Rejected edit to Analogue Pocket Dock. release date was rejected because:
Admin comments: Items shipped and received sometime in 2023. "Fulfillment Group C: 2023"
https://store.analogue.coBut this is Group C, so the 3rd fulfillment group. The first one was sent out at the end of 2021, I don't know when the second one was sent out.
All the products had an actual release date of December 2021, but there were a lot of delays because they had trouble getting the correct chips because of COVID.
I managed to get the actual Analogue Pocket in group A, it was sent out to me on December 14th 2021. I didn't order the dock back then, but the dock released at the same time.
I ordered my dock a little after that and got a Group C fullfilment date (so 2023) with that order. I just received my dock a week or 2 ago.
I am sure the original release date was December 13th 2021, just like the Analogue Pocket itself was.