Author Topic: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased  (Read 30516 times)

Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #135 on: July 19, 2013, 12:53:15 am »
Added today to my Mortal Kombat Collection :

Mortal Kombat 3 - Sega Genesis (Cartrige + box like new, missing booklet)
Mortal Kombat 2 - Sega GameGear (Cartidge only like new)

Added dupplicate

Mortal Kombat 2 - Sega Genesis (Cartridge + box like new, booklet good)


Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #136 on: July 19, 2013, 12:37:18 pm »
Another great day for garage sales ;D

Bought a Gamegear with battery pack, carrying case and 2 games for $10
- Columns
- Evander Holyfields Real Deal Boxing

Picked up a Gameboy Color game for $2
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons  :)

Bought a huge lot of SNES / Genesis games. all for $50
It came with an SNES system and these games.
- Pirates of Dark Water  :D
- Firestriker  :D
- Maximum Carnage (CIB)
- Super Mario World
- Super Mario Kart
- Secret of Mana   ;D
- Justice League Task Force
- Mario Early Years: Fun with Letters
- Jurassic Park (CIB)
- Super Castlevania IV (CIB)  ;D ;D
- Mystic Quest (had box but in bad shape)

- Mortal Kombat II (CIB)
- X-Men (CIB)
- Boogerman (CIB)
- Castlevania Bloodlines (with box)  ;D
- T2: The Arcade Game (CIB)
- Justice League Task Force
- Stormlord (CIB)
- NHL All-Star Hockey 95 (CIB)

and last the best pieces in this lot
- Shining Force (CIB)  ;D ;D ;D
- Shining Force II  ;D ;D ;D ;D

"Happy game hunting!!!"


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #137 on: July 19, 2013, 05:40:37 pm »
damn it why am I always after Flea
Earlier this Week
3DS- Shin Megami Tensei IV

NGC- Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
PS2- .Hack// Infestation
PS2- Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits
PS2- Dragonball Z: Budokai 2
PS2: Orphen: Scion of Sorcery
Saturn- Ghen War
Saturn- The Legend of Oasis


Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #138 on: July 19, 2013, 07:58:49 pm »
So I have been trying to curb a lot of misc buying lately and haven't spent a lot of money on games. But this one has been calling my name for about a month and a half and I have held off picking it up until today. It's the LittleBigPlanet Collector's Pack and contains the GH version of the game (which I'm sure I already own the DLC included) and the Sack Boy plushie!

Dammit. Really I only bought it for the plushie... but I've always wanted one and my will power only lasts so long. haha

Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #139 on: July 19, 2013, 09:44:40 pm »
Today was pretty solid. I did some trash diggin and some amazon stuff came in. 
First off, all of you SMT IV people suck. I got caught up in the mania and preordered the the thing. I don't know the first thing about it and I don't like RPGs, but yet here it is.
Also from amazon, I got more of those Sony HdD Collections.  The Jak and Daxter collection and the Uncharted Dual Pack were in that box. I'm really looking forward to Uncharted.

On the trash diggin front, it found something I haven't come across in a while. It was one of those $30 NES lots I used to buy pretty regular. I was hunting around a dirt mall and one of the locked cases had a Dillards box with "Nintendo" written on the side in marker. I get the old man with the keys to open the case and I pull out this cardboard treasure chest. It's an NES, hook ups, controllers, and 7 games (I think).  $30 well spent. It excited the shit out of me. Now I have to figure out what to do with yet another NES.

Then at Game Xchange I found Flight of the Intruder on NES and Pinball with a Famicom adapter. I've been on the lookout for a Famicom adapter for a year or so and then I find 2 in 2 weeks.


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #140 on: July 20, 2013, 01:11:10 am »
Nabbed a few things for the 32X collection:

After Burner
and a box for Knuckles Chaotix.


Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #141 on: July 20, 2013, 01:36:54 am »
and last but not least the find of the night, I still can't believe I got this.....
- Hagane  ;D ;D ;D

You're all gonna hate me for this... Paid $20 for it.  ;D

It was a good day game hunting   8)

MAAAAN, I know Darko is going to, for sure. Nice Find!

Just one much would you sell it for? :)
Sell it? Heck no. It's in my collection to stay.  ;)

Sorry for the late response just saw this post today.  :P
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 01:40:32 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #142 on: July 20, 2013, 01:23:15 pm »
Picked up 10 games today for $0.50 each! Nothing great, but still:

Shrek 2

Super Caesars Palace

Brain Assist
Brain Boost: Beta Wave
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter
Personal Trainer: Cooking

Turbo Prop Racing

Thrillville: Off The Rails


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #143 on: July 20, 2013, 02:48:26 pm »
@ theflea do you ever sell any of the stuff you buy?


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #144 on: July 20, 2013, 03:00:04 pm »
Time and Eternity LE arrived. Goddamn, does NIS do some nice packages. Looks almost like a really high quality anime box set instead of a video game :)

Oh, and I got a new, slightly higher paying job, so assuming all goes well, I'll be back to buying games soon!


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #145 on: July 20, 2013, 03:17:28 pm »
Time and Eternity LE arrived. Goddamn, does NIS do some nice packages. Looks almost like a really high quality anime box set instead of a video game :)

Oh, and I got a new, slightly higher paying job, so assuming all goes well, I'll be back to buying games soon!

Totally agree w/ your 1st paragraph -and- I'm really happy to hear what you said in the 2nd one  ;D
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #146 on: July 20, 2013, 03:23:57 pm »
You and me both. Higher pay, slightly later schedule (9am instead of 7am), and a bit longer commute, but not too bad. Fingers crossed it all works out, because while it's been great taking a month off, watching my bank account slide down was starting to stress me out a bit.

I've been deliberately avoiding vgcollect for that reason, as this place tends to increase the temptation to buy stuff... and I was still keeping my pre-orders like SMT4 and Time and Eternity ;p


Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #147 on: July 20, 2013, 03:37:00 pm »
Home from garage sales and hitting the local game stores.
Spent more money then I was planning but I couldn't resist.

1st picked up a lot of Atari 5200 games. all $1 each.
- River raid
- Popeye
- Star Wars the Arcade Game
- Buck Rogers
- Blueprint
- Dig Dug
- Moon Patrol
- Joust
Also bought 2 joysticks at $2 each, one for the 2600.

2nd one is a Atari 2600/5200 stick. and it has the 5200 cable. This stick can sell for $30+

Picked up a lot of TI99 games.
- Pac-Man
- Video Chess
- A-Maze-Ing
- TI Invaders
- Munch Man
- Hunt the Wumpus
- Tombstone City
and a bunch of office and edutainment games that no one cares about. lol

Found a few NES games
- Rambo
- Air Fortress
- Top Gun 2nd Mission

Some Gameboy Advance games ($1-$3)
- Pokemon Sapphire
- Pokemon FireRed
- Pokemon Emerald
-  Nicktoons Freeze Frame Fenzy
- GBA Video: All Grown Up! vol. 1
- GBA Video: Disney Channel Vol. 2
- GBA Video: Fairly Odd Parents Vol. 1
- GBA Video: Fairly Odd Parents Vol. 2
- GBA Video: Pokemon - Playing with Fire
- GBA Video: Pokemon - A Hot Water Battle
(been finding these videos a lot lately) :P

1 Gameboy Color game
- Pokemon Silver

An Intec Gamecube LCD Screen for $2

PS2 games
- Sprint Cars 2
- Pirates: Legend of the Black Buccaneer
- Shepherd's Crossing

Not sure if this is anything special, But I loved the alternate cover.
- Fable - Limited Edition Bonus DVD (Gamestop)

- Road Rash II (CIB)
- Shining in the Darkness (CIB)
- The Lost Vikings (CIB)
- Jurassic Park Rampage Edition (CIB)

Okay now the game stores
Picked up

PS3 - Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection
3DS - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Limited Edition Box Set

and ended up trading those Pokemon Games I picked up today for this

It was mint in box with its special card. Not an N64 game you see often in the US.

@ theflea do you ever sell any of the stuff you buy?
Yes I do, while I prefer trades, I will sell almost anything on my "sell list". I list all my extras there till they are traded or sold off. In fact, I just sold some games to pceslayer not long ago.  :)
"Happy game hunting!!!"

Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #148 on: July 20, 2013, 05:15:22 pm »
My box from Dollar misfits showed up today, no packaging, but for a buck each....

Captain Skyhawk
NES Play action football
Bases Loaded

Hunt for Red October

Olympic Hockey 98
Nascar 99
NHL Breakaway 98 (CIB)

Sorcerer's Maze

NHL 10
MLB The Show 09
Tony Hawk: Ride

Xbox 360
Madden NFL 10

Then Garage sale time, bought a CD wallet for 10 bucks with 6 Ps2/Ps1 games in it!

Wrath unleashed
Area 51
007 Nightfire
Medal of Honor: Frontline
The Unholy war

Some stinkers, but overall i find the haul agreeable


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Re: July 2013 - Recently Added to Collection/ Recently Purchased
« Reply #149 on: July 20, 2013, 06:13:19 pm »
traded in a bunch of sports games and a few doubles today and got
NGC-Metroid Prime w/Metroid Prime 2 Bonus Disc
N64- Toy Story 2
N64- Banjo Tooie
and for Free because it was missing the manual
PS2-Final Fantasy XII Collector's edition