Notes: I still remember how the female Gamestop employee shilled this pre-order on me way back, and I'm glad she did! Given how much I adored this silly ass game making me appreciate weeb shit.
Notes: Found its combat randomness quite fascinating compared to most JRPGs. Kind of wish I got the Vita version, cus that 1's CE is something I legit almost pre-ordered at 1 point from NISA.
Notes: 1 of the better Limited Editions IMO, and probably my 1st statue/scale owned looking back. Loved the Haytham Kenway tact and family drama quite a lot here.
Notes: Found this game quite enjoyable/w the AC3 expanded ship mechanics. I also bought an Edward Kenway action figure, Hidden Blade toy, and shirt when I picked this up from GameStop.
Notes: Coin was shipped separately, but overall sealed. Genuinely a very overlooked Dungeon crawler I never see anyone mention despite how decent the game's story and options are to encourage replay value.
Notes: 1 of the 1st PS3 games I bought. I was such a massive Bleach fan growing up, and during this time the Anime was getting discontinued in 2012. This is also my 1st Platinum!
Notes: Definitely a must have Castlevania game! I enjoyed its classic GoW elements, and Gabriel & Zobek's parallel relationship to Dracula & Death. Forgotten One DLC on Paladin is still my proudest 100%
Notes: Quite gory, but in a Mortal Kombat cool action fun way. The Alucard twist was well done, cus I never saw it coming. Despite how in your face it was! Quite a polarizing Castlevania game, but I enjoyed