Notes: Very overlooked Anime Fighter with a lot of complex options. Kind of wish I got this during Aksys Games' insane clearance sale back then, cus owning a sealed copy is something I want bad today!
Notes: 1st Supergiant Games title I learned about way back for quite some time. Till I Platinumed it! I got this sealed copy from VGNY out of nostalgia 1 day randomly.
Notes: Seen this available on VGP for a few years, and had to jump on it along with Trails of Cold Steel 4(Switch) when NISA announced delisting God Wars.
Notes: Gamestop in-store "Buy 2 Get 1" pick up Sale after Christmas. This was my "free" game alongside Death Mark 2(NSW) & The Sly Collection(PS3). Seen Kat on PSABR and her passionate fans made me get it.
Notes: Best girl Noire's game was a must have for me at the time, and this was when I was really buying Neptunia scales on top of these near monthly localized releases..
Notes: My and the 1st Iffy's Online Store item Idea Factory put out. After breaking free from NISA's poor localization handling. Like on top of weird translations they just didn't give a fuck about suppling.
Notes: Had to get this! Given it was the Rebirth of Victory. The entry that I 1st started my Nep journey on PS3. A lot of neat party mascots got added here for more puns!
Notes: Never thought I'd own a Dakimakura cover, but at least it's based on 1 of my favorite Neptunia characters. Who I own a fair amount of scales of. I also liked Dengekiko in this Tamsoft hack and slash
Notes: Added it to my VideoGamesPlus order during "Weekend 10 pack sale" in February. To acquire Free shipping. Was also the last copy, and main motivation of purchase.
Notes: Bought for $19 from Aksys Games' May 2019 Golden Week Sale along/w Continuum Shift 2(PSP), XBlaze LM(PS3), an AA Chiller, BlazBlue and Guilty Gear Anime Ascension shirts.
Notes: Never thought I'd be able to complete my "Zero Escape" Vita collection, but my local GIC had it at a price I felt was fair. Alongside a NSW copy of Disgaea 5 Complete.