I've got a lot on the go right now. I'm still playing
FE: PoR and
Tales of Graces f, but I've tried some new stuff too on the side.
Mega Man Battle Network 4 (GBA) is a bit of a mixed bag. The combat is great and Navi Souls are a cool addition, but everything in between is sooooo boring. It's just the same "puzzles" reused over and over again.

Definitely the weakest in the series of the ones I've played so far.
Retro City Rampage DX (3DS) is pretty awesome. It seems like the game never goes for more than a minute without making a reference or two to something cool.
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure (3DS) is interesting. It's less of a rhythm game than I thought it would be, but it's fun.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (WiiU) is wonderful. It's awesome on the WiiU and I'm happy that it was a part of the Friends of Nintendo Humble Bundle.