I really don't remember which Ps2 Persona games I bought when...but, right now, "PS2-Wise" I have P3: FES and P4, ost's for both, and an art book for P4...somehow I seem to have missed-out on the P3 art-book

Anyhow...just back from a garage sale.
Nothing spectactular; but, for $10.00 I went home with:
Brutal Legend (PS3) CIB; Disc is mint (I already have several of these, but for $2.00...wtf)?!
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (PS2) CIB; Disc is mint (never heard of it or played it)
Medal of Honor: Vanguard (PS2/Greatest-Hits) CIB; Disc is mint (never played any of these, but I'm sure that it's far from rare:)
Jumper: Griffin's Story (PS2/Sealed) (Never heard of it...no idea what kind of game it even is) and
ZOO Hospital (Wii/Sealed) (totally flying blind here -never owned a Wii & know nothing about its games)...but all of this has *got to* be worth $10 or more; right...right???