Ya know we got those first world problems.
Like being able to cancel & back out of deals, commitments, agreements, etc; right? 
Hmmm, sounds bad right here.
Meh; not necessarily "bad" (hence just making a comment instead of starting off a new user feedback thread for someone w/ a negative post) -but- moreso inconvenient, inconsiderate, and, IMO, in bad taste.
In a nutshell:
My 1st deal with Greg (Argyle) = he did his research, read my feedback here over the years, and (more than likely) talked to other long-time members about dealing with me ==> then, (as the "new guy" aka unknown quantity) offered to send to me 1st; which to me, makes sense & is just plain old "Netiquette" & the way things have always been done.
Then - Warmsignal (as a very new member to our community) requested that I set aside one of my Witch & the 100 Knight LE's...almost a month ago(?).
We even talked & agreed upon a price.
Then, yesterday, he seemed surprised that I wasn't going to just send it off to him in the mail -and- that (since he was so new) that I had the 'audacity' to actualy expect him to pay up front.
Lastly, "being surprised at the way I do business"...he just went & got it somewhere else 
Not the end of the world since I have other interested buyers + (like I said) - I'll give the benefit of the doubt by not "marking/making" his "Permanent Record" (read: User Feedback thread) here start off on such a bad note -but- I *did* feel it worthy & deserving of a comment to the other regulars here who will be reading this to keep in mind...
Hey, what happened to you reassuring me that no matter what I decided to do, you would not take it personally or be offended? Because it sounds like I did offend you!

I also never made any such implications towards your dealings with words like audacity and such, I simply said that "I was not aware" of your dealing methods. That's honest. I wasn't aware you did cash only! (My mistake).
I think we are confused about my thoughts regarding etiquette - let me clear that up - I wasn't surprised about who should send first, because I expected to pay first! Like anyone else here, I've dealt many many times online and I am content with pay first, then receive! I was surprised about the request to send actual cash money through the mail. Just wasn't comfy with that idea, and wasn't expecting it. You even said to me that you knew I'd think it sounded weird! It wasn't that I don't trust you, I am just weary of putting cash money in the mail.
When I posted a want-to-buy thread for W&HN, you responded asked me if I wanted it - I said yes, in fact, I did. We agreed on a price. However, I did not think to ask (nor did you tell me) about any specific transaction methods before we settled that I wanted it and you would sell it to me for X amount. We didn't dot the i's and cross the t's properly.

I meant nothing personal by this very abrupt cancellation and felt reassured by Kenny that he felt the same way if I was uncomfortable sending cash. In hindsight, perhaps it was in poor taste to tell him that I had purchased it elsewhere, but know that this came after he told me he was okay with whatever I decided... I must apologize if this sounded spiteful. I was just excited to get the thing, and was pretty certain that the sale of Kenny's copy was directly in line for someone else if couldn't do the deal.
Just so that everyone knows from this point forward - I buy and sell online via PayPal
only. Also, I will happily pay first, since I am new and I have no issue with that. I also have an irrefutable feedback score elsewhere for reference if needed. I only backed out this one time because the details were not ironed out before the time came to do the deal. I believe Kenny did use the word "cash" early in our initial talks, but that did not occur to me that he meant "cash money". I will take responsibility for this error. It happens, again, nothing personal and I apologize if I offended you Kenny.