Well, unlucky in yard sales, luck in Gamestop I suppose.
Here's my haul for the weekend:
IMG_2804Got 3 sets of games in the b2g1 <$20 sale. Each row is a set - top row were all $19.99, second row were $14.99 & last row $4.99 (Lost Planet), $7.99 (Children of Mana) & Free ($2.99 - Docomodake BOING!)
IMG_2806The 2 Wii games were my only yard sale finds today, $1/each. She had a few more, but these were the best ones.
The DS game is Orcs & Elves, I got it from GS for $2.99. BTW, both it & Docomodake were featured in hidden gems videos on YouTube by MetalJesusRocks. If you don't watch him, you should because he a great well-spoken YouTube'r who knows his stuff and is very interesting. He's clued me in on quite a few games in his various hidden gems videos for different systems.
IMG_2831It pays to be friendly with your GS employees.
This SC collector's edition was converted to used on Thurs, which means they're told to toss or do whatever w/ the actual CE stuff, open the new game & sell it as used. I asked the guys at my local store if they had one left and they did. It was for the 360, which I don't own, but the manager just took the game out of the set & gave me the rest. Free remote controlled airplane? Awesome.