Author Topic: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!  (Read 5269 times)


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BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:27:18 am »
So, just curious here...

1).  What is the one game that you *PAID* the most for (up to you if you want to say how much you paid for it or not), and

2).  What is the one game that you ever *SOLD* for the biggest profit you've ever made strictly going by what you bought game X for compared to how much you *sold* said game for.

Games can be LE's or CE...but no "bundles" (like if you had to buy a console to get a certaing game/edition/version of a game)...

Most expensive game I ever bought is Suikoden II (PSX game),

and, easily; far & away, the most profitable game that I've ever bought 'speculatively'...and later re-sold is the Hyperdimension Neptunia MK-2 LE.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 10:46:55 am »
1)  I think Street Fighter II Turbo was $70 when it was new.  Since I've been collecting, I think the most I paid for a game was... $33 (I think) for Battle Toads/Double Dragon for the NES.
Behind that I paid $30 each for Mighty Final Fight NES and The Legend of Zelda: Collectors Edition for GameCube.

2)  As far as most profit goes, if this trade works out; I bought Panic Restaurant for $5 and I'm going to trade it for some boxed N64 games.  We'll see how that turns out.  Other than that, I've never traded anything. I'm a hoarder.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 10:49:57 am by turf »


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 10:53:38 am »
1. The most I ever spent on a group of games was 9 DS demos for $350. There was 1 that was valued at about $400 but I broke it down to $40 each.
For a single game I think it was $150 Modern Warfare Prestige edition with the night vision goggles.

2. The most profit I made was when I sold a table top arcade game for $100 that I bought for $2.50


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 10:57:54 am »
Paid the most for... not counting Rock Band due to the whole instrument set... Probably E.V.O.: Search for Eden on SNES. A fantastic side-scrolling action-RPG-ish game, but it comes at a hefty price point. I dealt with the reseller at the flea market to get it for 80$ instead of his listed 90$. Good luck finding it for less than 120$ online right now. This was pretty surprising coming from me since I don't really like paying more than 20$ for an old game.

And I don't sell games.


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 11:04:25 am »
The most expensive game I've bought: Secret of Mana (SNES)
The game I sold for the most compared to what I originally bought it for: Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2012, 11:12:25 am »
The most expensive thing i ever bought is my odyssey 2 60 dollars 


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2012, 11:13:35 am »
The most I have spent on any one game was the 2011 MK set. I bought the collectors edition with the bookends, the CE guide, all the digital downloads and the controller. It ended up running me about $300 total.

I never sell anything for profit. If I get something for cheap, I let it go for cheap cause I hate to be on the other end of that scenario. When I scored an old game store, I gave a lot of stuff away cause I like to make people happy. I ended up getting 90 boxed NES games, for example. I dont like boxes so I gave them to Darko in exchange for whatever he wanted to give me for it. I could have sold those boxes for $10 each and tripled my money just on that.


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2012, 11:21:50 am »
The most I have spent on any one game was the 2011 MK set. I bought the collectors edition with the bookends, the CE guide, all the digital downloads and the controller. It ended up running me about $300 total.

I never sell anything for profit. If I get something for cheap, I let it go for cheap cause I hate to be on the other end of that scenario. When I scored an old game store, I gave a lot of stuff away cause I like to make people happy. I ended up getting 90 boxed NES games, for example. I dont like boxes so I gave them to Darko in exchange for whatever he wanted to give me for it. I could have sold those boxes for $10 each and tripled my money just on that.

I wasn't planning to sell it for that much neither. I've puttd it up on eBay with the auction starting at the price I've paid the game (which was $30), the eBayer ended up blowing it up to $50

1)As far as most profit goes, if this trade works out; I bought Panic Restaurant for $5 and I'm going to trade it for some boxed N64 games.  We'll see how that turns out.  Other than that, I've never traded anything. I'm a hoarder.

Wait what?!? $5 for Panic Restaurant?? Mind selling it to me if it doesn't work out?? :D (what, one can dream right?)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 11:39:24 am by urbanchaos »


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 11:30:54 am »
Received the original World of War Craft as a gift, never played it.  Few years later sold it for $1,000 is that insane or what?  The bad part is the person tried to rip me off but I was one step ahead of him.  He had used his credit card and paid through PayPal, he later filed a dispute through his credit card company saying that he never received it and then said the game wasn't complete.  I proved him wrong because he signed for the package and I gave PayPal and the credit card company all the emails showing that he was trying to get out of paying after he already received the game.  Long story short PayPal said that they side with what ever the credit card company says and of course the credit card company is going to side with there client but I had already extracted my funds from PayPal because I already saw the light on the other side of the tunnel.  They tried to take it from me but I refused and thats why I will never use PayPal again.  They give you this false sense of feeling like their protecting you when in reality they side with what ever the credit card company says and the credit card company will always side with their costumers.


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Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2012, 12:01:34 pm »

Wait what?!? $5 for Panic Restaurant?? Mind selling it to me if it doesn't work out?? :D (what, one can dream right?)

Yeah, I did.  Actually, the $5 one was the more expensive.  I've found it twice out in the wild.  $4 for one $5 for the other.


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Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2012, 12:37:27 pm »

Other than that, I've never traded anything. I'm a hoarder.

Yeah...I can pretty much be a bit of a 'hoarder' myself most of the time.
I'd *NEVER* trade/sell my *only*/"Personal" copy of a game.

Also, like other posters have mentioned...I *ONLY* buy games for systems that I own, and, I *ONLY* buy games that I have an interest in eventually playing myself (there may have been 1 or 2 exceptions to this in the last 20 years, or so :)

What I *DO* often do, however, is if/when there's certain games/Limited-Editions that I'm very confident that they'll sooner or later be rare & valuable items...I'll pre-order (I'll use what I did w/ the "Hyperdimension Neptunia" ("1" and "MK-2") LE's here; say six of these LE's.

One's *MY* personal copy/to open up, play, look through the art-books, listen to the ost's, etc - This one *Never* gets sold/traded.

Then...I wait...

(W/ the Neptunia LE's) it's only ever taken me 6 - 12 months to be able to sell my remaining *"SEALED"* LE's for (on the average) *three to four times* what I bought them for  ;)

I don't really do this as a way of making my living (I could get by comfortably w/o ever doing this)...but...the profits that I make here are the money that's *ONLY* ever used to re-invest into more games for myself (and, the occasional), "Speculative" buys...
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2012, 12:52:51 pm »
I think the most I've paid for a game used (I've paid more for retail items like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Catherine, etc.) is probably $80 for both pt 3 & 4 of .hack.

I try to be pretty patient about games that are higher up there in price and can't really bring myself to pay that much more over usual retail price for games.

As for selling games, I hardly ever sell games.  I think I sold back Touch Detective soon after I bought it at launch (and finished it) for about retail price.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 01:16:09 pm by desocietas »
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2012, 03:11:45 pm »
The most I have paid is 120 bucks for an Atari 2600  4 switch with 60 games and manuals.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2012, 05:22:32 pm »
As far as the most I've ever paid for a game, it's a tie between Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn) and Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES). Actually if you count both copies of Dracula X that I own, it would win. Of course, I did get PDS in a bundle with Panzer Dragoon and Panzer Dragoon II ZWEI, and if you figured regular going price for all three, I saved some cash on PDS.

I've never made a profit on any game I've ever traded/sold. I've since pretty much swore off selling anything I have, since I always regret it. Which is why I have been hunting down NES, XBOX and PS2 games I used to own.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: BIG Money; BIG Money!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2012, 06:03:29 am »
I paid almost $300 for the Uncharted 3 Explorer's Edition. Frickin' Australia.