having everthing good except for truly rare and expensive stuff ::)

Selling a collection wich is worth for example 10K at most for a 100K That's just cheating :o

i think most people wouldn't want to sell their $100k collection 'in a heartbeat' and if it wasn't for surgeries, i highly doubt i'd ever ever say the same. but the quality of life i would have with those surgeries vs the quality of life with a fuckload of vidya (mind you, $100k would mean i wouldn't have to find another country, i could even stay in the states, tho atm i'm looking at other countries... the USA is simply too expensive to get surgery in) would be enough for me to seriously consider selling $50-60k of stock... tbh, i only would need $60k to ensure all my bills during recovery are covered, and to get the surgeries in other countries (and would of course pay for the flight/boarding).

in my particular life circumstance, my life would be much better if i had those surgeries, than a bunch of vidya. it affects my life in a lot of nuanced ways, from social to occupational to mental and physical.

as far as coming into $10k being 'easy' or whatever, i can't say the same for my age bracket and general other health/mental issues. so $10k is quite a fucking chunk of change for me. one can say it is if they're healthily out of poverty, but one doesn't fall into poverty by choice, usually, lmao. and once you're there, climbing back out is easier said than done.
i'm working on it, mind you, but ye. probably easy for many here to say $10k is an easy grab, but yeah.

(and fwiw, the only reason i chalk my collection to being higher than $3-5k is because i am the owner of one of those hyperdimension neptunia re;birth 1 LEs that came 1/1000.
that fucker is worth a lot and HDN fans are insane.
mine is used, but it's all like new.))

Famicom and Super Famicom games. It's already happening in Japan. Game stores used to be full of old stuff, but it's mostly been picked up by resellers on eBay. The cheap games are slowly rising in price as American gamers are learning about all the cool stuff over there. Japanese versions of the same games we have used to be cheaper than the US versions, even with shipping. That's not necessarily the case anymore.

in japan it used to be cheaper, all CIB too. i've seen vids of japanese stores with CIB FF super famicom games going for the equivalent of like $15 there.
fucking insane.

if i could read japanese i'd be really interested in japanese rpgs and would rather collect for super famicom, for sure. cheaper on my wallet and same game. alas, i can't and studying only does 'so much'.

Off Topic / Re: Which do you like best, Beef or Milk?
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:39:22 pm »
i do like vanilla cashew milk tho

How do you milk a cashew?

it's not milked lmao
it's ground up very finely and added to water.
it's pretty good.

almond milk is also very good if you like almond flavour. both nut milks are pretty good.
the vanilla versions just add vanilla over that flavour and ye, idk, i like it over (cow) milk for sure. esp in cereal. i don't get it often, it's kinda expensive (~$3 for a quart) but worth it on occasion.

only problem is, like i said, it doesn't cook well. curdles way faster and doesn't do what... what milk does in baking recipes. i'm not entirely sure, i'm not a baker, but i know it's pretty much impossible to use for cooking purposes.

Off Topic / Re: Do you dip your grilled cheese in ketchup?
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:32:24 pm »
tomato soup yeah

but ketchup? that sounds... not awful but weird as fuck.
tomato soup tho? it remelts the cheese. good as fuck. i eat it all the time. easy to make and tastes like comfort and cheap gold. love this shit.

Modern Video Games / Re: Upcoming Niche Japanese Games
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:29:39 pm »
I agree, Ys VIII is one of the main games I've been hoping for a localization announcement on.

Now a question - I've been considering adding a mention to the games that are digital only in the US but have an Asian English physical release. Is this something you guys would be interested in?

won't speak for everyone but i would be.
esp vita titles.

General / Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:20:16 pm »
I dont know about you all, but I wish football season would hurry up. This time of the year is pretty much only baseball season, and you can only watch so much baseball.

as a man who likes winter and also works pizza delivery

i can second this, because 'football season' = a fuckload of deliveries = more money in my pocket.

I'm gonna answer that second question first, because I can collect my thoughts on that one.  I've known people who have sold their collection, and they had mighty collections.  Then a year or two later they start collecting again.  Only one person have I seen not revert back to collecting, but I think collecting ruined a relationship for him, so maybe he knows better or something.  On several occasions I have thought about selling my collection and doing something more "productive", but the only "productive" thing I can think to do is to go back into game design, which wouldn't be bad.  I've got the skills, knowledge, and tools to make games, and I'm an approved Wii U developer by Nintendo.  I've just never done anything with that knowledge short of proof of concepts and prototypes.  I usually get something working and playable, have some folks test it, say it's great, and then I stop working on it. 

I don't think I'll ever sell my collection, but I could see one day down the line, getting fed up and selling off more than half of my collection.  I was pretty burnt out with collecting... back in... 2014?  Maybe it was 2015.  I did most of my "online" collecting through a fairly prominent Facebook group, it wasn't a very good group, admins were always power tripping and scamming folks.  Eventually I got fed up and continuously called the admins on their shit until I started getting banned from other groups because the admins threatened to ban their groups members if they didn't ban me.  I pretty much don't do any of that group BS any more.  I pretty much stopped collecting for about 6 months because of it.  The main leader of that group is relatively local to me.  So I stopped going to places I knew I might run into him at, because I have temper problems and the guy is like 4' 8" and I'd be too tempted to throw his Bobby Lee looking midget ass.  He later opened up a shop another city over, he massively scammed hundreds of folks over stuff like NWC carts and stuff.  I wanna say this whole thing was mentioned on some prominent podcasts.  People threatened to kill him and burn down his store, so he shut down his store for a while, renamed the business, and now he pretty much doesn't leave his store and he sends his cronies to flea markets and stuff to get more stuff to scam folks with.  Guy was a real Crook, fam.

As for burnout... Sometimes.  Usually burnout revolves around one thing or another for me.  I was pretty burnt out after playing through the entire Assassin's Creed franchise recently, I think I took a day or two and stopped playing games altogether and then I did a kind of pallet cleanser and played some random games.  Sometimes I just get tired of playing altogether and I'll spend a day or two just watching Netflix or something.
Thank you for your honesty.

"ruined a relationship for him"
Hmm.. I mean I have some ideas, but how?

"I've known people who have sold their collection, and they had mighty collections.  Then a year or two later they start collecting again."

I think it's quite a bizarre phenomenon. I can understand selling your collection when you're young and regretting it later, or just needing sell for the finances/family obligations in semi-adulthood. But to just sell off randomly like its purge then rebuy; then damn..., some even sell the collection again?

Idk I just find pretty weird/strange to me, and usually pretty hush hush when its mentioned as to why?, or not given much detail/depth. Some of them howeverwhen they sell off their collection, they just disappear basically or some have almost like a kind of "religious" (metaphorical terms)  fanatical negative outlook on anything about, or related to video games, or those "who play" video games after they sell off. Sometimes as I said but usually just go cold turkey and disappear, still worth mentioning.

ngl if i could 'purge' my collection for $100k and turn around and get the surgeries i need and another $40k to spend on recovery efforts (pay off a full year lease to landlords, repair my car for the return to the workforce (new engine, new clutch, some aesthetic repairs while i'm at it) and things like that) i would probably do it in a heartbeat.
but my surgeries are considered aesthetic surgeries, many insurances do not cover it. i would probably keep some of my CEs but the rest i could get back later.

so if i could purge it and start anew and feel destressed about the size of the library, and net a win on my end due to what are life-saving ~aesthetic~ surgeries for me, you know, i'd be all right with that. not even going to lie about that.

but i probably won't do the same thing i did when i was 17 where i literally hawked the whole lot off because i felt overwhelmed by the number, and knew (and still know) that going from 1xx at the time, 3xx now, games would greatly reduce an overwhelming backlog that clashes with my all-or-nothing complex just so i have to focus on a fewer number of games to play. nah, i know now i prefer the act of collecting at the end of the day. i rope it in via only 'good' games (subjective) for the most part, but i'd not sell it for anything other than paying surgeries.

sadly, i think the value of the whole lot that i do have is probably hovering around $8k? maybe $10k? it would cover the first surgery, but i have a hard time justifying it rn.

all or nothing and i wouldn't get 'all' for it, so i can't justify it for 'a portion'.

i stay in perpetual burnout not going to lie.
i continue to buy because i honestly prefer the act of hunting and buying games.
when i get stressed, i buy things. it's counterintuitive when half the stress is monetary issues, but even then, i feel like buying vidya is a better investment than buying junk food and shit (which, yes, i have done as well, buying $20+ in junk food that was gone in the next couple days tops, which i always regret immensely). i hate buying consumables, it stresses me out more, so... so yea it's counterintuitive sometimes, but i get my bills paid and scrape by. if i'm gonna buy shit to de-stress... might as well be something i won't see disappear.

i don't play a lot. i wish i could play 5+ hrs a day, but the reality is, is i don't.

i actually HAVE sold my collection before, though, back when i hit the 100 milestone the first time. i regret it (a lot of fucking great shit in that pile, ugh, including a lot of expensive and rare GCN titles) but at the time i didn't. it actually put me back down into the range of ~20-30 titles, which felt 'manageable'. if anything, half the reason i burnout so much on games is when i look at my backlog, i feel overwhelmed. 300 games, many of which i've not touched tbh, and it gets overbearing. "what do i even start with?" is a horribly nagging feeling i feel which results in me touching nothing and doing something else. i procrastinate my backlog.

i enjoy games when i push past that and play them.
but it's the process of pushing past the depression and burned out feeling and procrastination that keeps me not playing games sometimes for months at a time.
it's a product of 'all or nothing' mentality... it's hard to break that mentality.
Do you find yourself focusing on one game when you play? Or do you jump around?
usually i try to focus on one then get overwhelmed all over again and jump around and burnout.

so kinda random lol
Just wondering I find myself bouncing around a lot through many games. Seems some people just focus on one game and tank it a couple of days then move on.

oh yea
i kinda switch between both. i beat sly cooper and the thievius raccoonus (as the ps3 collection, with platinum trophy) in 3 days between work, sleeping and being home, i only focused on it, but i also seem to jump back and forth between games.

when i'm burnt out tho like rn, i mainly stick to animal crossing new leaf and maybe i pick up my vita occasionally.
i play casual and chill games when i'm really just unable to play anything else i guess.

i stay in perpetual burnout not going to lie.
i continue to buy because i honestly prefer the act of hunting and buying games.
when i get stressed, i buy things. it's counterintuitive when half the stress is monetary issues, but even then, i feel like buying vidya is a better investment than buying junk food and shit (which, yes, i have done as well, buying $20+ in junk food that was gone in the next couple days tops, which i always regret immensely). i hate buying consumables, it stresses me out more, so... so yea it's counterintuitive sometimes, but i get my bills paid and scrape by. if i'm gonna buy shit to de-stress... might as well be something i won't see disappear.

i don't play a lot. i wish i could play 5+ hrs a day, but the reality is, is i don't.

i actually HAVE sold my collection before, though, back when i hit the 100 milestone the first time. i regret it (a lot of fucking great shit in that pile, ugh, including a lot of expensive and rare GCN titles) but at the time i didn't. it actually put me back down into the range of ~20-30 titles, which felt 'manageable'. if anything, half the reason i burnout so much on games is when i look at my backlog, i feel overwhelmed. 300 games, many of which i've not touched tbh, and it gets overbearing. "what do i even start with?" is a horribly nagging feeling i feel which results in me touching nothing and doing something else. i procrastinate my backlog.

i enjoy games when i push past that and play them.
but it's the process of pushing past the depression and burned out feeling and procrastination that keeps me not playing games sometimes for months at a time.
it's a product of 'all or nothing' mentality... it's hard to break that mentality.
Do you find yourself focusing on one game when you play? Or do you jump around?
usually i try to focus on one then get overwhelmed all over again and jump around and burnout.

so kinda random lol

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