Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. It was a bit of a curiosity purchase, cus I was surprised they had a few in stock. Just asked if they had 1 in stock, so I followed through.
Notes: I think I got her around the time Toys "R" Us was going through Bankruptcy, so I decided to pick her up while I still could. On top of really liking Palutena in Smash 3DS and Kid Icarus Uprising.
Notes: Gamestop in store pick up. It was gonna be $17.50, but I used my monthly discounts to bring it down to $7.50 with helping from the nice employee. Owning this warms my Kingdom's Heart.
Notes: Probably my 2nd Amiibo bought alongside Mario, cus for a while I wasn't wanting them. She was always heavily available, so 1 day I just caved. Given it's also my favorite Zelda design.
Notes: Got it from my local GameStop who I curiously asked if they carried any in stock. Clerk searched through their inventory, but glad he found 1 for me. It's neat Mio is getting a GSC scale soon!