Topic -
Talk about neat gifts given and/or received
Any interesting/funny Holiday stories/events

For my "gifts-received", the funniest/most notable thing would be that my g/f ended up treating me (read: re-imbursing me:) to ~25 assorted games, guides, and art books that I bought from & received from CranberryRiddles about a week ago...she took 'custody' of 'em all, wrapped each item individually, and..."made" me wait 'till today to open them all up

"Gifts-Given" is where it gets a bit more interesting & amusing...
Me & my little sister split my grandmother's (almost 90 years old) gift.
What we did was...start out w/ 50 $10 bills.
Then, starting w/ one "old-looking" $10 bill as the 'trunk' - w/ the other 49 (newer-looking) bills, I layed them out on a big piece of white the pattern of a BIG Christmas/evergreen tree (w/ assorted & cheesy witticisms about "money growing on trees", "tree(t) yourself to something nice", "not going out-on-a-limb/branching-out", etc)...she was in tears...
*Priceless*; (she's the type that would Never ask for help financially...need it or not)!
MY Winner For this year was:
I always buy a bunch of $1 - $5 scratch-off Lottery Tickets, and stick 1 or 2 in everyone's stocking...of course, nobody ever wins...anything :'(
My niece is now ~1 1/2 years old.
I put a $5 and a $2 ticket in her stocking...
My brother-in-law scratches off the $5 one for her...
$200.00 WINNER!
No way...he's reading it wrong - I check it, and it is indeed, a $200 winner!
While I'm verifying it, my little sister (who doesn't even understand how to read one/what is/is not a winner); is scratching off the $2 one...
..."Hey Kenny" (ME) - "Take a look at this for me & see if I won anything"...
I look at it...
No way...I'm missing something/reading it wrong...*Double-checks*
$1,000.00 WINNER

*College-Fund* Head-Started

While kinda' bittersweet (most I've ever won on a scratch-off = $100)

It was a pretty awesome day all around!