Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 635349 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1245 on: May 28, 2014, 05:54:27 pm »
I downloaded the new Strider game off XBLA and I'm loving it so far. The controls take a little getting used to, and I wish you could skip the pre-boss fight cut scenes after you've seen them once, but those are minor issues, overall it's a great game.

You can.

After the first time they kill you. :p Or the second time you play the game.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1246 on: May 28, 2014, 06:03:41 pm »
Been playing some Watch Dogs lately at a friend's house. While it's better than expected, I admit I'm not that impressed.  I don't think the hacking mechanic can support a full game. The hokey story and horribly unfunny memes also kind of dragged it down for me. ... Then I blew up the streets with a spider tank, so I guess it's not all bad. :P The mini games are also really fun.

Done with D3 already, doc?!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1247 on: May 28, 2014, 06:06:12 pm »
Been playing some Watch Dogs lately at a friend's house. While it's better than expected, I admit I'm not that impressed.  I don't think the hacking mechanic can support a full game. The hokey story and horribly unfunny memes also kind of dragged it down for me. ... Then I blew up the streets with a spider tank, so I guess it's not all bad. :P The mini games are also really fun.

Yeah it's only slightly better than I expected, being that I had no expectations for it (I have no idea why people were so excited for it lol), but it has some fun side mission stuff.  Spider Tank is AMAZING lol

I'm more surprised about the negativity I've been hearing about it today (not just here, but in comments on other sites).  I have a feeling it's a case of the "vocal minority" tho.  Not really sure why you WOULDN'T have been excited about it assuming you're a fan of open world games (and if you're not, then it's obviously not a game for you :P).  I'll say this, from what I played of this & what I played of GTA V, it's a HECK of a lot more fun & interesting than GTA V. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1248 on: May 28, 2014, 07:49:39 pm »
I downloaded the new Strider game off XBLA and I'm loving it so far. The controls take a little getting used to, and I wish you could skip the pre-boss fight cut scenes after you've seen them once, but those are minor issues, overall it's a great game.

Yeah, that game looks like a ton of fun. I want it.

I love this new 2D renaissance we're going through! Give us more remakes. Even more than that, I'd like to see new sequels to some of these classics.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1249 on: May 28, 2014, 08:05:51 pm »
I downloaded the new Strider game off XBLA and I'm loving it so far. The controls take a little getting used to, and I wish you could skip the pre-boss fight cut scenes after you've seen them once, but those are minor issues, overall it's a great game.

Yeah, that game looks like a ton of fun. I want it.

I love this new 2D renaissance we're going through! Give us more remakes. Even more than that, I'd like to see new sequels to some of these classics.

so... No new 2d games?


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1250 on: May 28, 2014, 09:31:47 pm »

Done with D3 already, doc?!

Not even close. Haven't really been home for the past week. :'(
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1251 on: May 28, 2014, 11:07:42 pm »
Cindy-rella just kicked my ass again. I gotta figure out what Im doing wrong.

It's been awhile -but- I remember getting my ass kicked in that fight my 1st one or two tries myself  :-[

I gave it another try and won. I put her silly ass to sleep and pelted her with pieces of the chandelier ! :D Chapter one - done!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1252 on: May 29, 2014, 07:07:39 pm »
Just started Castlevania Lament of Innocence.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1253 on: May 30, 2014, 02:59:37 am »
Watch Dogs actually started to get pretty boring too me after awhile.  I beat Act 1, did a bunch of side missions, a lot of them were pretty cool, but the story and characters are pretty dull and because the world is just basic modern world setting, it's pretty dull also.  It doesn't have the humor and ridiculousness of Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row to be interesting.  I feel if they had done a more future oriented world, like Deus Ex level of tech, it would've been a lot cooler.  I also heard there were a lot of issues that are plaguing the PC version though I played the PS3 version, which played fine other than terrible pop in for vehicles and such.

Instead of that tonight, I returned Watch Dogs and dove into Awesomenauts with a friend and had a blast! I've had the game since the last winter sale on Steam and just never played it lol It's really fun for a MOBA, it isn't hampered by not being able to play characters, though you have to unlock them, but once you do, you have a good like 15 to 20 characters to play as.  It's also not nearly as competitive as something like LoL or even Smite, so it's a more fun experience than those.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1254 on: May 30, 2014, 08:45:24 am »
Watch Dogs actually started to get pretty boring too me after awhile.  I beat Act 1, did a bunch of side missions, a lot of them were pretty cool, but the story and characters are pretty dull and because the world is just basic modern world setting, it's pretty dull also.  It doesn't have the humor and ridiculousness of Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row to be interesting.  I feel if they had done a more future oriented world, like Deus Ex level of tech, it would've been a lot cooler.  I also heard there were a lot of issues that are plaguing the PC version though I played the PS3 version, which played fine other than terrible pop in for vehicles and such.

Instead of that tonight, I returned Watch Dogs and dove into Awesomenauts with a friend and had a blast! I've had the game since the last winter sale on Steam and just never played it lol It's really fun for a MOBA, it isn't hampered by not being able to play characters, though you have to unlock them, but once you do, you have a good like 15 to 20 characters to play as.  It's also not nearly as competitive as something like LoL or even Smite, so it's a more fun experience than those.

Now im questioning getting the PC version for me  :(


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1255 on: May 30, 2014, 09:18:27 am »
I've settled on a trade for some Digimon with a collector on instagram, and that got me back into wanting to play. So I grabbed my Digimon World: Dawn game, and started my first ever Digimon adventure! So far I'm having lots of fun, even though I hate the level design. I'm constantly lost  :-\


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1256 on: May 30, 2014, 09:36:50 am »
I've settled on a trade for some Digimon with a collector on instagram, and that got me back into wanting to play. So I grabbed my Digimon World: Dawn game, and started my first ever Digimon adventure! So far I'm having lots of fun, even though I hate the level design. I'm constantly lost  :-\

Me growing up in Pokemon Mania and I always wanted to be the world's greatest Pokemon trainer and I was kicking *** too, I hated Digimon just for that reason and I never gave Digimon any true attention.  Is Digimon kind of just like Pokemon?


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1257 on: May 30, 2014, 12:15:13 pm »
Playing Path of Exile and the tecmo classic arcade Disc
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1258 on: May 30, 2014, 01:42:07 pm »
Watch Dogs actually started to get pretty boring too me after awhile.  I beat Act 1, did a bunch of side missions, a lot of them were pretty cool, but the story and characters are pretty dull and because the world is just basic modern world setting, it's pretty dull also.  It doesn't have the humor and ridiculousness of Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row to be interesting.  I feel if they had done a more future oriented world, like Deus Ex level of tech, it would've been a lot cooler.  I also heard there were a lot of issues that are plaguing the PC version though I played the PS3 version, which played fine other than terrible pop in for vehicles and such.

Instead of that tonight, I returned Watch Dogs and dove into Awesomenauts with a friend and had a blast! I've had the game since the last winter sale on Steam and just never played it lol It's really fun for a MOBA, it isn't hampered by not being able to play characters, though you have to unlock them, but once you do, you have a good like 15 to 20 characters to play as.  It's also not nearly as competitive as something like LoL or even Smite, so it's a more fun experience than those.

Now im questioning getting the PC version for me  :(

Yeah I'd check their forums before you do to see if it is a widespread issue at all.  The game is gonna look better on PC, but as with most Ubisoft games, there's not much real benefit playing them on PC.  Other than Far Cry 3 maybe which has mods for it now.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #1259 on: May 30, 2014, 05:26:04 pm »
Just started Castlevania Lament of Innocence.

Where's that +1 button?
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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