I didn't participate in this or any secret santa but i would recommend to exclude non usa people or keep it seperate,
Not because I'm a mean guy But as a pal collector Finding usa games is not that common since for many consoles there is a region lock, some stuff is imported but in general not that common for allot of consoles it is pretty special. Seeing someone complain about receiving pal games as an usa collector wich is ofcourse understandable.
As far as ds and ps4 games goes I do see why the pal sender went for those since these are region free and they are just the same withouth any differences. Maybe some dlc differences as far as the ps4 game goes,
If overseas buyers where still to participate in the future I would recommend them hunting for ds gba or gameboy stuff since those are the only consoles in wich case there is a decent amount of usa stuff out there since it isn't region locked from back in the day if one where to request some non exclusives. USA ps4 switch games are most definitely there but you would need to get them from specific sources or only buy ntc exclusive games wich where not released in europe but available in european stores. ofcourse there is also the option for pal exclusives for certain consoles but that could be tough to get depending on the item. eitherway it is a bit more difficult to mix different countries. Also in terms of overseas participants I would recommend to request usa exclusive items since I'm pretty sure pal stuff is also pretty hard to get in the usa maybe even more so in the handheld department compared to europe.
High shipping costs and slow shipping times could also be a side issue as far as this goes but I have seen some dissapointed faces over the years from USA santa's receiving gifts from pal senders in these topics so here are my two cents.
Revealing myself to share my way as overseas participant (sharing ideas)~ my 4th year of participating on this site by the way O_O
I'm the SS for
ignition365 - @ignition365 you have to receive your parcels in an "unorthodox" way since I consider that as the best way (reasons below)

People need to "not assume" their gifters are based in US
Receiving~I personally use the official NZ shipping service based in US & pay for my own shipping due to:
1. I consolidate the parcels I have in US and ship it together - good discounts for combined shipping & I get to pay in my own currency too [shipping for this yr's SS parcel turns out to be around US$5 only

- this is US to NZ via airmail! Now my SS will know why I requested no food

2. My SS won't need to pay for the high international shipping [sorry to my Yr1 SS Q.Q] & can focus on getting more games for me instead

One downside: I won't get my SS gifts until I send out my consolidated parcel [thus no photo to show yet

- it's coming]
Note that I always state the condition, version & region I want on my SS wishlist.
Gifting~I personally prefer to
"source domestically" from different online sites (i.e. If the person is in US - I buy from US) & ship it directly from there due to:
1. Greater selection of games [I will be able to get what my giftee wants & for the correct region as well - I also make sure I get good condition ones]
2. Cost efficiency [prefer to get my giftee more games than like 2 games - games are super expensive here & are PAL as well! (don't even mention about the international shipping costs over here)]
3. Avoid long shipping time from overseas
One downside: My giftees will receive "parcels" instead of "parcel" = there won't be those special touches. However, think it can also be interesting to receive multiple parcels though [which is what I got from my US SS last yr

As an overseas participant, personally think this is the best method for all parties.