BurgerTime (yellow label) Box Art
BurgerTime (yellow label) Box Art
BurgerTime (yellow label) Box Art


BurgerTime (yellow label)

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Estimated Value: $6.00 [via PriceCharting.com]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Mattel
Developer(s): Data East Corporation
Platform: Intellivision [NA]
Genre: Arcade
Rating: None
Item Number: 4549
Barcode: 071200045490
Release Date: 1982
Description: NA
Box Text: Your chef is battling for his life in the fast-paced world of fast food. He scurries up lad ers and across planks in a frantic effort to build delicious hamburgers. Horrible hot dogs, evil eggs, and perilous pickles constantly try to surround and trap him.Dust those nasties with a pinch of pepper and stop them in their tracks. Gulp some coffee or gobble some fries and you store some extra pepper. Get through the seventh maze and you are a certified Burger-maniac.
Pickles, eggs and hot dogs relentlessly chase
your chef through the maze. Be smart and be
quick but most off all, carry plenty of pepper.
Give nasties a ride on a falling bun to score the
big points. Watch out though! These nasties
never die.
-1 or 2 can play.
-Three kinds of nasties-pickles, eggs and hot dogs-get quicker the longer you survive.
-You start with 5 chefs. Get another for each 10,000 points you score.
-Score points by dropping buns, lettuce, tomatoes, and patties.
-Rack up the big points by squashing the nasties or better yet giving them a ride down on a falling ingredient.
-Seven mazes requiring inventive strategies to master.
-A visual feast for the computer game gourmet!
Date User Field Value
09-01-2019 aliensstudios Name BurgerTime (yellow label)
02-18-2019 aliensstudios Name Burgertime (yellow label)
11-08-2016 aliensstudios Name Burgertime (Yellow Cartridge Label)
10-10-2016 aliensstudios Name Burgertime (Yellow Label)
01-20-2016 aliensstudios Box Text Your chef is battling for his life in the fast-paced world of fast food. He scurries up lad ers and across planks in a frantic effort to build delicious hamburgers. Horrible hot dogs, evil eggs, and perilous pickles constantly try to surround and trap him.Dust those nasties with a pinch of pepper and stop them in their tracks. Gulp some coffee or gobble some fries and you store some extra pepper. Get through the seventh maze and you are a certified Burger-maniac. Pickles, eggs and hot dogs relentlessly chase your chef through the maze. Be smart and be quick but most off all, carry plenty of pepper. Give nasties a ride on a falling bun to score the big points. Watch out though! These nasties never die. -1 or 2 can play. -Three kinds of nasties-pickles, eggs and hot dogs-get quicker the longer you survive. -You start with 5 chefs. Get another for each 10,000 points you score. -Score points by dropping buns, lettuce, tomatoes, and patties. -Rack up the big points by squashing the nasties or better yet giving them a ride down on a falling ingredient. -Seven mazes requiring inventive strategies to master. -A visual feast for the computer game gourmet!
01-20-2016 aliensstudios Barcode 071200045490
01-20-2016 aliensstudios Rating 9
07-23-2012 jaydepps Item Number 4549
03-27-2012 vermin360 Back Box Art new
02-28-2012 htimreimer Release Date - Year 1982
02-28-2012 htimreimer Rating 17
02-28-2012 htimreimer Genre 3
02-28-2012 htimreimer Publisher 1522
02-28-2012 htimreimer Developer 58
01-27-2012 jeffsgames Cart/Disc/Media Art new
01-27-2012 jeffsgames Front Box Art new
04-14-2011 warpedatari02 Created

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