Author Topic: New XBox Reveal on May 21  (Read 29457 times)

Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #165 on: June 05, 2013, 06:47:23 pm »
Ya I'm interested in what SEGA is doing. But I've pretty much given up on the Xbox One.

I heard SEGA might announce a new console at E3.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #166 on: June 05, 2013, 06:56:18 pm »
Every time I hear something about the Xbox One it sounds worse and worse.

The latest info is that the GPU is underclocked (partly for heat issues) and the eSRAM is causing major functional issues to the console, and the OS that was shown at the reveal was a fake and works a lot worse on the current console, and that the console is being rushed out because they didn't think the PS4 was coming out this year.

Add to that the mandatory Kinect, the mandatory DRM and possible extra fee for used games (which SUCKS for out-of-print games), the "basically always online", the shitty attitude about all of this, the fact that they refuse to clear up anything... Microsoft aren't doing themselves any favors with this whole thing.

I hope good games get revealed for this at E3, but even that doesn't remove all the bad things that will make me not buy it.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21 underclocked
« Reply #167 on: June 05, 2013, 07:19:17 pm »
Every time I hear something about the Xbox One it sounds worse and worse.

The latest info is that the GPU is underclocked (partly for heat issues) and the eSRAM is causing major functional issues to the console, and the OS that was shown at the reveal was a fake and works a lot worse on the current console, and that the console is being rushed out because they didn't think the PS4 was coming out this year.

Add to that the mandatory Kinect, the mandatory DRM and possible extra fee for used games (which SUCKS for out-of-print games), the "basically always online", the shitty attitude about all of this, the fact that they refuse to clear up anything... Microsoft aren't doing themselves any favors with this whole thing.

I hope good games get revealed for this at E3, but even that doesn't remove all the bad things that will make me not buy it.
here is the list of the problems with next box so far

underclocked GPU
SRAM issues
OS issues
heating issues
mandatory kinect
mandatory DRM
possible  fee for used games

the next box sound like its being rushed to market even more then the wii u was and the bad PR is helping at all


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #168 on: June 05, 2013, 08:10:20 pm »
The latest info is that the GPU is underclocked (partly for heat issues) and the eSRAM is causing major functional issues to the console, and the OS that was shown at the reveal was a fake and works a lot worse on the current console, and that the console is being rushed out because they didn't think the PS4 was coming out this year.

If there are actual concerns about the chips overheating, it demonstrates a complete and utter ineptitude on Microsoft's part, considering the AMD APU's are designed to be comparatively low cost, low power, low heat alternatives to the upper end FX-series, and even those don't run all that hot. Even the A10-5800k Trinity only hits around 58c when running a heavy duty benchmark like prime95, and that's with stock cooling - - but the chips used in the XB1 and PS4 are both noted as being essentially tweaked versions of the more laptop-oriented Jaguar series.


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #169 on: June 05, 2013, 09:15:16 pm »
Ya I'm interested in what SEGA is doing. But I've pretty much given up on the Xbox One.

I heard SEGA might announce a new console at E3.

if your talking about the spectrum my guess is that is actually going to be their own game engine or possibly a new arcade board


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #170 on: June 05, 2013, 09:20:49 pm »
Oh ya. I'm pretty sure SEGA wouldn't be throwing their hats in the console race again. Especially when they have a bunch of games coming out for competing hardware.
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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #171 on: June 05, 2013, 09:36:01 pm »
Oh ya. I'm pretty sure SEGA wouldn't be throwing their hats in the console race again. Especially when they have a bunch of games coming out for competing hardware.
not to mention after having an exclusive deal to release a few games on the Wii U and 3DS

Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21 underclocked
« Reply #172 on: June 06, 2013, 12:46:55 pm »
Every time I hear something about the Xbox One it sounds worse and worse.

The latest info is that the GPU is underclocked (partly for heat issues) and the eSRAM is causing major functional issues to the console, and the OS that was shown at the reveal was a fake and works a lot worse on the current console, and that the console is being rushed out because they didn't think the PS4 was coming out this year.

Add to that the mandatory Kinect, the mandatory DRM and possible extra fee for used games (which SUCKS for out-of-print games), the "basically always online", the shitty attitude about all of this, the fact that they refuse to clear up anything... Microsoft aren't doing themselves any favors with this whole thing.

I hope good games get revealed for this at E3, but even that doesn't remove all the bad things that will make me not buy it.
here is the list of the problems with next box so far

underclocked GPU
SRAM issues
OS issues
heating issues
mandatory kinect
mandatory DRM
possible  fee for used games

the next box sound like its being rushed to market even more then the wii u was and the bad PR is helping at all

+ mandatory installing of games to the HDD
+ can't replace HDD
+ no backwards compatibility (although you don't really need this)
the list goes on and on

Seriously, I haven't heard nothing but negative things about the xbone since the conference, so unless M$ justifies all this at E3, I'll skip this one. Sad thing is, this console will probably sell well because of the xbox fanboys and "bro gamers" who only care about sports and CoD.


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #173 on: June 06, 2013, 04:38:14 pm »
I get the feeling that Microsoft is right now where Sony was in 2006.  They were cocky and assumed that no matter what they released, the brand name would sell the system.  They priced it at $600 and assumed it would fly off the shelves, until they got a cold dose of reality after the early adopters had faded.  Most core gamers are not that brand loyal, so if all of this negative stuff surrounding XBox One is true, gamers are gonna buy a PS4 instead.  We're also in a recession, so next-gen systems might not sell that well compared to past launches anyway.  Will gamers hold onto their current systems longer since graphics are still pretty fantastic and paying $500 for a new system with slightly better graphics (and might cut out used games) doesn't seem that enticing?


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #174 on: June 06, 2013, 05:09:54 pm »
I get the feeling that Microsoft is right now where Sony was in 2006.  They were cocky and assumed that no matter what they released, the brand name would sell the system.  They priced it at $600 and assumed it would fly off the shelves, until they got a cold dose of reality after the early adopters had faded.  Most core gamers are not that brand loyal, so if all of this negative stuff surrounding XBox One is true, gamers are gonna buy a PS4 instead.  We're also in a recession, so next-gen systems might not sell that well compared to past launches anyway.  Will gamers hold onto their current systems longer since graphics are still pretty fantastic and paying $500 for a new system with slightly better graphics (and might cut out used games) doesn't seem that enticing?

Sadly my suspicion is that Microsoft is not really cocky. I think it is worse. If Microsoft were cocky or arrogant, then things could change. Unfortunately, XBoxOne smells of design by committee. The original XBox had a bunch of employees from SEGA of America and a lot of other greats of the business. They have left. Now the XBox division is being ran by businessmen rather than people in the gaming industry. These new employees are more likely to come from Pepsi Co than a gaming background. These are the people who test market that the target demographic of 16-34 males love fantasy football. So, strike a deal with the NFL. Halo is a big series. So, strike a deal for a tv show. We need third party titles especially from EA. So, help EA out with DRM. They are businessmen striking business deals. Tis is worse than being cocky or arrogant, because this won't be fixed. Once a business or department goes down the beauracratic business road, it is almost impossible to turn around.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #175 on: June 06, 2013, 06:54:08 pm »
Sadly my suspicion is that Microsoft is not really cocky. I think it is worse. If Microsoft were cocky or arrogant, then things could change. Unfortunately, XBoxOne smells of design by committee. The original XBox had a bunch of employees from SEGA of America and a lot of other greats of the business. They have left. Now the XBox division is being ran by businessmen rather than people in the gaming industry. These new employees are more likely to come from Pepsi Co than a gaming background. These are the people who test market that the target demographic of 16-34 males love fantasy football. So, strike a deal with the NFL. Halo is a big series. So, strike a deal for a tv show. We need third party titles especially from EA. So, help EA out with DRM. They are businessmen striking business deals. Tis is worse than being cocky or arrogant, because this won't be fixed. Once a business or department goes down the beauracratic business road, it is almost impossible to turn around.

Pretty much hits it on the head, though I would dispute that this is a rash of new employees coming in. Microsoft's always been about reacting to existing ideas, selling people on solutions to problems that don't really exist, and trying to bludgeon the market into adopting the outcome as standard. The Xbox One just strikes me as the culmination of a planned outcome; bring in people who can build credibility for the brand, even if it means operating at a loss, and turn that into a competitive advantage that forces the market to acquiesce.

I don't think they're arrogant, but they do lack perspective, and they greatly underestimate how quickly "loyalty" can appear and disappear when it comes to video games. Shit, look at Square - they're a walking case study on how to fuck up decades of goodwill in the blink of an eye.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #176 on: June 06, 2013, 08:08:55 pm »
Well they entirely confirmed a bunch of bad things.

The anti-used games thing is confirmed to be terrible. You CAN play the games you own on up to 10 Xbox Ones that you register your account on which is fine (though obviously only useable on one Xbox One at a time)... BUT EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS.
You can't actually sell your games properly. The person you're selling it to needs to be on your friend list for at least 30 days, and then you have to transfer the license for the game to them... and that's the last time it can be transferred ever (so he can't sell it again, it won't work). Some games might be completely disabled from being sold used at all too, the publisher chooses that. Otherwise, you can sell your game to a retailer. A SPECIFIC retailer that is allowed to sell Xbox One games, not just any random mom and pop store.

The "sort of always online" is true. Basically the system checks on you every 24 hours, and if somehow your internet is off when the check happens you're locked out of playing games until the next check, and if you play one of your games on another person's Xbox One it checks on you once every hour.... because?
Obviously this means that, if you're part of the ~25% of Americans (more of Canadians, not sure for Europeans) that don't have any internet, you can't play games on the Xbox One, at all.

And the Kinect is mandatory (if it's not hooked up, the Xbox One doesn't function), but you can turn it off/pause it. Microsoft say that, in that case, the microphone only waits for the "Xbox On" voice command... but that still means the microphone is open and might be listening to you all the time. Hard to say until the thing comes out and people verify what data goes out during the daily check.

I don't think any company has ever gone into E3 in such a bad state so far. Even Sony's PSN hacking issue wasn't THIS bad. No wonder Microsoft is paying off publishers to not show PS4 versions of multiplat games at E3 (another rumor from insiders on NeoGaf... but at this point I'm willing to believe it), they want to get as much press as they can in hopes of making people forget about the crap.

Sony better not screw up that much, otherwise I'll be very sad.


Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #177 on: June 06, 2013, 09:51:31 pm »
Well they entirely confirmed a bunch of bad things.

The anti-used games thing is confirmed to be terrible. You CAN play the games you own on up to 10 Xbox Ones that you register your account on which is fine (though obviously only useable on one Xbox One at a time)... BUT EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS.
You can't actually sell your games properly. The person you're selling it to needs to be on your friend list for at least 30 days, and then you have to transfer the license for the game to them... and that's the last time it can be transferred ever (so he can't sell it again, it won't work). Some games might be completely disabled from being sold used at all too, the publisher chooses that. Otherwise, you can sell your game to a retailer. A SPECIFIC retailer that is allowed to sell Xbox One games, not just any random mom and pop store.

The "sort of always online" is true. Basically the system checks on you every 24 hours, and if somehow your internet is off when the check happens you're locked out of playing games until the next check, and if you play one of your games on another person's Xbox One it checks on you once every hour.... because?
Obviously this means that, if you're part of the ~25% of Americans (more of Canadians, not sure for Europeans) that don't have any internet, you can't play games on the Xbox One, at all.

And the Kinect is mandatory (if it's not hooked up, the Xbox One doesn't function), but you can turn it off/pause it. Microsoft say that, in that case, the microphone only waits for the "Xbox On" voice command... but that still means the microphone is open and might be listening to you all the time. Hard to say until the thing comes out and people verify what data goes out during the daily check.

I don't think any company has ever gone into E3 in such a bad state so far. Even Sony's PSN hacking issue wasn't THIS bad. No wonder Microsoft is paying off publishers to not show PS4 versions of multiplat games at E3 (another rumor from insiders on NeoGaf... but at this point I'm willing to believe it), they want to get as much press as they can in hopes of making people forget about the crap.

Sony better not screw up that much, otherwise I'll be very sad.

To be honest, I'm somewhat torn between ending my purchasing of Microsoft game systems (I don't buy any other Microsoft products). Or buying a system day one so I can have a early model, waiting for hackers to break the system one month after release, and then hacking the f^&k out of my system. Then, I will have all the gamez! and a xboxone that connects to a dummy server. It's a win-win scenario where I win and don't care about whether microsoft wins or not. 
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #178 on: June 07, 2013, 10:32:52 am »
I'm 100% certain I'm not buying Xbox One.  When games rely on servers to function, once those servers go offline the game is essentially destroyed.  There is no reason to collect games for Xbox One if ten years from now the servers go dark and your entire collection is rendered unplayable.  Horrible decision and one that is going to alienate a TON of potential customers.  Not to mention that if you don't have Internet in your home, you simply cannot use an XBox One.


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Re: New XBox Reveal on May 21
« Reply #179 on: June 07, 2013, 11:54:14 am »
I'm 100% certain I'm not buying Xbox One.  When games rely on servers to function, once those servers go offline the game is essentially destroyed.  There is no reason to collect games for Xbox One if ten years from now the servers go dark and your entire collection is rendered unplayable.  Horrible decision and one that is going to alienate a TON of potential customers.  Not to mention that if you don't have Internet in your home, you simply cannot use an XBox One.

I agree -and- you've summed it up nicely :)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"