Watch Dogs actually started to get pretty boring too me after awhile. I beat Act 1, did a bunch of side missions, a lot of them were pretty cool, but the story and characters are pretty dull and because the world is just basic modern world setting, it's pretty dull also. It doesn't have the humor and ridiculousness of Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row to be interesting. I feel if they had done a more future oriented world, like Deus Ex level of tech, it would've been a lot cooler. I also heard there were a lot of issues that are plaguing the PC version though I played the PS3 version, which played fine other than terrible pop in for vehicles and such.
Instead of that tonight, I returned Watch Dogs and dove into Awesomenauts with a friend and had a blast! I've had the game since the last winter sale on Steam and just never played it lol It's really fun for a MOBA, it isn't hampered by not being able to play characters, though you have to unlock them, but once you do, you have a good like 15 to 20 characters to play as. It's also not nearly as competitive as something like LoL or even Smite, so it's a more fun experience than those.