Stargunner Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): 3d realms
Developer(s): Apogee Software
Also on Platforms: 2600 [NA] PC - Digital PC [NA] Steam
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up
Rating: None
Item Number: NA
Release Date: September 13 2013
Description: NA
Box Text: In the far distant future, an epic war for survival takes place. Deep within the Andromeda galaxy, the people of Zile grow restless and greedy. The Zilions secretly prepare for a massive strike against the nearby planet Ytima. Fearing such an attack the Ytimians train an elite squad of "Stargunners." Their mission: To strike the planet Zile first, and cripple the Zilions three strongholds, where the Zilion war fleets await the launch order. If the Stargunners can surprise the Zilions on their own planet, and destroy most of their fleet, then good will triumph at least one more time.

Get them before they get you - there won't be a second chance...
Date User Field Value
05-24-2019 ss4moku Publisher 1781
05-24-2019 ss4moku Developer 2312
12-06-2015 Front Box Art new
02-09-2014 campercarl Platform / Category 486
02-09-2014 campercarl Name Stargunner
09-22-2013 foxhack Box Text In the far distant future, an epic war for survival takes place. Deep within the Andromeda galaxy, the people of Zile grow restless and greedy. The Zilions secretly prepare for a massive strike against the nearby planet Ytima. Fearing such an attack the Ytimians train an elite squad of "Stargunners." Their mission: To strike the planet Zile first, and cripple the Zilions three strongholds, where the Zilion war fleets await the launch order. If the Stargunners can surprise the Zilions on their own planet, and destroy most of their fleet, then good will triumph at least one more time. Get them before they get you - there won't be a second chance...
09-22-2013 foxhack Release Date - Year 2013
09-22-2013 foxhack Release Date - Day 13
09-22-2013 foxhack Release Date - Month 9
09-22-2013 foxhack Created

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