Author Topic: Official Xbox One patch allows used games and offline play, disables region lock  (Read 3897 times)


Great news... but is it wrong for me to be skeptical? The way I see it, the damage has already been done.  Who's to say Microsoft won't pull something like the Xbox One reveal again? It's still $100 more than the PS4 and is still packaged with a Kinect, which I couldn't care less about. And considering it's just a patch... I don't know about you guys, but I'll be waiting this one out. Microsoft has already proven to me that they don't care about the majority of their customers, and I know they are only doing this to increase sales.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


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They're basically saying "we would screw you so hard if we could get away with it, but since we can't we're not going to right now", so I'm passing. The creepy Kinect is a large detraction, but I just don't trust them anymore.


What gets me is that there are people applauding Microsoft for this. They treated their entire customer base like criminals, and they're being congratulated like they did something great when all they did was half-assedly patch things up in a desperate attempt to make some money.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.

I have always hated Microsoft and what they are doing does not surprise me one bit.


Ya, they could walk it all back and promise that it won't be implemented in the future. But, my mind is made up already.  I'll be getting PS4 and a Wii U, long before I consider a Xbox One.
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Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread

just been to IGN and the amount of people saying they will now buy this spyware is high.
why are you going to pay more cash for a less powerful machine. the cam still freaks me out.
this will be the last system of this gen that i buy.


PRO Supporter

I don't see any reason to be skeptical. We were upset about DRM, used game blocking, no sharing, and always on internet. Now they took those things away. This should be something for us to be happy about!


I'm always skeptical.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


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I said (on G*Faqs) months ago that I wouldn't be surprised if this was all intentional PR bullshit from the start (meaning that they never *really* intended to be able to get away w/ implimenting ANY of the crap that they were talking about)...just so that M$ could make it 'look' like they listen to/give a shit about the customers but later saying that "We've heard your voices & in order to please & accomodate our customers...We will change *EVERYTHING* "criminal that we were just joking about doing (read: putting out feelers to see how much we could rape the consumers & get away with:)...

...and come out looking like they actually care and/or give a shit about anyone who buys their products.

And yes, of course I know that ALL companies are in the business of making money  8)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Honestly I didn't want them to take it away so they could crash and die out in the gaming industry  and sell there good games to a company that knows how to make a system. How many ps3's have I gone thru? 1 and im still using it. How many 360's? 4 not including brothers been thru two then bought a ps3 and still works great.. my friend's ps3 broke a while ago and they sent him a another one(after sending the broken one back). I hate to see a company that gives a shit less about there fanbase succeed. it's like the fans are getting  stockholm syndrome. Like Microsoft is a mistress.. Please restrict me from doing anything to the console that I paid for and also please have it break on mye and pretty please don't help me with it. also mistress Microsoft please put more restriction on your new console.. Oh mistress Microsoft take them off so people buy it then you add it all these restrictions  back . because someone obvisouly has trust in a company that shows up to another gaming company's buyout sale and trys persuade them not to buy nintendos product?(best buy Nintendo day). why support a company that shits on there fans?


Honestly I didn't want them to take it away so they could crash and die out in the gaming industry

I agree with basically everything you said but this is how I have felt about them for years.


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While I'm not *Loyal* to any company, I'll admit that I AM *Partial* to Sony and their consoles.

I really don't wish for any company (*especially* an American company - here in America & being an American...even though *I* personally prefer the products of a Japanese company like Sony) to "die" and/or "crash 'n' burn/fail miserably" the end of the day it's all gonna basically just boil down to thousands of more unemployed Americans, fathers, mothers, bread winners, providers, etc if/when M$ were to go belly up  :(

Then again, to my mind, at least - there's nothing at all new or original about a big company "bluffing".

And, by "bluffing", I mean starting out very low (like M$ and the X-Box 180 did) -so- when they 'cave'/listen to their customer-base...and counter by simply offering what's fair, competitive, and to be *expected* (I think) from the start...they come-off as looking Angelic, customer service friendly & oriented, and like they're doing us a *FAVOR* (and some will buy into & believe this) just because what was originally being offered was so pathetic that now - just by doing the bare minimum (and what they should have been doing all along); people will rally to them & be happy - only because it's so much better than what it *was*...not because it's good or what it should be  :o


To be completely honest - I'm unaffected since I've known for awhile now that I'd be going for the PS4; in other words, they didn't "lose" my sale...because they were never really even in the running to get it  8)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


I said in the previous XBox thread that I am skeptical. I don't know if I will buy one or not. The modern games I like tend to be XBox exclusives. In all honesty, it would be the Xbox One or gaming on the good old Macintosh.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....

While I'm not *Loyal* to any company, I'll admit that I AM *Partial* to Sony and their consoles.

I really don't wish for any company (*especially* an American company - here in America & being an American...even though *I* personally prefer the products of a Japanese company like Sony) to "die" and/or "crash 'n' burn/fail miserably" the end of the day it's all gonna basically just boil down to thousands of more unemployed Americans, fathers, mothers, bread winners, providers, etc if/when M$ were to go belly up  :(

Then again, to my mind, at least - there's nothing at all new or original about a big company "bluffing".

And, by "bluffing", I mean starting out very low (like M$ and the X-Box 180 did) -so- when they 'cave'/listen to their customer-base...and counter by simply offering what's fair, competitive, and to be *expected* (I think) from the start...they come-off as looking Angelic, customer service friendly & oriented, and like they're doing us a *FAVOR* (and some will buy into & believe this) just because what was originally being offered was so pathetic that now - just by doing the bare minimum (and what they should have been doing all along); people will rally to them & be happy - only because it's so much better than what it *was*...not because it's good or what it should be  :o


To be completely honest - I'm unaffected since I've known for awhile now that I'd be going for the PS4; in other words, they didn't "lose" my sale...because they were never really even in the running to get it  8)

I agree about not wishing that on an American company cuss the unemployment but.... Companys like Microsoft and walmart.. If they crashed people might loss a job but it opens up a bunch of other jobs for people.. other businesses can open.. smaller stuff can come up maybe a new company for gaming..Microsoft and walmart are too big and hurt uninployment being up and running then if they weren't... My opinion anyways


My slightly informed idea as to what really happened:

EA and Ubisoft struck a deal with MS several years ago after seeing the total outrage that their DRM heavy software created. They likely approached Sony and Nintendo as well. When Nintendo told them to screw off, EA decided to try and bigdog them by announcing that they will not be creating software for the which the entire WiiU fanbase simply shrugged their shoulders and played a Mario game. Sony likey said, "we'll see" knowing that MS had already struck a deal with them. They simply waited until MS announced their new hardware and the policies to go along with it. After seeing the crazy amount of backlash, they told EA and Ubisoft to essentially f-off. All of the negative press surrounding the XBone gave them enough leverage (along with the fact that they are a much more mature console maker who understands their demographic) to do so. At this point, MS likely decided to break contracts with EA and Ubisoft concerning DRM and informs them that the DRM business is their problem. I'm sure there were financial ramifications to this, but after seeing Sony totally dominate them in console pre-orders, they likely had very little choice.

I have absolutely zero doubt that MS is ONLY doing this because they saw their projected sales figures drop. I love the 360, but I have never trusted them. They are ONLY in the console market to turn a profit and have very little insight into their demographic. I'm going back to Sony for the PS4 (PS2 was my console of choice in the prior round). It's not so much the fact that they want to make tons of money, so would I. It's about where I think MS is trying to go, where they want to be, and how very little they truly care about the industry, the gamer in general, or the individuals that pay for their products.

It's not like it matters which system you buy anyway. Unless you really need to play the new Halo game, I think you'll find that almost all of the big titles are going to be cross platform (to an even greater extent than is currently seen). There is very little difference in the two systems' hardware and architecture. This was done for a reason.

Despite this attempt at redemption, MS has already lost the race in this upcoming generation.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 10:34:03 am by darko »