Aww. I just found out that Blizzard pulled their license from Cryptozoic, and as a result the World of Warcraft TCG is officially dead.
It had a really good run, compared to some of the other TCGs out there. And with the Raid and Dungeon decks I was able to turn the game into a pick up and play co-op game, by making a deck for each class and focusing them all on something different. Even after doing so I'm still tweaking and perfecting the decks to make them the best they can be.
Good news is, since the tourney circuit is no longer going to be around, maybe I'll be able to snag a ton of cards on the cheap. And I already have all but one of the Raid decks. And we'll never see the Monk class in the game, so I don't have to build a deck for that class and focus it.
Bad news is, we'll never see any new raids or dungeons and there were a lot of dungeons that had potential. I still wish they had released a Karazhan raid. We'll never see the Monk class, so we'll never know how it played in card format.
All in all the WoW cards will still get a lot of use in my household. Since I made it a pick up and play experience with the raids and dungeons, they'll always have a use. Unlike my Magic cards which have been sitting in binders for years, since no one around me plays any more. So I don't feel like my support of the game has been wasted.