Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2020  (Read 60531 times)


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2019, 01:40:49 am »
Here we go again! ;D

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2019, 05:01:29 am »
I don't think I'll reach the big 52 but I still like to keep track of what I beat :)

Currently Playing:
Death Stranding (PS4)
Borderlands 1 GotY (PS4)
Sniper Elite (PS4)

Intend to beat list:
Yakuza 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (PS4)
Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
Resident Evil 3 Remake (PS4)
Trials of Mana Remake (ps4)
Persona 5 Royal (PS4)
Infinite Indiscovery (360)
Ni No Kuni Remastered (PS4)
End of Eternity 4K (PS4)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2019, 05:10:55 am by vivigamer »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2020, 04:12:23 am »
2017 :,7980.msg149108.html#msg149108
2018 :,8821.msg160906.html#msg160906
2019 :,9921.msg162691.html#msg162691

Doing this again!

1. FIFA 19 [Xbox One]
2. Hitman: Bonus Episodes [Xbox One]
3. NBA 2K20 [Xbox One]
4. Madden NFL 20 [Xbox One]
5. Hitman: Patient Zero [Xbox One]
6. Control [Playstation 4]
7. Hitman 2: Expansion Pass [Playstation 4]
8. NBA 2K15 [Xbox One]
9. NBA Live 19 [Xbox One]
10. NBA 2K6 [Xbox 360]
11. NBA Live 06 [Xbox 360]
12. FIFA 20 [Xbox One]
13. NBA 2K7 [Xbox 360]
14. MLB: The Show 2019 [Playstation 4]
15. Shenmue III [Playstation 4]
16. Red Dead Redemption 2 [Xbox One]
17. Death Stranding [Playstation 4]
18. Afterparty [Xbox One]
19. I Am Alive [Xbox 360]
20. Max Payne [Playstation 2]
21. Bitlife [Android]
22. Mafia [PC]
23. The Sims 4 [PC]
24. State of Mind [Switch]
25. Ma Bimbo [PC]
26. Amour Sucrée [PC]
27. Eldarya [PC]
28. Max Payne 3 [Xbox 360]
29. Manhunt [Playstation 2]
30. Mafia 2 [Playstation 3]
31. State of Emergency [Playstation 2]
32. Mafia 2: Jimmy's Betrayal [Xbox One]
33. Mafia 2: Jimmy's Vendetta [Xbox One]
34. Manhunt 2 [Wii]
35. State of Emergency 2 [Playstation 2]
36. Mafia 2: Joe's Adventures [Xbox One]
37. Devil May Cry HD [Xbox One]
38. Resident Evil [Playstation 1]
39. NBA 2K21 [Playstation 4]
40. EA UFC 4 [Xbox One]
41. The Last of us Part II [Playstation 4]
42. Resident Evil: Director's Cut [Playstation 1]
43. NBA 2K20 [Playstation 4]
44. Devil May Cry 2 HD [Xbox One]
45. The Sims [PC]
46. The Sims 2 [PC]
47. The Sims 3 [PC]
48. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 [Playstation 4]
49. NBA 2K19 [Xbox One]
50. NBA 2k21 [Xbox One]
51. NBA 2k21 [Xbox Series X/S]
52. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition HD [Xbox One]
53. Resident Evil 2: DualShock Ver. [Playstation 1]
54. Devil May Cry 4 [Xbox 360]
55. Madden NFL 21 [Xbox Series X/S]
56. NHL 21 [Xbox One]
57. FIFA 21 [Xbox Series X/S]
58. WWE 2K20 [Xbox One]
59. Rugby 20 [Playstation 4]
60. AFL Evolution 2 [Playstation 4]
61. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis [Playstation 1]
62. The Sims Mobile [Android]
63. Love Sick [Android]
64. Frontier Justice [Android]
65. NHL 19 [Xbox One]
66. AO International Tennis [Playstation 4]
67. Pro Yakyū Spirits 2019 [Playstation 4]

« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 07:50:33 pm by chrismb »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2020, 06:54:58 pm »
Only hit 21 games last year but it was my first try at this.  Going to give it another go!

Games Completed:
Actual Sunlight
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Back to the Future: The Game
Black the Fall
Call of Duty Black Ops
CoD: Black Ops 2
Dark Pictures Anthology: The Man of Medan
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Doom (2016)
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark
Fractured Minds
Full Throttle Remastered
Gears of War Remastered
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Gears of War Judgement
Gears of War 4
Gone Home
Goosebumps the Game
Guardians of the Galaxy
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
Horizon Chase Turbo
Infamous 2
Infamous First Light
Infamous Second Son
The Last of Us 2
Life is Strange 2
Little Nightmares
Nex Machina
Night Call
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 3 (2019)
Resident Evil 4 (PS4)
Strike Vector EX
Titanfall 2
Until Dawn
Untitled Goose Game
Walking Dead Season 1
Walking Dead Season 2
Walking Dead New Frontier
What Remains of Edith Finch
The Wolf Among Us
Zombie Army 4: Dead War

Total 51
Games In Progress:
Call of Duty Black Ops 3

Only one to go I think I'm going to make it!!

*updated 12/26/20
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 06:01:14 pm by shatterstar69 »
Time to make the donuts!


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2020, 05:56:30 am »

1. A Case of Distrust (Steam) | January 1st - 2.3 hours | ★★★☆☆
2. Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage (Steam) | January 3rd - 3.1 hours | ★★★☆☆
3. Paratopic (Steam) | January 6th - 0.6 hours | ★★☆☆☆
4. Door Kickers: Action Squad (Steam) | January 13th - 13.2 hours | ★★★★☆
5. RUINER (PSN) | January 15th - N/A | ★★★★☆
6. Extreme Exorcism (PSN) | January 17th - N/A | ★★☆☆☆
7. Ratchet & Clank (PS4) | January 20th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
8. House of 1,000 Doors: Evil Inside (Steam) | January 20th - 6.0 hours | ★★☆☆☆
9. One Strike (Switch Download) | January 20th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
10. Star Fetchers: Pilot (Steam) | January 21st - 0.8 hours | ★★★★☆
11. ZOMBI (Uplay) | January 24th - 8.0 hours | ★★★★☆
12. Driver: San Francisco (Uplay) | January 31st - N/A | ★★★★☆


13. Gish (Steam) | February 2nd - 2.7 hours | ★★★☆☆
14. Agent A: A puzzle in disguise (Steam) | February 4th - 3.5 hours | ★★★☆☆
15. Super Fatty Office Administrator Simulator | February 8th - N/A | ★★★★☆
16. Ben There, Dan That! (Steam) | February 15th - 1.2 hours | ★★★☆☆
17. Mission: It's Complicated (Steam) | February 15th - 6.0 hours | ★★★★☆
18. Karlson 2D ( | February 16th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
19. Paramedium: A Noise in the Attic ( | February 17th - 0.1 hours | ★★☆☆☆
20. Paramedium 2: Girl in the Road ( | February 17th - 0.3 hours | ★★☆☆☆
21. Tom Clancy's The Division (Uplay) | February 19th - 23.0 hours | ★★★☆☆
22. Tom Clancy's The Division 2 (Uplay) | February 23rd - 24.0 hours | ★★★★☆
23. No Response ( | February 24th - 0.2 hours | ★★★☆☆
24. Crypt Shyfter: Moonbright ( | February 24th - N/A | ★★★☆☆


25. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (Steam) | March 8th - 8.6 hours | ★★★☆☆
26. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Steam) | March 9th - 16.3 hours | ★★★★☆
27. Grand Theft Auto III (Steam) | March 13th - 15.9 hours | ★★★☆☆
28. WarioWare Gold (3DS) | March 14th - 1.8 hours | ★★★★☆
29. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (Steam) | March 19th - 2.3 hours | ★★★☆☆
30. Life is Strange 2 (Steam) | March 21st - 18.1 hours | ★★★★★
31. Batman: The Enemy Within - The Telltale Series (Steam) | March 28th - 9.8 hours | ★★★★☆
32. Monument Valley 2 (Android) | March 30th - N/A | ★★★★☆


33. Q-YO Blaster (Switch Download) | April 1st - N/A | ★★★☆☆
34. Respawn Man (Steam) | April 2nd - 0.7 hours | ★☆☆☆☆
35. Pop'n TwinBee (Switch Download) | April 4th - N/A | ★★★☆☆
36. Coffee Talk (Switch Download) | April 5th - N/A | ★★★★☆
37. Neo Cab (Switch Download) | April 5th - N/A | ★★★★☆

« Last Edit: April 09, 2020, 01:21:57 pm by kevininja »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2020, 09:15:20 pm »
First game of the year! Woohoo!

1. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Wii)

This year I've committed to mostly playing games I've never played before, but ironically I started the year with a game I have beat. I absolutely adore the first Sin and Punishment on the N64; it's one of my favorite games on the console which is saying a lot since I am a huge fan of the N64. I was beyond excited to play its sequel which I was hoping would be more of the same, and in a lot of ways it is, but it isn't nearly as good. Star Successor is a loose sequel that takes place some time after the first game. You'd be forgiven for not knowing what the hell was going on since both games have a very anime-ish story that barely makes sense. More or less you wouldn't be missing much if you didn't play the first game, but you do find something kinda cool about one of the character after you beat the game.

Gameplay wise, Star Successor takes the on-rails action of the first game, but enhances it in various ways like allowing for more varied shooting depending on the scenario or boss you're fighting. The first Sin and Punishement did this too, but to a lessor degree. You are also given a quick dodge attack that makes you briefly invincible, but also leaves you vulnerable for a brief second as well. Overall, the controls and gameplay are probably the best quality of Star Successor and what's closest to the original in terms of quality. However, that's where it's superior qualities end. Star Successor was a game made for the Wiimote motion controls, mainly aiming your character's gun and the many enemies around you. This mostly works in the same way a lightgun game would, however when your character's perspective changes it can be awkward and clunky at times to aim. You control the characters movements like the aforementioned dodge, flying, and jump with the Wii's nunchuck which all works well enough. The game mostly succeeds in making a fun game with Wii's controls, but it would have been nice to have a mode where the classic controller would have been used instead.

The sound is sorely lacking in Star Successor. With no hyperbole, the first Sin and punishment had one of the best soundtracks of any N64 game, period. Yes, it was up there with Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask in terms of how excellent it was. Star Successor's soundtrack mostly just sounds like generic video game techno most of the time, although it does appropriately fit the gameplay and visuals so it certainly gets credit for that. Another area where the the audio is lacking is the voice acting. For the record, neither game had good voice acting or dialogue, however the first game absolutely fit into that so bad it was good category, but the second is just mostly bad. The dialogue, while mostly nonsensical like the first game, lacks that hilarious quality, making it just confusion and awkward. It does have it's moments though, but it isn't nearly as good. The sound effects are decent as well with tons of cool effects throughout the game.

Graphically, Star Successor is a mixed bag. The game looks very 6th gen in presentation, although to be perfectly honest most Wii games did. Since I judge visuals by the standards of the time the game was released I have to dock it for that, since it looks like a game released on the PS2, not a console that was directly competing with the PS3 and 360. However, the artistic direction and creativity of this game definitely carry it visually; the enemies are varied, weird and cool looking. The bosses are often larger than life and very cool to fight (most of the time), and the character and level design is excellent. it is absolutely a game that could have been a major standout had it been developed on more powerful hardware, although this game was absolutely meant for the Wii given its dependance on the Wii motion controls.

Sin and Punishment Star Successor is a fast paced, vibrant, challenging, and weird rail shooter, one certainly worth playing if you can find it. However, it is a downgrade from its predecessor in nearly every way, which makes it feel more run of the mill and generic. Luckily it's unique and weird art style save it from this, but in the end it only ends up being above average in terms of fun and overall quality. (1/3/20)

Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Fun: 12/20
Overall: 34/50

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2020, 12:22:19 am »
2 - Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (PC 2017) - BEAT - This was part of something I started last year and technically the year before that with a couple missions, but finally got around to finishing the story.  As brought up in the Star Wars thread, the story for this game is "aggressively fine".  I think there's a really great story here dealing with a special forces unit for the Empire seeing how truly evil they are, but it's so rushed between realizing they are bad, and then becoming a totally great rebel soldier.  The story also has you jumping between about 5 other regular Star Wars characters for missions, which at times feels like it takes away from Inferno Squad's story abit.

It's certainly not bad, but it's really just your generally alright shooter story.  Though I was surprised to find out there's basically a First Order epilogue that ties everything pretty nice, I didn't know they went that far and there's actually another little story update they could do to finalize it with connecting it to Rise of Skywalker, but no clue if they have plans for that.  I will say that this was one of the better stories DICE has done for their games as they've not really done anything really that good since the Bad Company games.

Multiplayer is still pretty great though.  Looking forward to the upcoming update they got planned.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2020, 11:58:34 am »
o hell yeah, i will join this thread)))
2019: in my personal list, last year i beat 20 games that i could recall. of those 20 games, i beat 11 pokemon games which resulted in a living pokedex up through generation 6 in pokemon (stored on omega ruby currently). from the remainder, i got 3 platinum trophies, 2 on PS4 and 1 on vita. i dropped 5 games that i can recall. aaanyway...

<-- this icon means if i beat the game, i got the platinum trophy or in-game 100% completion if it doesn't have trophy support.

~~~~~03.01.20~~~~~ final fantasy X HD (PS4)
~~~~~09.01.20~~~~~ sonic generations (PS3)
~~~~~14.01.20~~~~~ sonic advance 2 (GBA) [cream route]
~~~~~16.01.20~~~~~ sonic heroes (PS2) [team rose route]
~~~~~24.01.20~~~~~ sonic adventure dx (PS3) [super sonic ending]
~~~~~24.01.20~~~~~ sonic and all stars racing transformed (PS3) [all characters/maps unlocked/it takes ages trophy unlocked]

~~~~~08.02.20~~~~~ pokemon crystal (3DS VC)
~~~~~10.02.20~~~~~ pokemon yellow (3DS VC)
~~~~~11.02.20~~~~~ pokemon blue (3DS VC) [speedrun in 2:42]

~~~~~06.03.20~~~~~ pokemon mystery dungeon: blue rescue team (DS)

~~~~~01.07.20~~~~~ atelier lydie & suelle ~the alchemists and the mysterious paintings (PS4)
~~~~~22.07.20~~~~~ hyperdimension neptunia (PS3)
~~~~~30.07.20~~~~~ story of seasons: friends of mineral town (NSW)

~~~~~23.09.20~~~~~ pretty soldier sailor moon - another story (SNES)
~~~~~24.09.20~~~~~ pocket monsters 2 (sega MD///taiwanese unlicensed game)

~~~~~03.10.20~~~~~ the 7th saga (SNES) [lejes + esuna]
~~~~~09.10.20~~~~~ phantasy star (master system)

~~~~~09.12.20~~~~~ digimon story hacker's memory (NSw)
~~~~~19.12.20~~~~~ pokemon mystery dungeon: rescue team DX (NSw)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 11:41:22 am by necrosexual »

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2020, 11:28:19 am »
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)

While Sonic 2 seems to be the favorite classic Sonic game in general, it was actually the Sonic game I played the least as a kid. I got hooked on Sonic from playing the first one at my cousin's house growing up, and then it's like the second one didn't even exist. I got Sonic 3 as well as Sonic and Knuckles when those came out and absolutely loved them, but again 2 was never a game I owned or really played that much back in the day. Fastforward to the last decade or so, and the internet pretty much sings Sonic 2's praises up and down like it's the perfect masterpiece in the classic 2D Sonic lineup. My interest absolutely was peaked at this point.

And for the record I have played Sonic 2, a lot, during my life up to this point. However it's with some embarrassment that I admit I've never actually beat Sonic 2. Most of my experience with this game involves playing through the first 3 or 4 Zones and then quitting for one reason or another. Given the game consists of 12 Zones I felt it qualified as a game I lacked enough experience with to justify beating it, and that's what I did. Now that I've played through Sonic 2 here is my review of it.

Sonic 2 is a fantastic game, and I can genuinely see why people sing it's praises nearly 30-years since it was released. It has a lot of gameplay improvements made from the first game and genuinely has a much greater sense of speed, lending itself to the level and stage design. However the level design is also part of this game's weaknesses. While you're encouraged to go as fast as you possibly can in many parts through the various zones, doing so most of the time will be at your own peril. This is even further supported by the addition of the spin dash which is often sited as a major improvement to Sonic 2 over its predecessor. I get that you can't always be going 100mph through the entire stage and they were never designed for that, but I feel that compared to Sonic 3 the pacing in the levels feels significantly more choppy with zones like Mystic Cave Zone and Metropolis Zone being by far the worst offenders of this. Even the first Sonic, with its generally slower gameplay felt more balanced in terms of level design. Despite this flaw, Sonic 2 is mostly a very enjoyable, fun game to blast through, and the amount of imagination and detail in the game's stages were outstanding for the time and still mostly impressive to this day.

Visually Sonic 2 looks amazing, and is up there with the better looking Genesis games. The stage art direction is by far the biggest standout, but so are the character and enemy sprites as well. Some of it shows its age a little, but I find it hard to fault anything major in the visual department of this game.

It goes without saying that Sonic 2's soundtrack is one of the very best on the Sega Genesis. I personally prefer Michael Jackson's score on Sonic 3, but it terms of quality Sonic 2 is just as good. There are only a few tracks on this game that I'd consider just okay, while the rest range from good to outstanding. Sound effects between Sonic's movements and interaction with enemies and objects in the game are top notch as well. Sonic 2 is an absolute eargasm from start to finish.

I guess at this point the million dollar question is whether Sonic 2 is the best classic Sonic game. I'd say no, but it isn't too far off. I'd say that honor goes to Sonic 3, and I'd even say Sonic and Knuckles is superior as well. But this is definitely not saying Sonic 2 is a bad game, in fact the complete opposite. Sonic 2 is an outstanding example of 2D platforming in its golden age, and especially for someone who grew up playing Sonic 2 more than I did I can certainly see why people would sing its praises so high to this day. However, I think it's because I lack this sentimental fondness for Sonic 2 that I fail to appreciate it as much as many others do. I had fun with Sonic 2, but some of the gameplay issues mentioned earlier and also my limited history with this game hurt my overall subjective enjoyment of it while playing. Still, it's an excellent Sonic game and one worth being mentioned when talking about the very best Sonic games. (1/4/20)

Sound: 10/10
Graphics: 9/10
Fun: 12/20
Overall: 39/50


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2020, 05:16:45 pm »
oh man, thanks for that sonic2 write up. i love sonic2, first genesis game i owned and the only one i had for a long time... hearing how you feel about it compared to 3 reminds me i really should sit down and beat sonic3 some day. i'm not sure exactly why i haven't, and i'm looking for a short beat-it-in-a-day game after completing two large RPGs... and ngl i am really disappointed in sonic mania oops did i say that? i've been really wanting some good sonic lately. considering my least favourite zone is metropolis for what you said, and that the speed vs patience reward is more balanced in sonic 3, i think i know what i'm gonna play as a breather game soon. :) also because i've missed out on that spicy michael jackson ost for years smh.

thanks for posting a review)))

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2020, 07:33:39 pm »
Just finished up my first game for the year:
God of War 2 on the Sony PlayStation 2. After finishing the first one at the end of last year, I couldn't wait to jump into the sequel. I've heard from a lot of people that God of War 2 was the best of the older games and to say that those people were right is an understatement (granted I haven't played many of the older GoW games yet but it's going to be hard to beat this one). Everything I loved about the first one was cranked up a few notches. The added subweapons, new powers, and Pegasus combat were all welcome additions; oh and Kratos gets Icarus' wings!!!! WHAT! This game was fricken awesome!! Cant wait to get started on 3!

Oh also I'll be posting all my completed games to my instagram, give me a follow if you want @bravethebacklog
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 07:51:28 pm by justin8301 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2020, 09:04:34 pm »
oh man, thanks for that sonic2 write up. i love sonic2, first genesis game i owned and the only one i had for a long time... hearing how you feel about it compared to 3 reminds me i really should sit down and beat sonic3 some day. i'm not sure exactly why i haven't, and i'm looking for a short beat-it-in-a-day game after completing two large RPGs... and ngl i am really disappointed in sonic mania oops did i say that? i've been really wanting some good sonic lately. considering my least favourite zone is metropolis for what you said, and that the speed vs patience reward is more balanced in sonic 3, i think i know what i'm gonna play as a breather game soon. :) also because i've missed out on that spicy michael jackson ost for years smh.

thanks for posting a review)))

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed my review! Yeah 3 is excellent. I have a heavy, heavy amount of nostalgia for it, but I like to make the majority of my reviews about the more objective parts of the game, which Sonic 2 and 3 stand almost toe to toe. I personally enjoy 3 more however.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2020, 09:34:52 pm »
First game of the year finished.  Watch Dogs plays pretty good (aside from the driving), but the plot is a mess.  It’s a dumb game that thinks it is smart.  Had the occasional performance hiccup, usually during a level-up.


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2020, 10:09:41 am »
1. The Evil Within 2(ps4)
2.Psychonauts (ps4)
3. Yakuza 5 (PS4)
4. Fable 2 (360)
5. Fable 3 (360)
6. Sonic Adventure (360)
7. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland - story & classic mode (360)

Plan to beat
Yakuza 3,4,5- want to mainly play the cut content but also have yet to play 5
Dragon Quest Builders- been playing as a winding down game
Devil May Cry 1,2,3- been since i got my ps2 since i beat 1 & 3 2 is the only devil may cry i have yet to beat
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 01:51:50 pm by redblaze57 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2020, 07:02:57 am »
3 - Hellbalde: Senua's Sacrifice (PC 2017) - BEAT - Another Game Pass game, this was something I had long been interested in, but never took the dive into.  I'm glad I did as it's a very interesting game and it's cool to have played it now after Death Stranding as they feel similar to me in terms of offering up an unconventional gameplay experience to build itself around a story and character driven narrative.  That's of course all they share, but I really liked this, because going in, I wasn't sure what I was gonna expect, as it's not really an action game since the combat is so simple and basic, and it's not really a puzzle game, because the puzzles are too easy, but it all works to keep you super engaged with journey you are being taken on and I was pretty sucked into it just to see what was revealed.

Using ASMR style audio was also a very new thing to see in a game and I'm surprised I haven't seen it used more since then, because man it works well.  The whole feel and atmosphere of this game is unsettling, almost in a horror game sense, but it's not jump scares or genuinely trying to scare you, it just wants to make you uncomfortable the whole time to get into the mindset of this mentally disturbed woman trying to deal with her fears.

Really good game though and I'm pretty interested to see what they do with the sequel that expands on what they did here.