Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 631042 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4695 on: March 30, 2024, 04:11:18 pm »
I started Sonic Frontiers and I like it, I think it's a bit relaxing as a game.
The gameplay expands gradually, I just unlocked the sonic boom and it's very nice !

On the other hand, you have to like collecting things, a lot of things lol.
The world is nice to travel around but the gameplay is sometimes imprecise like the camera.
The islands and level design are really poor, no mystery, only things to collect to advance in the story.
The classic levels are nice but don't reinvent anything.

The bosses are fun to face the first time but after that it's just boring
The bosses of history have really bad gimmicks and one of the bosses didn't even have a patch (bug with Knight during its second phase)

The beginning is good but in the end, we just collect things on each island for more than 25 hours... I have mixed feelings about this sonic.
The "final" boss is a joke, we have to stop making final bosses in QTE.

Started on 27 march and finished the 5 april in 30 hours.
If this is the renewal of the license, no thank you...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2024, 08:47:15 am by alligo »

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4696 on: April 04, 2024, 08:14:07 pm »
Started Pokemon Ruby and got the first 2 Badges. Here’s my team so far:



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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4697 on: April 10, 2024, 12:24:11 pm »
Well, it happened again.
Once more I come back to a game I gave up on only to get into it. In the past it’s happened with Tekken, Soul Blade, Metal Gear Solid, Ico, Blasphemous, and many more.

Dragon Age Inquisition is one of the first games I bought for my PS4 (I very much enjoyed Dragon Age Origins, but only rented DAII and didn’t like it much). Anyway, I played through the first mission, left the first town, played a few minutes after that, and said “I’m done”. After maybe an hour I was so bored I didn’t touch the game for 4 years.

Finally started it up again a few days ago, not expecting much. After the first couple battles I’m like, hey, not bad. After a couple more I’m like, OK, I GET this now. It’s kinda like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, but with a bit more direct control. The interface actually reminds me of Dragon’s Dogma. I can use the tactical view to survey enemies or just pause and think when things get hairy. Already way past my previous quitting point, and I’m loving it. Using completion of side quests to build the Inquisition’s reputation is ingenious, because it makes the side quests feel important to the main quest, rather than random stuff you do out of kindness.

One major complaint: having to use an app and hand out your personal information just to import the data from the previous games is INCREDIBLY stupid. What happens in the future when the app doesn’t exist anymore? Too bad, you’re stuck with the default world state every time.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4698 on: April 11, 2024, 11:48:12 am »
Alpha Protocol.
So it's not bad in terms of dialogue choices but it's too quick to do one.
The dialogues do not have time to end.

The gameplay is bad, not balanced and archaic.
It's meant to be "infiltration" but it's not, because most of the phases are pushy or impossible to play infiltrate.
The character's mobility is horrible

The AI sucks, one of the enemies didn't even manage to get me even though he was in front of me with a shotgun...
The camera sucks, it is sometimes too advanced or buggy, the covers too, there is a problem with.

The aim is crap and as a result, the enemies sometimes find themselves being HP sponge
Fortunately the precision can be increased but hey, it's still pretty bad...
Hacking or disabling alarms becomes annoying over time.
In short it's a shame, plus here I'm stuck during a mission where I have to protect someone except that I don't have time to kill all the enemies because he dies in 3 hits so I fail every time...

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4699 on: April 15, 2024, 03:42:26 am »
Finished Future Soldier (Ghost Recon), it was not bad for his era.
Infiltration is good even if it's simple, the system of sync shot is nice.
The warhound is quite cheat  ;D

So I started DmC (reboot, 2013) and I really like it so far, it's visually stunning.
The gameplay is good, I have a little trouble remembering all the combos.

The only criticism is the repetitiveness of the arenas, it's always the same pattern...

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4700 on: April 23, 2024, 07:37:38 pm »
Addiced to Helldivers 2 pretty much
Also a bit of WWE 2K24 (so far, no real changes from 2K23, a bit disappointing) and returned to Stardew Valley (Coop) thanks to the update and new mods appearing, still a lot of fun


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4701 on: May 01, 2024, 09:16:25 am »
I finished all the DMC except 2, of course lol.

DMC 4 starts well, I don't mind playing another character knowing that I like his gameplay.
But the second part of the game is nefarious, I couldn't bear repeating the same arenas and bosses until the end. Mission 19 is really horrible, it was a very bad idea...
The final boss is not bad but he has the same attacks, except one "new" one...

Just like the 5 it's easier than the previous opus, the DT is really broken.
The most sad thing is that the versions with Vergil are only a copy of the missions, rather than having another story centered on him.

In DMC 5 i still like the gameplay except that of V.
Lots of inconsistencies in the story. Urizen is supposed to be powerful, to see a god thanks to the fruit but this is not the case. He's not impressive, he has the same attacks, I even found him very easy to face.
It's disappointing.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4702 on: May 17, 2024, 05:29:58 pm »
I have recently been replaying The Talos Principle with the hope to play The Talos Principle 2 shortly after.
It's nice to be able to play a game that isn't so competitive or forced co-op every now and again. I feel like most of the time I'm gaming it's always with friends and it isn't as relaxing compared to how it used to be.

I'm really hoping The Witness goes on sale at some point on console as I also want to replay that.

Also did a little bit of Pokemon Sapphire although I didn't get too far in, just farming Rare Candies with 5 Zigzagoons haha.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4703 on: May 23, 2024, 11:07:49 am »
Type 0 and damn the ending, what hell.
The last "dungeon" is really bad, the game was good until this moment (judgement Cid).
We chain events that are more ridiculous than the others, expecially for the Amphitheater or the staircase.
I sometimes lost characters for nothing and I don't know why, the phoenix down didn't work.

There is also a stupid choice to make at one point: if you make the wrong one, you find yourself stuck killing waves of enemies endlessly.
Apart from wasting our time, why ask us to make a choice ? I kinda suspected it was a trap but still...

Difficulty level it's quite hard at certain times if our group is not well prepared enough or if we don't have the right type of character (rifle, long distance), quite a few passages where we are also forced to die. King saved me quite a few times, like during my first difficulty with Brionac.
In fact it wasn't that difficult because you just had to wait for the enemy to be marked and have a character who shoots from a distance like him.

The AI of this game is beyond crappy, on several occasions my teammates did not attack even though they were right next to the enemies, the camera is also terrible.

The game's ost is good but it's not the best.
This game has quite special gameplay, at least for some characters like Deuce.
The staging with the eidolons and l'cie are really cool, I really liked the one with bahamut.
I remember that the story as a whole is not bad and much “darker” than usual. I liked this story of war and sacrifice, it's not often that you see that in a FF.

As for the characters there isn't too much development, it's a bit strange because we have the impression that they are not at all close except at the end (?)

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4704 on: May 23, 2024, 09:51:39 pm »
Saw that the Godzilla DLC was out for Dave the Diver and since I've been meaning to check it out, and I'm dying for any sort of Godzilla gaming thing at this point, and it was on sale, I figured it was a good time to jump into it.  Been kinda struggling to get myself involved in a game the past few weeks, I still really need to get back to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but nothing was hitting me. 

This game is great though.  Normally I'm not big on timers in games, I like to do what I want at my own pace, but this game being so casual about it makes it feel fine to deal with.  I wasn't even super interested in the other part of the game which is a sushi restaurant minigame experience, but that's enjoyable to.  It's involved enough to not feel boring, but not too complicated to put me off setting up menu's, hiring people, and the other smaller elements.  All of the characters are pretty fun too.  Also randomly, it makes me want to play Ecco the Dolphin.  I haven't played that since the 90's lol

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4705 on: May 24, 2024, 07:19:58 am »
Saw that the Godzilla DLC was out for Dave the Diver and since I've been meaning to check it out, and I'm dying for any sort of Godzilla gaming thing at this point, and it was on sale, I figured it was a good time to jump into it.  Been kinda struggling to get myself involved in a game the past few weeks, I still really need to get back to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but nothing was hitting me. 

This game is great though.  Normally I'm not big on timers in games, I like to do what I want at my own pace, but this game being so casual about it makes it feel fine to deal with.  I wasn't even super interested in the other part of the game which is a sushi restaurant minigame experience, but that's enjoyable to.  It's involved enough to not feel boring, but not too complicated to put me off setting up menu's, hiring people, and the other smaller elements.  All of the characters are pretty fun too.  Also randomly, it makes me want to play Ecco the Dolphin.  I haven't played that since the 90's lol

I was wanting to get this because of the Godzilla DLC as well, but I wanted to wait for a deeper discount.  Well, apparently the Godzilla content is going to be time gated and not available after a period of time, so I'm probably going to get it this week.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4706 on: May 24, 2024, 02:36:02 pm »
I was wanting to get this because of the Godzilla DLC as well, but I wanted to wait for a deeper discount.  Well, apparently the Godzilla content is going to be time gated and not available after a period of time, so I'm probably going to get it this week.

The time period is all the way till November, so you could give it a wait, but a 25% deal for 15 bucks is more than worth it for this.  I've already put in 8 hours and I'm only at Chapter 3 out of I think 5 chapters (Actually it's 7, I thought the Godzilla stuff was gonna be like post-game, but it shows up in Chapter 5) and then with the Dredge and Godzilla DLC, that's a decent amount of content.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2024, 03:56:56 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4707 on: May 27, 2024, 01:42:51 am »
I'm playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and is living up to the hype so far.  New York City feels even more expansive than before, and swinging around as Miles Morales is a blast.  His Venom Blast takedown feels really satisfying, especially when shutting down some petty crime.

I'm curious to see how the switching between Peter and Miles works in the long run, but the initial segments with Miles are impressive.  The combat seems smoother than the first game, and I'm itching to see what new villain threats they've introduced – Venom sounds like a formidable foe


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4708 on: May 28, 2024, 10:34:10 pm »
I have a physical copy of Dragon Quest XI S which I beat 3 years ago, becoming maybe my second-favorite RPG of all time. However, my PS4 DVD-ROM drive failed soon after, and I have been relegated to downloaded games only since then. Fixing the drive is extremely difficult to do myself, apparently requiring soldering ability and switching out chips. Taking it to a repair shop would cost $160 and up, and even refurbished PS4s are still going for $300+. So I just don’t think it’s worth the money to fix it or replace it.

I’ve been able to re-buy most of my physical PS4 games digitally for great prices by waiting for sales, but DQXI never went below $40 regularly and $23.99 on sale. Finally my patience ran out to play this masterpiece again so I gave in to the current $23.99 PSN sale price. Then I tried to complete either Dragon Age Inquisition or Batman Arkham Knight before starting it (I dislike having too many games in progress at once) but it was taking too long and I just couldn’t wait.

Aaaaaaahhhhhh. It’s like seeing an old friend after years apart. How I missed you, Cobblestone Tor. Time for me to lose another 140+ hours to this game while I cherish every second.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4709 on: May 30, 2024, 11:58:26 am »
Ys Origin.
The farm is horrible, is it like this for the whole series ?

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar