Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860991 times)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6945 on: April 25, 2015, 12:37:56 pm »
Woooooo. Done all my final exams! :o I'm exhausted now. :'(


No excuses now - time to get after those Tears to Tiara 2 --and-- Cross Edge plats! :o

I wish. :P

Does this mean that there are, indeed, yet more excuses?! :o

Well, I'll be away from home out camping in Nevada for a month, so yes. :P

Be sure to tell Reno & Vegas that I said "Hi" ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6946 on: April 25, 2015, 12:38:11 pm »
From what I read, a few groups started work on patches for RS2 back in 1996-1997, but the only ok patch, Gilhide, came out in 2002. I think part of the problem is that has some weird dialect stuff in the script, but I think it that there is no group effort to fix the most important problems, and having only a few people working on translating the script so far. There was someone who posted in 2014 that he was working on his own patch, but I haven't heard anything since them.
It's a shame, because from what I've played its pretty fun, difficult, and rewarding experience minus the other issues. Some of the boss designs were pretty cool, and some of them ( seven heroes) will have different stats and attacks depending in what order you chose to fight them.  Maybe someday it will happen man, but it was my favorite out of the 3 games.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that the  regular menu gets all messed up from the patch as well, so it will be pretty cumbersome to remember what each option is. I don't think there is any fix for that yet either.

First, an update. I finished off my first guardian: Forneus. You can applaud me now.  ^o^



Right then.

I remember reading the same thing about the patch/patches years ago. For a game like Romancing SaGa 2 that has so much text, I understand that it'd be a huge undertaking. I dunno...I'll just leave it at that for now. I got into a huge argument with someone about seven years ago regarding a Tales of Destiny 2 translation. Still, after reading this on the website:

"Okay, so, Romancing SaGa 2. I´d be lying if I said the project was in pristine shape, and it´d be disingenuous to upload gorgeous screenshots without showing some of the, uh, not so gorgeous screenshots. I´ve replaced the entire slideshow with screenshots indicative of the current state of the project, warts and all. You can see one of the problems below.

That said, these will *hopefully* not be too difficult to overcome. As with SMT if..., there´s a SaGa anniversary coming up soon. I´d really like to have this out then as well, but it´s a bit more of a long shot than SMT. We´ll see"

I'm not hopeful in the slightest.

Anyways, time to get back to it.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6947 on: April 25, 2015, 04:48:20 pm »
From what I read, a few groups started work on patches for RS2 back in 1996-1997, but the only ok patch, Gilhide, came out in 2002. I think part of the problem is that has some weird dialect stuff in the script, but I think it that there is no group effort to fix the most important problems, and having only a few people working on translating the script so far. There was someone who posted in 2014 that he was working on his own patch, but I haven't heard anything since them.
It's a shame, because from what I've played its pretty fun, difficult, and rewarding experience minus the other issues. Some of the boss designs were pretty cool, and some of them ( seven heroes) will have different stats and attacks depending in what order you chose to fight them.  Maybe someday it will happen man, but it was my favorite out of the 3 games.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that the  regular menu gets all messed up from the patch as well, so it will be pretty cumbersome to remember what each option is. I don't think there is any fix for that yet either.

First, an update. I finished off my first guardian: Forneus. You can applaud me now.  ^o^



Right then.

I remember reading the same thing about the patch/patches years ago. For a game like Romancing SaGa 2 that has so much text, I understand that it'd be a huge undertaking. I dunno...I'll just leave it at that for now. I got into a huge argument with someone about seven years ago regarding a Tales of Destiny 2 translation. Still, after reading this on the website:

"Okay, so, Romancing SaGa 2. I´d be lying if I said the project was in pristine shape, and it´d be disingenuous to upload gorgeous screenshots without showing some of the, uh, not so gorgeous screenshots. I´ve replaced the entire slideshow with screenshots indicative of the current state of the project, warts and all. You can see one of the problems below.

That said, these will *hopefully* not be too difficult to overcome. As with SMT if..., there´s a SaGa anniversary coming up soon. I´d really like to have this out then as well, but it´s a bit more of a long shot than SMT. We´ll see"

I'm not hopeful in the slightest.

Anyways, time to get back to it.
Nice. I think that after you defeat the four guardians; they will reappear in the Final abyss in their human forms and stronger as well. I don't remember why that happens though, so you might want to train a bit before that part.

As for RS2, I'm hoping that the translation will be done with the anniversary because I feel that its one of the last big Super Famicom rpgs that needs to be translated, especially since RS1 and RS3 have pretty complete translations. Looking from the progress, he's still has a lot to do in terms of editing and fixing text before it will be complete, especially since SMT if looks more complete, and there's more screenshots of it at the moment than RS2.

There defenitely is a lot of text to be translated in the game, and some stuff that apparently has to be changed like taking out some speech patterns, along with changing a few other things apparently. Hopefully the work will be done by the anniversary date (2017!?), but I'll hold my breath on that.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6948 on: April 25, 2015, 06:36:59 pm »
Yeah, I try to fight whenever possible since stats slowly but surely add up. Like, I finally found the Masquerade (I'm playing as Katrina) and I think the boss fight that grants you that would have been much more difficult if I avoided all of the fights on the way there.

You mentioned that RS1 has a translation. Do you mean Minstrel Song or the original RS? If it's the original RS, I may have to buy that game so I can get in on that old-school SaGa goodness. <3


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6949 on: April 25, 2015, 08:50:28 pm »
Yeah, I try to fight whenever possible since stats slowly but surely add up. Like, I finally found the Masquerade (I'm playing as Katrina) and I think the boss fight that grants you that would have been much more difficult if I avoided all of the fights on the way there.

You mentioned that RS1 has a translation. Do you mean Minstrel Song or the original RS? If it's the original RS, I may have to buy that game so I can get in on that old-school SaGa goodness. <3
Oh defenitely, since the game is very dependent on stats having the possibility of going up, with replaces the regular leveling system, so as I figured early on, you have to balance the leveling between too little regular battles and too many, since I think  regular enemies will be different depending on your stats of the party. Bosses are the same regardless of what you do, so getting those necessary stat boosts can mean the difference between a victory or a defeat.

By RS1, I mean the original release on the Super Famicom. This version has quite a few patches that are somewhat incomplete from the past. However, a new patch has just been released that is nearly 100% complete, and a guy testing this patch out said he was able to play through Albert's story and beat the final boss using the patch. RS1 shouldn't be too hard to find either since its a really common rpg thanks to its sales.   8)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6950 on: April 26, 2015, 12:11:51 pm »
My buddy had a retro game store open up near him. I told him to see if they had Earthbound and Conker Bad Fur Day for cheap and if they did , pick them up.  8)
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6951 on: April 26, 2015, 01:28:52 pm »
If only.  Then again, a GameStop employee did tell me about the time a customer came in with a complete copy of Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo.  Lucky guy bought it from him for $20.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6952 on: April 26, 2015, 01:37:46 pm »
Yeah, I try to fight whenever possible since stats slowly but surely add up. Like, I finally found the Masquerade (I'm playing as Katrina) and I think the boss fight that grants you that would have been much more difficult if I avoided all of the fights on the way there.

You mentioned that RS1 has a translation. Do you mean Minstrel Song or the original RS? If it's the original RS, I may have to buy that game so I can get in on that old-school SaGa goodness. <3
Oh defenitely, since the game is very dependent on stats having the possibility of going up, with replaces the regular leveling system, so as I figured early on, you have to balance the leveling between too little regular battles and too many, since I think  regular enemies will be different depending on your stats of the party. Bosses are the same regardless of what you do, so getting those necessary stat boosts can mean the difference between a victory or a defeat.

By RS1, I mean the original release on the Super Famicom. This version has quite a few patches that are somewhat incomplete from the past. However, a new patch has just been released that is nearly 100% complete, and a guy testing this patch out said he was able to play through Albert's story and beat the final boss using the patch. RS1 shouldn't be too hard to find either since its a really common rpg thanks to its sales.   8)

Time to do some shopping! I'm excited to own a small but important piece of gaming history.

Did you play Minstrel Song?


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6953 on: April 26, 2015, 01:50:51 pm »
To those who don't follow the find thread. My flea market was very kind to me today (in addition to being where extreme rules is gonna happen tonight)

Got Suikoden, Vandal Hearts, Ff9, Fighters Megamix and Fighting Vipers


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6954 on: April 26, 2015, 02:49:29 pm »
!!!Long-ass rant warning!!!

Okay, so it looks like Silent Hills has pretty much been cancelled. You know, the game that could've re-invigorated both the Silent Hill franchise and the Survival Horror genre as a whole? Yeah. That one.
Bloody Konami. First they remove Hideo Kojima, whose work was pretty much keeping their company afloat and was a gaming hero for many. Obviously Kojima was working on the new Silent Hills project so that raised some concerns but now Guillermo Del Toro has pretty much confirmed that it's gone. Also, P.T. is leaving the PS Store so download it while you still can.
But, the worst part? The part that really cheeses me (and probably a lot of other devoted fans) off? The series it seems they are mainly focusing on right now is PES. That's right - Pro-Evolution-Sodding-Soccer. A sports game that will always be overshadowed by FIFA regardless. What the...?! Getting rid of the person who was practically the face of your company (Meaning that future Metal Gear games beyond Phantom Pain will likely be subpar at best) and killing off the game that millions of gamers were looking forward to buying and playing and could have re-invigorated one of your best-loved franchises.... and focusing on... PES..? I don't know but that seems like pretty crappy business practise to me.  Another gaming company has gone down the route of money>games and it's really saddening, especially to think that it's entirely possible that other gaming companies could do this as well - imagine TakeTwo dropping Rockstar or, say, Square Enix cancelling the new Deus Ex and promoting Kane and Lynch 3 or something. (Okay I know they're exaggerated examples but you get my drift.) Anyway, rant over now. Congratulations if you read the whole thing!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 03:12:23 pm by thekosmickollector »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6955 on: April 26, 2015, 03:47:23 pm »
I just finished sorting/organizing/auditing my collection with spreadsheets (and it turns out that I have 10 more games than I had on my collection here), and I'm officially 9 games away from my first 1000! ;D I just need to decide what my 1000th will be...


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6956 on: April 26, 2015, 04:13:40 pm »
I just finished sorting/organizing/auditing my collection with spreadsheets (and it turns out that I have 10 more games than I had on my collection here), and I'm officially 9 games away from my first 1000! ;D I just need to decide what my 1000th will be...

You need to get a rare, high quality game for number 1000.  I think Madden 95 would be a good choice.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


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Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6957 on: April 26, 2015, 04:16:32 pm »
!!!Long-ass rant warning!!!

Okay, so it looks like Silent Hills has pretty much been cancelled. You know, the game that could've re-invigorated both the Silent Hill franchise and the Survival Horror genre as a whole? Yeah. That one.
Bloody Konami. First they remove Hideo Kojima, whose work was pretty much keeping their company afloat and was a gaming hero for many. Obviously Kojima was working on the new Silent Hills project so that raised some concerns but now Guillermo Del Toro has pretty much confirmed that it's gone. Also, P.T. is leaving the PS Store so download it while you still can.
But, the worst part? The part that really cheeses me (and probably a lot of other devoted fans) off? The series it seems they are mainly focusing on right now is PES. That's right - Pro-Evolution-Sodding-Soccer. A sports game that will always be overshadowed by FIFA regardless. What the...?! Getting rid of the person who was practically the face of your company (Meaning that future Metal Gear games beyond Phantom Pain will likely be subpar at best) and killing off the game that millions of gamers were looking forward to buying and playing and could have re-invigorated one of your best-loved franchises.... and focusing on... PES..? I don't know but that seems like pretty crappy business practise to me.  Another gaming company has gone down the route of money>games and it's really saddening, especially to think that it's entirely possible that other gaming companies could do this as well - imagine TakeTwo dropping Rockstar or, say, Square Enix cancelling the new Deus Ex and promoting Kane and Lynch 3 or something. (Okay I know they're exaggerated examples but you get my drift.) Anyway, rant over now. Congratulations if you read the whole thing!
Its amazing how some of these gaming company's think isn't it, though I was gonna buy the game, I wanted to watch the lets play of SH because PT was creepy as hell.
Its like how they Namco Bandai wont make a true Ace Combat game, instead, released AC6 to Xbox 360 instead of ps3. Than making that joke ACAH and than ACI.
Or Half Life fans nipping for a HL3.

Its like, i have money, lots of us want this game made/finish, all we ask is you make it. and we will make you lots of money lol
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6958 on: April 26, 2015, 04:24:48 pm »
!!!Long-ass rant warning!!!

Okay, so it looks like Silent Hills has pretty much been cancelled. You know, the game that could've re-invigorated both the Silent Hill franchise and the Survival Horror genre as a whole? Yeah. That one.
Bloody Konami. First they remove Hideo Kojima, whose work was pretty much keeping their company afloat and was a gaming hero for many. Obviously Kojima was working on the new Silent Hills project so that raised some concerns but now Guillermo Del Toro has pretty much confirmed that it's gone. Also, P.T. is leaving the PS Store so download it while you still can.
But, the worst part? The part that really cheeses me (and probably a lot of other devoted fans) off? The series it seems they are mainly focusing on right now is PES. That's right - Pro-Evolution-Sodding-Soccer. A sports game that will always be overshadowed by FIFA regardless. What the...?! Getting rid of the person who was practically the face of your company (Meaning that future Metal Gear games beyond Phantom Pain will likely be subpar at best) and killing off the game that millions of gamers were looking forward to buying and playing and could have re-invigorated one of your best-loved franchises.... and focusing on... PES..? I don't know but that seems like pretty crappy business practise to me.  Another gaming company has gone down the route of money>games and it's really saddening, especially to think that it's entirely possible that other gaming companies could do this as well - imagine TakeTwo dropping Rockstar or, say, Square Enix cancelling the new Deus Ex and promoting Kane and Lynch 3 or something. (Okay I know they're exaggerated examples but you get my drift.) Anyway, rant over now. Congratulations if you read the whole thing!

I *just* read about what GdT said about SH just before coming here, and it is honestly the worst gaming news I've heard in a long, long time. P.T. was a work of genius; the way the puzzles were woven into the environment and story so that they truly felt organic was just inspired. I could not wait to see what they would do with that type of gameplay in a full-length game, and now we'll never know. The best we can hope for is that P.T. has inspired some other dev.

I said it here before, and many disagreed with me but I'll say it again - without Kojima, Konami is on borrowed time. We will be hearing about someone else buying them out within a year or two, tops. Everything relevant they have done in the past 5+ years has had Kojima tied to it in one way or another.

I guess there is one last thing we can hope for. Perhaps when Kojima inevitably forms his own studio he will continue w/ the ideas he had for SH & make his own new horror franchise out of it. Maybe he can even still get del Toro to work with him on it.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #6959 on: April 26, 2015, 05:23:46 pm »
Yeah, I try to fight whenever possible since stats slowly but surely add up. Like, I finally found the Masquerade (I'm playing as Katrina) and I think the boss fight that grants you that would have been much more difficult if I avoided all of the fights on the way there.

You mentioned that RS1 has a translation. Do you mean Minstrel Song or the original RS? If it's the original RS, I may have to buy that game so I can get in on that old-school SaGa goodness. <3
Oh defenitely, since the game is very dependent on stats having the possibility of going up, with replaces the regular leveling system, so as I figured early on, you have to balance the leveling between too little regular battles and too many, since I think  regular enemies will be different depending on your stats of the party. Bosses are the same regardless of what you do, so getting those necessary stat boosts can mean the difference between a victory or a defeat.

By RS1, I mean the original release on the Super Famicom. This version has quite a few patches that are somewhat incomplete from the past. However, a new patch has just been released that is nearly 100% complete, and a guy testing this patch out said he was able to play through Albert's story and beat the final boss using the patch. RS1 shouldn't be too hard to find either since its a really common rpg thanks to its sales.   8)

Time to do some shopping! I'm excited to own a small but important piece of gaming history.

Did you play Minstrel Song?
Unfortuntately, no, I've only played the original version. I have heard of Minstrel Song, even though many people didn't really like the game when it came out here( maybe because of the bad memories of Unlimited Saga, or they didn't understand the mechanics). What are some of the differences in Minstrel Song compared to the original version of RS1?