Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 636213 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4620 on: February 15, 2023, 11:26:22 pm »
Finished Mega Man Zero the other day. Overall, while the screen visibility issues were very annoying, I enjoyed the game, especially the last stages. Before tackling Zero 2, I decided to give Hi-Fi Rush a go since that game looked really fun from the trailer and it reminded me of No Straight Roads which I really enjoyed. Finished the first stage and while it's really fun so far, I'm really not used to using an Xbox controller. Having grown up with Nintendo stuff, Microsoft's ABXY placement feel really off to me and takes a while to adjust to.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4621 on: February 17, 2023, 09:41:45 pm »
Wasn't planning to pick up Wild Hearts, but I've had the urge for Monster Hunter lately and World is kinda aggressive to hop back into, I love it, but most of the stuff I have left are VERY hard fights and it can take awhile to warm back up.  I didn't like Monster Hunter Rise a ton either, never got Sunbreak, so Wild Hearts seemed like a fresher take on the genre and so far it is.  It's got most of what you'd expect with a Monster Hunter type experience, it's just skewed in different directions.  You aren't using items, you are using Karakuri, which are big mechanical things that can give you a platform to jump off, a spring for a dodge or rush in, can build a wall to stop enemies from charging, it adds a whole new flavor to the experience.

Gameplay is pretty just Monster Hunter, easy to get into, I think overall may a smidge more casual than Monster Hunter World, but it's still a pretty hard game.  The world itself is actually more of an open world setup, so you aren't just popping into a contained zone, you have this persistent world that you can build into, crafting fast travel gadgets and camps, I was sorta wondering the "Death Stranding" aspect I heard about in a review or two and I see it's due to the zipline thing, as you can craft ziplines to help you move around the area which is great for getting to the Kemono or catching up to them when they run away.

Game does need a patch or two on PS5, it can have some performance stutters here and there, but at least it doesn't sound as bad as it does for those on PC.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4622 on: February 18, 2023, 08:05:47 am »
Still working my way through Novigrad in Witcher 3. Trying to get all the side missions done. I should be done some time in 2024. Just killed a cereal killer that was going around brutally massacring townsfolk.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4623 on: June 13, 2023, 03:11:30 am »
Did the Final Fantasy XVI Demo/Prologue and it's great, real solid story stuff that actually got me more excited than I was expecting for the game.  I haven't seen much on the game since like last year, because Square likes to show far too much of their games before release, especially Final Fantasy, which did a lot for me going into the game reasonably blind as I don't remember everything from what I saw before.  Combat is abit basic currently, but it is just the start of the game, though I liked how it felt, so I'm curious to see where it goes.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4624 on: June 13, 2023, 08:34:02 am »
Good to hear about the demo. I was curious about it. Does the data carry over to the main game?

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4625 on: June 13, 2023, 11:53:26 am »
Good to hear about the demo. I was curious about it. Does the data carry over to the main game?

Yup, that was the reason I was into it as it's the opening prologue of the game and if you want, there's a bonus upon completing it, which is the main character further into the game with more abilities and such in a challenge run, but I didn't want to be spoiled on anything more to check that out.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4626 on: June 14, 2023, 08:28:57 am »
Good to hear about the demo. I was curious about it. Does the data carry over to the main game?

Yup, that was the reason I was into it as it's the opening prologue of the game and if you want, there's a bonus upon completing it, which is the main character further into the game with more abilities and such in a challenge run, but I didn't want to be spoiled on anything more to check that out.

I'm going through it now. It's a pretty great demo. I'm so glad to see FF back in a medieval, fantasy setting again.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4627 on: June 14, 2023, 02:02:42 pm »
Good to hear about the demo. I was curious about it. Does the data carry over to the main game?

Yup, that was the reason I was into it as it's the opening prologue of the game and if you want, there's a bonus upon completing it, which is the main character further into the game with more abilities and such in a challenge run, but I didn't want to be spoiled on anything more to check that out.

I'm going through it now. It's a pretty great demo. I'm so glad to see FF back in a medieval, fantasy setting again.

Yeah I'm glad for that too, like I primarily know Final Fantasy for its more non-medieval-esque fantasy setups, Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, 15, I didn't play the games before 7, so it's refreshing to have this sorta Final Fantasy experience. 


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4628 on: June 14, 2023, 05:50:45 pm »
I finished Katamari Royal Reverie+ and now, I play Boltgun (Warhammer). It's a good surprise.

Did the Final Fantasy XVI Demo/Prologue and it's great, real solid story stuff that actually got me more excited than I was expecting for the game.  I haven't seen much on the game since like last year, because Square likes to show far too much of their games before release, especially Final Fantasy, which did a lot for me going into the game reasonably blind as I don't remember everything from what I saw before.  Combat is abit basic currently, but it is just the start of the game, though I liked how it felt, so I'm curious to see where it goes.

Lucky !
Yeah, Square has a tendency to show too much, they do the same thing when it comes to Kingdom Hearts (I remember they had spoil some important details for KH3) or FF in general.
They do way too much of this new FF, I don't know why they have this tendency to want to spoil everything.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4629 on: June 14, 2023, 08:16:57 pm »
Good to hear about the demo. I was curious about it. Does the data carry over to the main game?

Yup, that was the reason I was into it as it's the opening prologue of the game and if you want, there's a bonus upon completing it, which is the main character further into the game with more abilities and such in a challenge run, but I didn't want to be spoiled on anything more to check that out.

I'm going through it now. It's a pretty great demo. I'm so glad to see FF back in a medieval, fantasy setting again.

Yeah I'm glad for that too, like I primarily know Final Fantasy for its more non-medieval-esque fantasy setups, Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, 15, I didn't play the games before 7, so it's refreshing to have this sorta Final Fantasy experience.

Just finished, had a lot of fun. I already feel for the MC and his tribulations. That said, I'll probably wait a long time to get it since I'm sure there are going to be patches, upgrades, extra episodes, etc.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4630 on: June 14, 2023, 08:56:28 pm »
Lucky !
Yeah, Square has a tendency to show too much, they do the same thing when it comes to Kingdom Hearts (I remember they had spoil some important details for KH3) or FF in general.
They do way too much of this new FF, I don't know why they have this tendency to want to spoil everything.

The launch trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Remake just outright spoiled important story for the game from what I remember of it.  I never saw it till after I beat the game, but I was hearing from people saying to avoid it.  That game was when I started trying to avoid trailer beyond like the first one or two actual story/gameplay trailer because I realized they were showing something new at like every event and it was becoming way to ridiculous lol


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4631 on: June 15, 2023, 10:18:54 am »
Still working my way through Zelda TotK. I believe I'm at least half done.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4632 on: June 21, 2023, 08:54:08 am »
Over a month later and I'm still playing TotK.  I'm nearly 200 hours in and honestly I am at the point that I'm running out of things to do.  I'm trying to find the last handful of shrines and collect all of the outfits, and possibly upgrade all of the outfits.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4633 on: June 22, 2023, 05:17:13 am »
I finally (re-)started playing all of my Final Fantasy games in a row, starting with Final Fantasy Origins for PSX. This version of FF1 and FF2 enables you to play the game in 2 different difficulties. First playthrough will be easy-mode. After beating the game the first time, there's an option to load your completed savegame and restart in normal-mode. I still had a completed FF1 save in easy so I started normal mode. FF1 ist already beaten, now I am playing Final Fantasy II, which is one of my favourite titles of the franchise due to it's unique never repeated leveling system. I'm at about 40 hrs now with a lot of story still to play.
I will only consider this FF Origins collection completed as soon as I beat FF2 in normal mode too, but replaying a game right after beating it the first time seems too repetetive to me. That's why I will play Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 for GB between the easy and normal playthrough of FF2. That's the plan so far ...


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4634 on: June 22, 2023, 11:06:28 am »
I finally (re-)started playing all of my Final Fantasy games in a row, starting with Final Fantasy Origins for PSX. This version of FF1 and FF2 enables you to play the game in 2 different difficulties. First playthrough will be easy-mode. After beating the game the first time, there's an option to load your completed savegame and restart in normal-mode. I still had a completed FF1 save in easy so I started normal mode. FF1 ist already beaten, now I am playing Final Fantasy II, which is one of my favourite titles of the franchise due to it's unique never repeated leveling system. I'm at about 40 hrs now with a lot of story still to play.
I will only consider this FF Origins collection completed as soon as I beat FF2 in normal mode too, but replaying a game right after beating it the first time seems too repetetive to me. That's why I will play Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 for GB between the easy and normal playthrough of FF2. That's the plan so far ...

Those are short games, so they're great palette cleansers. Enjoy! Legend 2 is my favorite of those three.