While it's certainly not Earthbound for $1 I'm still pretty excited about this deal I came across at the thrift store.
Original XBox with 007 Nightfire in the tray. $9.99.
No hookups but I snagged it as a backup unit. It works perfectly!
Not a bad pickup at all! I want to run across a cheap Xbox like this because I'd like one to mod. I hear there's a lot of cool things you can do with a modded original Xbox.
Modding the Original Xbox is easy, however the only annoying part of it was trying to get a xbox gameshark. I have both my xbox soft modded.
You don't need a GameShark. I don't own a GameShark, I have my Xbox modded to play ROMs of the games I own, and it has a proper media player on it.
Don't ask me the details, because I had a buddy do it for me. But all he used was his PC, some software, and a cord connecting the Xbox to his PC.