Author Topic: Are You A Geek?  (Read 1769 times)


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Are You A Geek?
« on: September 09, 2013, 05:01:15 pm »
I ask this, because it's often assumed that gamers are geeks, but that's not always the case. Some gamers simply play video games but never get into other "geeky" stuff like D&D, comic books, or Star Wars.

If you are, what other kind of geeky stuff are you into?

Personally, I'm a HUGE comic book fan. I think most of you already know that, and my avatar kind of gives it away. I've read comics for as long as I can remember; I started on my dad's collection when I was real small (just looked at the pictures back then). I pretty much read mainstream DC & Marvel super-hero comics and follow both pretty closely, purchases several titles from each company each month. My favorite obviously being Green Lantern.

I'm also a big sci-fi geek. Movie/T.V. sci-fi geek. I used to read a lot of sci-fi novels when I was younger, but not so much anymore. I particularly love 80s sci-fi (Predator, Terminator, Aliens, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, etc.), but I can enjoy good sci-fi from any era. And I really like Star Trek TNG & Voyager, Stargate: Atlantis, and Sliders.

And finally, I'm a horror movie geek. Not nearly as much as I used to be when I was younger, but I still check out scary movies from time to time. But I particularly focus on the gore era of the 70s and 80s. The bloodier and cheesier, the better. I really enjoy the Nightmare on Elm Street series, George Romero's "of the Dead" films, The Lost Boys, Night of the Demons, etc.


Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 08:07:08 pm »
I'm not a comic book geek, but I don't dislike the media and like knowing about the characters and stories. I'm not a big sci-fi geek, though I do like sci-fi in general and love watching certain scifi films and shows (I just don't get into it as much as other people... except for BttF I guess). I'm not a movie geek but I do watch movies a lot. I used to read a lot (mostly fantasy), but that stopped back when I stopped taking the bus to school/work.

I'm a geek of video games old and new.
I'm slowly becoming a geek of board games, but not super-heavy wargames, or RPGs (I actually like the character-creation aspect, but I can't get into the gameplay).
Oh and I work in web development, that's pretty geeky :P

I'd say I'm a geek in general, I dabble in a lot though I only concentrate on a couple things.


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 09:18:04 am »
Not even close.

Gaming is about the only "geeky" thing/hobby/interest that I have.

I'm more of an adrenaline junkie  8)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 09:42:04 am »
Depends on who you ask.  If you ask my wife, I'm the biggest geek she knows.  If I'm in a game store or some other nerd-itorium, I'm not even in the top 10. 

I love Star Wars and video games.  If that makes me a geek, I'll let my Geek Flag fly.


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2013, 10:45:04 am »
Very much so.  I've been addicted to anime since the mid 90's, I have a Castle Grayskull and plush California Raisin in my office at work, love Weird Al, I carry a NES wallet, my mancave theater is dressed as a haunted house year-round, and I'm currently in both a D&D campaign and a Star Wars campaign.

From the outside, I probably appear pretty normal.


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2013, 12:08:42 pm »
From the outside, I probably appear pretty normal.

Heh - You probably *are* pretty "normal" then :)

While (outside of gaming) I don't have any/many other hobbies and/or interests that are 'traditionally' considered "geeky"...

..."Geeky" or *not* "geeky" /=/ "normal" and/or "abnormal", either  :o
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2013, 08:46:25 pm »
yeah im a geek. sadly being a geek when i was at school was not cool.

im an design engineer - does not get much more geek than that

on the other hand i love sports.


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2013, 04:09:58 pm »
People have always said I was a nerd or geek even though I do not think I am.  I have never been into comics.  My main things are video games, sports, reading the "Wheel of Time" series and I absolutely love STAR WARS!!!!!!!    I still have hope that I can build a Millennium Falcon one day and fly to Coruscant to take over the Jedi empire.  I am against the Rebel Alliance and a secret member of the Dark Side!!  But I want to help Darth Vader and become his side kick!!!   ;D


Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 05:29:53 pm »
Lets see.

- In my family (possibly in my circle of friends too), out of everyone that plays games, I have possibly the largest collection of games.
- All but 2 of my gaming consoles are hooked up. With both a HD and a CRT set up.
- I was a "hardcore" raid guild member in World of Warcraft for close to 4 years
- Tracked down a rather impressive complete Castlevania collection.
- Have designed box art for about 1/3 of my GBA games (And have been at a standstill with a full manual, map and box art project for DQ Monsters: Caravan Heart for about a year now).
- I tend to buy action figures for the sole purpose of displaying them.
- I built 2 mame arcade cabinets and have a 3rd and 4th in the idea stage.
- I play Tabletop RPGs on a weekly basis with a set group of people, currently playing 2 different campaigns of Pathfinder.
- I paint miniatures and have been doing so for almost 20 years.
- I'm slowly becoming addicted to specialist board games.
- I am painting the entire set of Super Dungeon Explore figures and own every expansion for it..
- I built Class based decks to run the Warcraft trading card game like a giant self contained table top game.
- I collect fancy hardcover books with the hopes to eventually read them all, but mostly just because I love the way they look.
- I have a rather large CD collection and if I let it, I could easily start down the road of audiophile (I'm already contemplating another high end headphone purchase).
- I used to collect comics and love the mythos. But I just can't keep up on it any more.
- And I also have a solid collection of Anime.

I think that is it. But I'm sure there is more... haha

Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2013, 05:55:50 pm »
Lets see.

- In my family (possibly in my circle of friends too), out of everyone that plays games, I have possibly the largest collection of games.
This is me too.
- All but 2 of my gaming consoles are hooked up. With both a HD and a CRT set up.
All of mine are hooked up except the silly pong machine
- I was a "hardcore" raid guild member in World of Warcraft for close to 4 years
Mine was Everquest and it was about 8 years. :O
- Tracked down a rather impressive complete Castlevania collection.
Mine is Dragon quest
- Have designed box art for about 1/3 of my GBA games (And have been at a standstill with a full manual, map and box art project for DQ Monsters: Caravan Heart for about a year now).
That manual is holding us both back!
- I tend to buy action figures for the sole purpose of displaying them.
My "action figures" are Rigor motor hotwheels. I have 21 of them at the moment.
- I play Tabletop RPGs on a weekly basis with a set group of people, currently playing 2 different campaigns of Pathfinder.
My TT RPG group broke up years ago. I miss my axe weilding dwarf.
- I collect fancy hardcover books with the hopes to eventually read them all, but mostly just because I love the way they look.
The only hardcover books I bought cause of their appearance was the Harry Potter series. I read all of them too (including Beedle the bard)
- I have a rather large CD collection and if I let it, I could easily start down the road of audiophile (I'm already contemplating another high end headphone purchase).
My CD collection isnt large anymore. Mostly Sponge, Cranberries, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, and Celine Dion (comment all you want, her voice is amazing)
- I used to collect comics and love the mythos. But I just can't keep up on it any more.
Doctor Strange, Excalibur, and Speedball are my favorite comics. I also have a Greek myth encyclopedia and used to be obssesed with it.
- And I also have a solid collection of Anime.
My Anime atm is a lot of Sailor moon. At one time, I had over a dozen DVD/VHS and over 60 posters as well as figurines and other pieces of memoribilia.

We have a lot of the same stuff. :D


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Re: Are You A Geek?
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2013, 02:16:22 am »
Not really...  I am kind of a mixed bag when it comes to generalizations.

-Obviously into video games since I'm here.  I do have a decent collection, although I haven't fully posted all of them because I either have not fully looked into my collection lately, or want to update VGCollect's information on certain games.  Bit of an obsessive-compulsive in me.
-Want to become involved with tabletop RPGs because of the influence of Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, awesome co-worker, and high school friend that I recently reached contact with.  I haven't even read the most recent rule book to help me understand the game or fiddled with game-making.

-Want to collect comic books but the nearest one closed and too lazy to go to other locations.  Reason I began collecting some & trying to be updated on characters and storyline was because of a nostalgic memory of my friend who gave me his copy of Peter Parker: Spider-Man.

-Wanted to dive into Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and complete The Lord Of The Rings series but would require lots of time and commitment, especially considering that the respective series include their own kind of language that I want to learn.

-Not much of a music CD collector since the genre of music that I listen to could be found on YouTube and/or RPGamer, although I haven't recently checked if they still contain the Music section there so that I could download the songs.

-Not much of a movie collector anymore but I have a decent amount that I still love watching from time to time.

-Few anime I love are Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, and some Studio Ghibli works.

Please check out the games I have for sale.