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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 137 138 [139] 140 141 ... 181
Classic Video Games / Re: doom 3 or doom 3 BFG what better
« on: October 25, 2018, 06:53:29 pm »
Te BFG version I was told on the PC at least is a fake version of Doom 3. That included, all the Doom 3 expansion packs plus, original "Ultimate Doom" and "Doom 2", (all in one) I used to play Doom 3 BFG edition on the PC but I never played it through because I never really liked it as much as the original Doom series mainly because Doom 3 didn't really fit the doom story line.

This is a hard one mainly because the Doom BFG edition gives you more for your money, then the regular Doom 3 but, but Doom 3 BFG edition I was told is only a fake copy of Doom 3 made by the makers of Steam so I am current undecided of which is better :-\

 because I never played the original version of Doom 3 only the BFG version.

On a side note the Hardware and Tech section was me.  That phrase "Bought a broken Intellivision on eBay" is what set that off.  I never did get it working.

Yea I posted a great deal in the Hardware and Tech since I started on here in early 2017, and I even think I can across your post. :)

I wanted to leave this post in mavelvscapcom2's Virtual Boy thread but I thought it might change the topic in which brings you this one.

Have you ever played actual virtual reality with the mid to late 1990's version of modern graphics or played any modern virtual reality?

Some time in the late 1990's my dad took me to a popular amusement park in Ohio, It started to rain when nightfall hit, and then we entered one of the buildings and they had some kind of virtual reality setup, with some different kind of Duke Nukem 3D game. the Virtual Reality setup. included more then just a headset and controller, it also had a platform that you stood on than when you crouched down physically you crouched in the game itself. It was cool, and the screen was in color, and had the same graphics as they had on PC and 5th generation consoles back in the late to mid 1990's

This thing was hard to play and when the game ended an we stopped playing. I wanted to see more of this thing. not to mention, it was also 2 player and included 2 TV monitors of exactly what each player was playing and how they were doing for people who didn't have a headset on.

This was at an amusement park called Cedar Point, Can anyone remember this machine? or something else like it. It was almost like a tread mill but it was just a platform that you could duck onto and duck also in the game itself

It looks vary uncomfortable for tall people to play it and also for people that are not as tall. In my opinion it should have at least been in color. But that may have nuked the eyes back them since color screen might have been too bright :-\

General / Re: How Well Do You Handle Speed In Video Games
« on: October 23, 2018, 09:38:22 pm »

I bought Call Of Duty: World At War for the Wii.  I stopped playing after I felt like I was going to get a migraine.

Not too long ago I went on YouTube to watch a longplay of the 32X version of Doom on my phone.  I stopped watching because I felt a migraine coming.

FPS games mess me up, yet I don't get bothered at all by SHMUPs, rail shooters, and flying/driving simulators.

Any Call Of Duty Wii game played with the wii remote and even with the plastic gun is extremely hard on more then just my head. My dad used to be able to play Call Of Duty for the Wii just fine. but it always used to hurt my arms and just plain frustrate me. given the fact that you have to deal with motion controls as part of the first person character movement. You need to learn to use the Wii remote buttons, to walk forward and the motion controls are how you turn your character and also aim. It is only easier for me if I am standing up and on a huge screen television. but even that is hard.

Did anyone know that they actually had online competitions for Call Of Duty on the Wii, and with motion censer control in all? :o

General / Re: REVIVE a Dead Video Game Series / Franchise
« on: October 23, 2018, 07:35:46 am »

I 2nd bikingjahuty on the MechWarrior Franchise. I have to agree it should look good on a modern system. The last MechWarrior they made was "MechWarrior Online" but I don't seem interested in online video games any more due to possible threats to my devices. MechWarrior 4 series was the best in my opinion, The graphics were stunning even for someone without a video card back then, laser guns and rockets never looked better on MechWarrior 4 series. Not to be confused with the photo that's not MechWarrior 4 but MechWarrior 2 in which was also a good series. In my opinion

Guides haven't been all that relevant for many years now.  I still like them generally, but I remember going to like Gamefaqs and CheatCC and some other stuff like...15 years ago.

That's all fine and dandy unless the guide website is dangerous and full of advertisements popping all over the place. Right now there is no the sims 3 guide site that is safe. I tried most of them, they are all either not a secure connection or full of ads.

Both can be dangerous for me and the work that I currently do.

General / How Well Do You Handle Speed In Video Games
« on: October 20, 2018, 11:58:59 pm »
Speed on a console game gives me a mushy head and a major migraine (brain fog), it is one of my many weakness in video gaming. Some video games can be so fast you can't blink your eyes or take you hand off the controller to win. I really don't know how so many people can grind so hard and so fast for any length of time. I can handle speed for about 10 minutes high on extreme caffeine. But Racing games I used to do most of them, it's mostly sports games that require quick thinking and precise button pressing.

It's no fun having brain fog when you want to play a game. it's a mental disorder and it is the reason why I stoped buying video games, being unable to play anything for long periods of time unless it's a severely casual video game

I wasn't aware discs and cartridges went away

There are some but you won't find vary many video games in physical form. Because I don't even think they manufacture video games anymore but with music CD's yea they do still manufacture them :-\

And best of all you don't need to download CD's if you own the disc :)

General / Re: Crazy things you’ve found looking for games
« on: October 19, 2018, 08:49:42 pm »
I saw a man wearing a pink renaissance or something satin silky like uniform he had long hair. all he was missing was carrying a stick pin. Anyway I kinda thought he was a pick pocket I watched him vary close. It may have not been exactly renaissance wear, but I could tell it was something that looked both old possibly 1970's wear and expensive to afford back in the 1970's. But the clothes looked in new condition.

he looked like he was a pimp of some kind to sum things up.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Xbox 360 s backward compatybility
« on: October 18, 2018, 09:41:01 pm »
I know for a fact the "Halo: Combat Evolved" is backwards compatible with my Xbox360. My guess most Xbox original games should work on the xbox360's unless I'm mistaken :-\

If all of a sudden modern video games could run and operate like retro video games did would you still buy them? if they were both physical possible more money than and digital? Would you mind if video games took a step back and looked played and ran like the 6th generation consoles did? or maybe any generation before? or perhaps current or 7th/last generation?

(taken from one of my other posts)

video games will be eventually all sold out in physical form. and I believe that only the rich, will have them in psychical form or be selling them all for extreme prices, not too mention some games will be too old and too far damaged especially disc based games to work again.

I know I may receive back some back lash for this but my heart says if things don't change that is how it is gonna be

But I did hear that United States President Trump has made an effort to give copyright owners more money. For at least on people that own rights to used music CD's possibly preserving the music CD manufacturing department at least in the US.

If that happens to video games as well. it's possible that the market would be wide open for any new gaming console company to have a console with physical  as well as digital video games instead of only digital video games
I didn't come on here to talk about politics personally I am not into politics at all. But the above is one thing I heard happened but I don't have proof.

General / Re: good place to start
« on: October 18, 2018, 01:29:44 am »
Get as many as you can for as cheap as you can get them. because if things don't change worldwide most physical  video games will be all sold out. and only the rich, will have them in psychical form or be selling them all for extreme prices, not too mention some games will be too old and too far damaged especially disc based games to work again.

I know I may receive back some back lash for this but my heart says if things don't change that is how it is gonna be

But I did hear that United States President Trump has made an effort to give copyright owners more money for at least on people that own rights to used music CD's possibly preserving the music CD manufacturing department at least in the US

If that happens to video games as well. it's possible that the market would be wide open for any new gaming console company to have a console with physical  as well as digital video games instead of only digital video games

Wow, someone on imgur hit me up and said they had an extra board for me, wasn't expecting that!

If that was the person who gave you the link It looks anonymous, I would not trust that person. Unless I'm wrong and it's one of your trusted online acquaintances.  People who you do not know or at least PM your username and don't leave any details behind are dangerous in my opinion.

Anything can be hacked, anything can be used to pull a prank, I even heard stories on YouTube of people storing illegal drugs in NES cartridges

I wish there was a way to follow yourself or at least have the option to see what you've added/removed. It seems oddly weird that people who follow me can see this information but I can't. I know ignition or someone was able to rig it to allow you to see your own feed but I don't recall how and would prefer a non-loophole way of doing it.

It's also weird that people can just up and follow you on a whim without having to ask any kind of permission or anything. Like "Hey there stranger, look at what I have listed in my collection and send me PMs asking to buy those items from me" (this has happened more than once).

I do realize I can set my collection to private but that seems counter intuitive to me. Aside from the occasional mouth breather mentioned above trying to buy items out of my collection, I don't have a problem with people seeing what I have. A few times I've gotten PM's of people who also own a hard-to-find/rare item and it creates a nice conversation between us.  8)

My cousin has his collection on here but he's more a private person than I am so he set his collection to private. I've tried following but it shows me nothing of his and there's no options for "allow this user to see your private collection".  :(

I don't know why anyone would want to follow someone on second thought, what if they know where you live and you don't know that. They could just be trying to stalk you or steal your password or something. But for me,so far I never had anyone so far PM me about anything. and if they were asking for to buy or sell anything in my collection the answer would be no

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