Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860453 times)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9330 on: January 31, 2016, 11:08:45 pm »
Mini-rant of the day - If you're going to take offers on your eBay listing, at least entertain them you know, at least counter offer? Otherwise, what's the point? I once had a guy knock literally just $1 off with his best offer option, and it was an expensive item too. I don't know why, but it kind of ticks me off when they act like I've lowballed them or something, and won't even counter offer. Now I wouldn't buy this item from this guy at all. If you think the item is worth every penny of your asking price, uncheck best offers.  ::)

eBay has a setting now to either automatically accept or decline best offers. The seller sets the price for both. So say the list something for$20, they can have it automatically accept a pre-figured amount or decline a certain amount.

Not saying this was the case with your personal experience, but it is a possibility.

Could be, but it took several hours before they declined it.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9331 on: February 01, 2016, 08:38:25 am »
Mini-rant of the day - If you're going to take offers on your eBay listing, at least entertain them you know, at least counter offer? Otherwise, what's the point? I once had a guy knock literally just $1 off with his best offer option, and it was an expensive item too. I don't know why, but it kind of ticks me off when they act like I've lowballed them or something, and won't even counter offer. Now I wouldn't buy this item from this guy at all. If you think the item is worth every penny of your asking price, uncheck best offers.  ::)

eBay has a setting now to either automatically accept or decline best offers. The seller sets the price for both. So say the list something for$20, they can have it automatically accept a pre-figured amount or decline a certain amount.

Not saying this was the case with your personal experience, but it is a possibility.

Could be, but it took several hours before they declined it.
I don't know, when I sell stuff, I always but best offer just in case I decide I don't care and will sell it for less, but I don't put the auto decline or accept.

BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT, I list an item for $40, I will get 15 or 20 offers of $20 or less within the first couple of minutes.  I either decline or immediately counter offer with $39.99. 

Especially... and oh my... this actually happened over the weekend.  I have a $40 item on ebay, with calculated shipping, because it is a hefty item.  Guy sends in an offer of $11.87 with a message that he can't go any higher because the shipping is so high.  The thing I'm selling sells for in the range of $60-80 shipped, if you are in my region USPS wise, it should come out to about $50 shipped... which is still below the going rate.  So I go and take a look at this guy's eBay, he has over 10k items listed, almost exclusively video games, all BINs (no BO and extremely over retail) or auctions (with starting bids over retail), so I counter offered $39.99.  I do that shit because I don't want to sell to this guy, so I don't care if I deterred him from ever purchasing from me.

And on the other hand, I'll get guys who offer $25 or $30, just over half, and I'll counteroffer right in the middle, and they never counter offer back, they never decline, they just let me sit there for 24 hours where I can't change my listing... every single time.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9332 on: February 01, 2016, 08:57:03 am »
Mini-rant of the day - If you're going to take offers on your eBay listing, at least entertain them you know, at least counter offer? Otherwise, what's the point? I once had a guy knock literally just $1 off with his best offer option, and it was an expensive item too. I don't know why, but it kind of ticks me off when they act like I've lowballed them or something, and won't even counter offer. Now I wouldn't buy this item from this guy at all. If you think the item is worth every penny of your asking price, uncheck best offers.  ::)

eBay has a setting now to either automatically accept or decline best offers. The seller sets the price for both. So say the list something for$20, they can have it automatically accept a pre-figured amount or decline a certain amount.

Not saying this was the case with your personal experience, but it is a possibility.

Could be, but it took several hours before they declined it.
I don't know, when I sell stuff, I always but best offer just in case I decide I don't care and will sell it for less, but I don't put the auto decline or accept.

BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT, I list an item for $40, I will get 15 or 20 offers of $20 or less within the first couple of minutes.  I either decline or immediately counter offer with $39.99. 

Especially... and oh my... this actually happened over the weekend.  I have a $40 item on ebay, with calculated shipping, because it is a hefty item.  Guy sends in an offer of $11.87 with a message that he can't go any higher because the shipping is so high.  The thing I'm selling sells for in the range of $60-80 shipped, if you are in my region USPS wise, it should come out to about $50 shipped... which is still below the going rate.  So I go and take a look at this guy's eBay, he has over 10k items listed, almost exclusively video games, all BINs (no BO and extremely over retail) or auctions (with starting bids over retail), so I counter offered $39.99.  I do that shit because I don't want to sell to this guy, so I don't care if I deterred him from ever purchasing from me.

And on the other hand, I'll get guys who offer $25 or $30, just over half, and I'll counteroffer right in the middle, and they never counter offer back, they never decline, they just let me sit there for 24 hours where I can't change my listing... every single time.

Yeah...those fuckers that don't have the decency to hit decline piss me off. You are basically trapped, unable to edit your listing because they are either lazy or just dicks.  >:(
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9333 on: February 01, 2016, 09:26:26 am »
I don't know, when I sell stuff, I always but best offer just in case I decide I don't care and will sell it for less, but I don't put the auto decline or accept.

BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT, I list an item for $40, I will get 15 or 20 offers of $20 or less within the first couple of minutes.  I either decline or immediately counter offer with $39.99. 

Especially... and oh my... this actually happened over the weekend.  I have a $40 item on ebay, with calculated shipping, because it is a hefty item.  Guy sends in an offer of $11.87 with a message that he can't go any higher because the shipping is so high.  The thing I'm selling sells for in the range of $60-80 shipped, if you are in my region USPS wise, it should come out to about $50 shipped... which is still below the going rate.  So I go and take a look at this guy's eBay, he has over 10k items listed, almost exclusively video games, all BINs (no BO and extremely over retail) or auctions (with starting bids over retail), so I counter offered $39.99.  I do that shit because I don't want to sell to this guy, so I don't care if I deterred him from ever purchasing from me.

And on the other hand, I'll get guys who offer $25 or $30, just over half, and I'll counteroffer right in the middle, and they never counter offer back, they never decline, they just let me sit there for 24 hours where I can't change my listing... every single time.

I'm the same way. I was selling something a few months ago and people would offer me half of the price. I would "counter" with a penny less than my original listing price. It was bad enough I was already selling this item for a damn good deal. Then they want it for even less? Ah well, it was kind of entertaining to see them come back over and over and still get rejected.

Similarly, I had something listed on amazon and this same buyer kept messaging me that he wanted this item, but couldn't pay the listing price. He asked if I would be willing to lower the price? The first time he asked was bothersome. The second and third times he asked? I contacted amazon and informed them of this joker.

Anyway! I think I have an interview this week. I'm keeping it pretty hush hush, so here's hoping things go well.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9334 on: February 01, 2016, 09:59:07 am »
Good luck, kash! Razzle-dazzle 'em :)
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9335 on: February 01, 2016, 10:06:20 am »
Good luck, kash! Razzle-dazzle 'em :)

You know how I do!

P.S. Was that a Chicago reference?


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9336 on: February 01, 2016, 10:52:37 am »
Anyway! I think I have an interview this week. I'm keeping it pretty hush hush, so here's hoping things go well.

Good Luck, my man.  You've got this.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9337 on: February 01, 2016, 11:13:26 am »
Good luck, kash! Razzle-dazzle 'em :)

You know how I do!

P.S. Was that a Chicago reference?

Haha, that was the best my brain could come up with at 7am... I've never seen Chicago; probably just a strange phrase floating around in my subconscious ;)
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9338 on: February 01, 2016, 11:18:07 am »
So damn cold....and windy.... Who wants to come over and keep me warm? (as a friend).
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9339 on: February 01, 2016, 11:33:33 am »
So damn cold....and windy.... Who wants to come over and keep me warm? (as a friend).

Soera gives good cuddle!

Good luck with the interview/promotion kash and turf.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9340 on: February 01, 2016, 02:09:32 pm »
I don't know, when I sell stuff, I always but best offer just in case I decide I don't care and will sell it for less, but I don't put the auto decline or accept.

BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT, I list an item for $40, I will get 15 or 20 offers of $20 or less within the first couple of minutes.  I either decline or immediately counter offer with $39.99. 

Especially... and oh my... this actually happened over the weekend.  I have a $40 item on ebay, with calculated shipping, because it is a hefty item.  Guy sends in an offer of $11.87 with a message that he can't go any higher because the shipping is so high.  The thing I'm selling sells for in the range of $60-80 shipped, if you are in my region USPS wise, it should come out to about $50 shipped... which is still below the going rate.  So I go and take a look at this guy's eBay, he has over 10k items listed, almost exclusively video games, all BINs (no BO and extremely over retail) or auctions (with starting bids over retail), so I counter offered $39.99.  I do that shit because I don't want to sell to this guy, so I don't care if I deterred him from ever purchasing from me.

And on the other hand, I'll get guys who offer $25 or $30, just over half, and I'll counteroffer right in the middle, and they never counter offer back, they never decline, they just let me sit there for 24 hours where I can't change my listing... every single time.

I can understand lowballing, but reasonable offers are usually considered. I mean, last summer a guy wanted $160 for Magic Knight Rayearth. I offer him like $150, because the game was going for all different amounts in the $100 - $160 range at the time. He comes back with $159 counter offer. I begrudgingly accept it. Then, he ships it an unpadded bubble mailer like it's PS2 game or something, and the case hinge got broken in shipping. Better believe I complained about that. Ended up getting some of my money back on it. I think it was karma.  :P


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9341 on: February 01, 2016, 02:59:51 pm »
So damn cold....and windy.... Who wants to come over and keep me warm? (as a friend).

Soera gives good cuddle!

I do!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9342 on: February 01, 2016, 03:09:28 pm »
So damn cold....and windy.... Who wants to come over and keep me warm? (as a friend).

Soera gives good cuddle!

I do!

Speaking of cuddles, I read an article this morning about a job listing in China for a panda-hugger. The job is literally to cuddle baby pandas all day long to make them comfortable. You have to wear a panda suit while doing it, but it's most likely worth it  :P

The article is in French, but if you want to see the costume and whatnot:


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9343 on: February 01, 2016, 03:12:52 pm »
I would so do that. Can we feed them, too?


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #9344 on: February 01, 2016, 03:28:03 pm »
So damn cold....and windy.... Who wants to come over and keep me warm? (as a friend).

Soera gives good cuddle!

I do!

Speaking of cuddles, I read an article this morning about a job listing in China for a panda-hugger. The job is literally to cuddle baby pandas all day long to make them comfortable. You have to wear a panda suit while doing it, but it's most likely worth it  :P

The article is in French, but if you want to see the costume and whatnot:

I am moving to China!
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)
