Yeah, I won't be getting around to playing the game for awhile...
I agree 100% about being happy with the quality (and quantity) of that book

HOWEVER*, (and this may very well just be me and/or one of my own pet-peeves/'rant'-subjects), but...
W.T.F. is up w/ these "CD-Samplers" aka "OST-Lites"?!
I mean, the cd that came w/ this game, for example = A TOTAL of 8 tracks.
Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 add up to a total of about
10 minutes -and- the 8th track is ~9.5 minutes

Is it just me, or does anyone else hate this trend - this new 'definition' of what an "OST"/"Soundtrack" should be...and long for the days when an OST was OST?