Author Topic: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?  (Read 11730 times)


I see a lot of profile pictures that I recognize, and also many that I don't. I thought it would be nice to start a topic about where our profile pictures come from, and why we chose it.

I'll start. My profile picture is a render of Seiko from Corpse Party. She suffers a terrible fate, unfortunately. I kind of chose it as a spur of the moment thing. I didn't even know what Corpse Party was a week ago, and now I am almost obsessed with it. The gruesome nature of the game took me by surprise, and I loved the storyline of the games. I downloaded a remaster of the original game (which Seiko isn't in), and the music blew me away! That and the story made me a fan, even if it's just a fad (which it may be)

Anyways, I was on the website, and found a nice picture of Seiko. I remembered that I didn't have a profile picture for VGCollect, so I thought that she would be a nice fit. This decision was done without much thought or time, but I think it's nice enough.

Anyways, that's my story. How about yours? How did you decide which picture to use?


My profile picture is the evil wizard Werdna from the Wizardry IV box art with a Seattle Mariners hat on.  I find the Wizardry series to be very interesting and the Seattle Mariners are my favorite sports team.  Currently I am using the hat with my favorite logo that the Mariners wore from 1977-1980.

Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

My avatar is fanart of Vic Rattlehead, mascot for heavy metal band Megadeth.  I'm a big metal fan and they've been one of my favorite bands of the past decade or so now.  I pretty regularly have a Vic Rattlehead related avatar on forums and such.  I'll probably end up switching around to another Vic one soon lol


For a while, a lot of us were using avatars based on the games we were currently playing.

My current avatar is a drawing of me as a crusader in Diablo 3.  I drew myself, along with three others as crusaders for a 24-hour marathon we were doing for Reaper of Souls when it dropped in March.  It was a lot of fun!  I haven't been playing it too much lately, but some times the urge hits me.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Mine is just regular me cosplaying as Sora from Kingdom Hearts. And yeah, what more can I say about it? :D


well when I first joined Vgcollect my pic was me dressed up as Boba Fett, Then it changed to a Cool pic I discovered of a decepticon symbol in the colors of the Fett, then I found a site that can make your own personal Atari cart labels so I made the one you see today.
When I was a Kid the Boba Fett Figure was my favorite and it always stuck with me. Also loved the Gen 1 Transformers so when I saw the two together It was awesome.  ::)
"Happy game hunting!!!"


For a while I had Chii (from Chii's Sweet Home) tapping on a keyboard, because I love cats and I loved that anime  :P When I decided it was time for a change, I just browsed in my pictures folders and decided on my current image because I've always liked it, and the haircut looks like mine a little.


Mine changes from time to time. DQ characters and other stuff ... but as of right now, its the cast of my favorite game : Ni no Kuni!


PRO Supporter

For a while, a lot of us were using avatars based on the games we were currently playing.

Yeah - I was running with this for, I just change it (maybe...once or twice a month) to whatever fits my mood  8)

Oh yeah - I also had a pic of my girl as my avvie for awhile -but- I think that only Brad knows when/which one it was  :o
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


One of my favorite albums of all time.


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Re: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2014, 10:34:26 am »
Ive made mine a few years back.

Its Valentino Rossi, the best GP rider there is/was.

something like this foto (i cant find the actual foto)

Re: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2014, 10:52:22 am »
Mine is Caesar Zeppeli from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure :D


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Re: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2014, 11:13:55 am »
Mine is of the smash bros hype train because Smash. Also I watched the brainscratchcomms discussion of the smash bros Nintendo direct.. Though I am thinking of changing it to Joseph Jester since JoJo's bizarre adventure is awesome.

*Edit: Changed to Joestar
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 08:05:51 pm by redblaze57 »


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Re: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2014, 05:46:22 pm »
My favorite numbered Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy VI because I loved every character, especially Locke Cole.  Even though he isn't exactly the most useful, he steals the scene.

Locke Cole: I prefer the term "treasure hunting."

Please check out the games I have for sale.

Re: Where did your profile picture come from, and why did you choose it?
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2014, 09:27:42 pm »
My avatar if a picture of Miki Berenyi from the shoegaze band Lush playing an original Gameboy. Front woman of my favorite band of all time + playing video games = video game forum avatar :p. Here is another picture of her: