I've barely picked up anything since garage sale season ended around here, mostly scrounging pawn shops and thrift stores. Found a few things recently though:
Xbox: Enclave - $3
NES: Darkman - $5
PSP-1001 - $10. I've been wanting one for a long time, but I'm cheap

However, this $10 one didn't power on and came with no charging cable. I'll take it to my local game store this weekend to see if they can test it. Keeping fingers crossed.
The best news is that I tracked down a cheap used copy of Xenoblade Chronicles yesterday. I've actually owned it since it was first released, but have left it sealed. After watching the price climb over the past year, it became harder and harder to open that new copy. So I managed to find a used copy at a good price and it should be arriving this weekend. Can't wait to have a copy I can actually play