Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Box Art


Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Namco Bandai Games
Developer(s): FromSoftware
Platform: Steam
Genre: Action-RPG
Rating: ESRB - M (US / Canada)
Item Number: 211420
Release Date: August 23 2012
Description: NA
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
08-13-2024 dhaabi Item Number 211420
08-13-2024 dhaabi Name Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
08-28-2020 tripredacus Box Text
08-28-2020 tripredacus Name Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition
05-23-2019 empovyle Genre 29
03-15-2016 entity Name Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
02-01-2015 diazflac Name Dark Souls - Prepare To Die Edition
07-12-2013 foxhack Front Box Art new
07-12-2013 foxhack Box Text Dark Souls is the new action role-playing game from the developers who brought you Demons Souls, FromSoftware. Dark Souls will have many familiar features: A dark fantasy universe, tense dungeon crawling, fearsome enemy encounters and unique online interactions. Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demons, not a sequel. Prepare for a new, despair-inducing world, with a vast, fully-explorable horizon and vertically-oriented landforms. Prepare for a new, mysterious story, centered around the the world of Lodran, but most of all, prepare to die. You will face countless murderous traps, countless darkly grotesque mobs and several gargantuan, supremely powerful demons and dragons bosses. You must learn from death to persist through this unforgiving world. And you arent alone. Dark Souls allows the spirits of other players to show up in your world, so you can learn from their deaths and they can learn from yours. You can also summon players into your world to co-op adventure, or invade other's worlds to PVP battle. New to Dark Souls are Bonfires, which serve as check points as you fight your way through this epic adventure. While rested at Bonfires, your health and magic replenish but at a cost, all mobs respawn. Beware: There is no place in Dark Souls that is truly safe. With days of game play and an even more punishing difficulty level, Dark Souls will be the most deeply challenging game you play this year. Can you live through a million deaths and earn your legacy?
03-07-2013 desocietas Box Text Dark Souls™: Prepare to Die™ Edition will include an untold chapter in the world of Lordran. Sent back to the past, player will discover the story when Knight Artorias still lives. New Bosses – Including Black Dragon, Sanctuary Guardian, Artorias of the Abyss. PVP Arena & Online Matchmaking System – Quick matching for players to play 1vs1, 2vs2 and 4 player battle royal. New Areas – Including Oolacile Township, Oolacile Sanctuary, Royal Wood, Battle of Stoicism which is the training ground for online PVP battles. New Enemies – Including Wooden scarecrows, Chained Prisoner, Stone Knight. New NPCs – Including Hawkeye Gough, Elizabeth (keeper of the sanctuary). New Weapons and Armor – Equip some from the new bosses, enemies, and NPCs The Story Dark Souls is the new action role-playing game from the developers who brought you Demon’s Souls, FromSoftware. Dark Souls will have many familiar features: A dark fantasy universe, tense dungeon crawling, fearsome enemy encounters and unique online interactions. Dark Souls is a spiritual successor to Demon’s, not a sequel. Prepare for a new, despair-inducing world, with a vast, fully-explorable horizon and vertically-oriented landforms. Prepare for a new, mysterious story, centered around the the world of Lodran, but most of all, prepare to die. You will face countless murderous traps, countless darkly grotesque mobs and several gargantuan, supremely powerful demons and dragons bosses. You must learn from death to persist through this unforgiving world. And you aren’t alone. Dark Souls allows the spirits of other players to show up in your world, so you can learn from their deaths and they can learn from yours. You can also summon players into your world to co-op adventure, or invade other's worlds to PVP battle. New to Dark Souls are Bonfires, which serve as check points as you fight your way through this epic adventure. While rested at Bonfires, your health and magic replenish but at a cost, all mobs respawn. Beware: There is no place in Dark Souls that is truly safe. With days of game play and an even more punishing difficulty level, Dark Souls will be the most deeply challenging game you play this year. Can you live through a million deaths and earn your legacy? Key Features: Extremely Deep, Dark & Difficult – Unforgiving in its punishment, yet rewarding for the determined – learn to strategize freely and conquer seemingly impossible challenges. Fully Seamless World – Explore a completely integrated world of dark fantasy where dungeons and areas are seamlessly intertwined, with great height. Mastery Earns Progression – Contains 60 hours of gameplay, with nearly 100 uniquely despair-inducing monsters & an incredibly nuanced RPG systems including: weaponry, armor, miracles, faith, and more. Player success depends on their eventual mastery of how and when to use the magic spells, choice of armor, the number of weapons, the types of weapons, and the moves attached to the weapons. Network Play – Players may cross paths with one another, invading each other for PVP battles, or to play co-op and take on giant boss encounters as a team. Flexible Character Development & Role Play – As the player progresses, they must carefully choose which of their character’s abilities to enhance as this will determine their progression style. Community – See other real players and empathize with their journey, learn from seeing how others died, find and leave messages for your fellow players; helping them or leading them into death. Symbolic of Life & Hope – The Bonfire is an important feature in Dark Souls for many reasons. Though in gameplay it serves as a health and magic recovery and a progression check point, it also happens to be the one place in the dark world where players can find a fleeting moment of warmth and calm.
03-07-2013 desocietas Front Box Art new
03-06-2013 mildsnakz Created

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