So I picked up the arcade cab for my next MAME project from storage at a friend's house (which is an old cab converted into a MVS-2). It has the MVS-2 board and power supply, but on the front of the control panel it says the board hangs on power up.. so I have no idea if it's fixable. If it is, I wouldn't mind converting it to play on my TV in the game room though.
Anyway, in the MVS-2 were these carts for Fatal Fury 2 and Metal Slug X. There is also a 2nd MVS-2 with it, but I don't know the story on it. Along with a perfectly good NEO-GEO marquee and mini-marquees for both games! I have no idea if they work, but the contacts look nice and clean (especially considering that the thing sat outside in the snow for 2 days before we found it).