Notes: Really wish I kept my original copy of this Gackt gem. Picked it up @ my local GIC along/w Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow(DS), Portrait of Ruin(DS), Onimusha 2(PS2), and MK Deadly Alliance(PS2)
Notes: Over the years I learned to appreciate this childhood purchase. Given Capcom Fighting Evolution walked, so SaltyBet can run hilarious AI Fight money matches on the MUGEN engine.
Notes: The Belmont, Vampire Killer, and Dracula origin entry I wish got expanded on more. The Leon Hatake screaming "I'll kill you AND! the Night" at Walter Senju scene is quite iconic.
Notes: Own 2 copies of this from GameStop each for $3, cus I broke my 1st/w toothpaste trying to resurface lol This was 2000s kid me, and internet was nowhere as big a convenience as you see today.
Notes: Bought as a kid from GameStop loose, but enjoyed playing it. Until I tackled hard mode in New game+ without upgrades, and got stuck on the 2 shapeshifter dogs!