Yay Coheed! I do love them, I have a playlist on my ipod of all their albums in "chronological" order.
Did you pick up The Afterman albums yet? I really enjoyed them, far more than Year of the Black Rainbow and No World for Tomorrow.
Loving the air quotes around chronological

"What do you mean 'you don't start your discography with 2?'" I've listened to Ascension and Descension, and they're absolutely amazing. In fact, I'm really considering reading the Amory Wars one of these days. Honestly, all of their albums are
up to here in quality to me but I'd have to say Silent Earth: 3 and Second Stage Turbine Blade are tied for my personal favorite. I can't seem to find a copy of anything else around here, and for the time being I have no method of buying online (and even if I could, shipping to Canada? Yikes. Cheap Canadian retailers are few and far between.) But I'll get them all sooner or later.