I was initially pretty interested in the movie, I love mixing fantasy and modern day together, the idea of vastly different societies living together, struggling, I remember it from older shows like Alien Nation or more recent stuff like District 9. Much like with Star Trek, it's usually good for talk of race, differences, all that stuff. Then I heard it getting critically slagged and avoided it till now.
I think the movie is alright. That first quarter of the movie is rough. It's the most blunt, non-subtle, hammer in your face, talk about race and the police. Racial slurs, diversity hire, people hate the police, yadda yadda. I'm not one who can have a discussion on race relations very well, but I can tell when this stuff gets awkward. It makes Zootopia seem subtle lol
That was starting to turn me off the movie, till we hit the 1/3rd mark of the movie and the bigger plot kicks in and then it gets better. It turns into an actiony cop drama, just with a different flavor to it with all the talk of magic, and Orc rituals, and Brights (Basically people that can wield magic wands). The tone and dialogue is pretty awkward a lot of the time though, especially with characterization. Its written like it thinks its really smart, it's being hardcore and edgy, like it was the new Training Day or any other hard R action cop movie, but stuff that would be character building just feels clumsy and drawn out a lot of the time. If we just swear all the time, that means we are real! Tonally it feels like it's trying to dance between Bad Boys and Training Day (I'm not harping on that movie, I'm just spacing on other Hard R crime/cop drama movies right now lol), but not being enough of either to give you something to truly latch onto.
I kinda like everything to do with the setting though, it just needed more, because Orcs feel abit half-baked visually. What they are is fine, but they have no cultural aspects to them, which I'm sure could be explained away from how they are treated in society, but that's just seems like a lazy excuse. More with the other races would be better too as you only see Elves, Humans, and Orcs, with two glimpses of Centaurs, and talk of Dwarves, and there are more, but seems like there should've been more to really flesh out the world more.
Overall, watchable, but a clumsy movie that gets better later on. I feel like the sequel could do a lot to remedy the issues they had.