Right. Pretty much every NISA game comes early as well, but the release date is still whatever the official release date was. You just got the game a day early. 
Oh, I know & agree with what you're both saying...just that for most people, collectors, gamers, etc - *I* would think that if they bought a game in a store & came home to submit it to a database like this (myself included); the assumption is going to be made that the "Actual"/"Technical" release date of the game is *NOT* going (to be presumed, at least) to be a day/date that hasn't yet arrived.
I'm just pointing out that:
a). you'd have to be knowledgeable + invested enough in a certain game/series to even *realize* that you're receiving it pre-release day and/or
b). people would need to start operating on an assumption that (there's a chance) that they have their games before they SHOULD have them ==> and get into a habit of cross/fact-checking that they are, indeed, 'allowed' to have the game that they have.
TL;DR = I just don't see people going out of their way to find out if they may have received a game before the "official" release date & IMO, it's not even that important where I'd even really care if there's a discrepancy of a day or 2 (1 way or the other) between when I *GOT* the game vs. the projected date of when I *SHOULD* have got it...