did anyone else notice the deer's antlers Glowing?
Yup. Magic Deer.
Last Guardian out in October 25th.
new Horizon dawn gameplay.
New Quantum Dream game "Detroid: Become Human". I'm actually getting kinda lost in these trailers lol
Resident Evil 7 teased with an incredibly spooky trailer that did not hint at Resident Evil at all. It'll have VR support and releaseds January 2017. There's a demo tonight, but I'm unsure of what kinda demo it is. Might just be VR for that teaser.
Selection of VR experiences. Farpoint. Interesting scifi VR game. Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing VR Mission. Batman VR game coming October made by Rocksteady. Mark Hamill always great. Final Fantasy XV VR experience where you play as the blonde gun guy.