Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 637471 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2535 on: April 25, 2016, 09:07:00 am »
Starting up Fatal Frame II! Looking forward to playing it  :)
Currently Playing:
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2536 on: April 25, 2016, 09:34:50 am »
Dang, everyone is playing so many awesome things! Lost Dimension, Arc the Lad, Tales of Graces and now I see Fatal Frame II!


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2537 on: April 25, 2016, 11:18:49 am »
Dang, everyone is playing so many awesome things! Lost Dimension, Arc the Lad, Tales of Graces and now I see Fatal Frame II!

Start up Tears to Tiara 2 and, you too, can join the "playing an awesome game" club  ;)
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2538 on: April 25, 2016, 02:11:36 pm »
Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride on DS.

Love my Dragon Quest RPGs, so simple and that's what appeals to me about them. I don't need super-complicated RPG battle systems that require trigonometry to optimize your characters. Just some good story and characters, simple grinding, cool items to find, and exploring dungeons & maps.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2539 on: April 25, 2016, 02:22:21 pm »
I love the DS DQs... I still need to go back and finish them, though. Perfect games for on the go.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2540 on: April 25, 2016, 02:24:57 pm »
So a couple weeks ago I started up

South Park the Stick of Truth
It's a great Paper-Mario esque RPG. Has enough comedy to keep me entertained for random battles, and seems to be pretty short and I always feel like I'm making progress. Hopefully it will mark my first completion this year (that 52 challenge aint happening for me...)

I also got the DLC for

Hyrule Warriors
So I am playing this and it appears to be never ending so I guess that is what I will play when I just want to blow off steam. Pressing Y and X never felt so good.

Also on hold with
Suikoden II
Waiting to get a couple free hours to start eating chunks out of this game. Just got through the early segment when I stopped so I feel like I'm in a good place to pick it up again.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2541 on: April 25, 2016, 02:52:40 pm »
South Park the Stick of Truth
It's a great Paper-Mario esque RPG. Has enough comedy to keep me entertained for random battles, and seems to be pretty short and I always feel like I'm making progress. Hopefully it will mark my first completion this year (that 52 challenge aint happening for me...)

You know, I never made the comparison with Paper Mario, but I can totally see that!
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2542 on: April 25, 2016, 05:43:48 pm »
South Park the Stick of Truth
It's a great Paper-Mario esque RPG. Has enough comedy to keep me entertained for random battles, and seems to be pretty short and I always feel like I'm making progress. Hopefully it will mark my first completion this year (that 52 challenge aint happening for me...)

You know, I never made the comparison with Paper Mario, but I can totally see that!

I've never played Paper Mario.

I did enjoy Stick of Truth, though.

In what ways are they similar?
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2543 on: April 25, 2016, 05:58:24 pm »
South Park the Stick of Truth
It's a great Paper-Mario esque RPG. Has enough comedy to keep me entertained for random battles, and seems to be pretty short and I always feel like I'm making progress. Hopefully it will mark my first completion this year (that 52 challenge aint happening for me...)

You know, I never made the comparison with Paper Mario, but I can totally see that!

I've never played Paper Mario.

I did enjoy Stick of Truth, though.

In what ways are they similar?

In both, you kinda have free roam of the main worlds but when you're in battle, you go into your formation, taking turns to battle against the enemy. The battle in both have times where you can "react" with timing a press of a button for a counter attack or a block.

There might be a few more similarities, but those are the big ones for me.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2544 on: April 25, 2016, 06:06:40 pm »
Having buddy commands you need to use in the overworld. Having only a few options on a very rudimentary menu on how to attack. Having only a few pieces of equipment. Its pretty similar in my mind, maybe just me though.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2545 on: April 26, 2016, 08:49:52 am »
Hi everyone, it's my first post in this forum.

What am I currently playing?

Recently I purchased every Resident Evil on Gamecube and I just started playing them in order, I'm half through Resident Evil 0.
I'll probably switch on Xbox 360 to complete RE5 and RE6 after...maybe i'll be able to finish all of them before the release of RE7.

Meanwhile I'm playing Halo: The Masterchief Collection on Xbox One, I am at the end of Halo 3 and I really don't think I'll be able to finish it alone (i'm playing Heroic difficulty) i'll probably need some help. I'm trying to play through all of them before starting Halo 5.

Also, shame on me, i'm addicted to Hearthstone and Clash Royale.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2546 on: April 26, 2016, 10:13:21 am »


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2547 on: April 26, 2016, 02:56:21 pm »
Welcome, neverlooz!

No need to apologize about card or mobile games - I'm right there with you.

Also, good luck with the RE marathon!
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2548 on: April 28, 2016, 08:19:44 am »
I'm back into Nights of Azure. If there was one game from Gust that could have benefited from some extra TLC, it would be this one.

Still, I'm enjoying it.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #2549 on: April 28, 2016, 09:57:55 am »
I've got a lot on the go right now. I'm still playing FE: PoR and Tales of Graces f, but I've tried some new stuff too on the side.

Mega Man Battle Network 4 (GBA) is a bit of a mixed bag. The combat is great and Navi Souls are a cool addition, but everything in between is sooooo boring. It's just the same "puzzles" reused over and over again. :( Definitely the weakest in the series of the ones I've played so far.

Retro City Rampage DX (3DS) is pretty awesome. It seems like the game never goes for more than a minute without making a reference or two to something cool.

Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure (3DS) is interesting. It's less of a rhythm game than I thought it would be, but it's fun.

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (WiiU) is wonderful. It's awesome on the WiiU and I'm happy that it was a part of the Friends of Nintendo Humble Bundle.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)