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Messages - oldgamerz

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General / Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
« on: December 16, 2017, 12:12:22 am »

Also: I don't understand the thread. You're talking about alternate colors and form-factors of game systems? lol
If that's the case my favorite alternate/rare color variant is the red "Char's Custom" GameCube with a black front plate. I picked one up a few years ago. I still need to mod it for US games however.

All goes here so yes ;D

General / Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
« on: December 15, 2017, 09:39:56 pm »
I forgot I had a topic similar to the PS2 phat vs ps2 slim but this thread goes beyond the PlayStation

today I would like to make a thread about (for example) the NES top loader vs the old toaster version, or also the Fat PS2 vs the slim PS2, or the PSone vs the PSx in which is basically an old fatter PlayStation 1 vs the slim down more portable PlayStation 1.

all console  and handheld variants are welcome

(some examples)

The PlayStation original model, model

The PSone version of the first playstation

NES Original Model/toaster model

NES Top Loader Model

The SONY PS2 slim modell

PS2 phat

gensis model 1

genesis model 2

I prefer the NES original Nintendo. compared to the slim top loader

as for the PlayStation 2 I prefer the phat,

As for the PS3 I own a slim but would like to have a working phat but I don't because they are old and expensive

I like the Sega Genesis model 2 also

General / Re: Remasters are cop outs? Agree or disagree?
« on: December 15, 2017, 03:34:50 am »
An hd remake for a game from a long dead console entirely makes sense

An hd remake for a game from the directly previous console that's still in stores is just pathetic

I usually don't mind remasters at all. It's good for people who may not have the original hardware or game.

But I'm not gonna lie, when they announced the Shadow of the Collossus remake I got a little miffed. Why the hell does this need a remaster? It got a perfectly good HD port on the PS3.

These 2 posts are something I would have said in this thread ;)

I read a lot posts from people on VG Collect, and I hear that on other forums their is a lot of what I call pointless hatred, where someone that love one console company a lot, and gets their face shoved in the dirt for absolutely logical (to me) no reason at all. For me I find that only slightly more dumb then rage quitting and screaming at someone who beat you an online video game. I will admit I do cuss at the computer when I am having a vary vary vary hard time and a video game is being unfair but I just don't get involved in online games either.

SO what if someone likes a console and only a certain one or company, that is no reason to cuss them out in my own opinion. what is your take on this and I don't want to start a heated disscussion.

and if anyone cares I have at least 1 console for each and every console manufacture and a PC to top things off. But my Atari happens to be a flashback console because that is all that is available to me locally.

PS:please try not to make this a heated thread, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, But what is  hate about when someone who only plays a certain company, please explain why that is important to you (if it is or not). When you have your own life and they have theirs? I may need help

Classic Video Games / Re: Why do many retro gamers hate on the Xbox?
« on: December 14, 2017, 04:36:13 pm »

360 however is garbage. I bet over 20% of the systems were contaminated with the RROD and thats being modest probably.

Mine don't get a lot of use, I am aware that 360's original models were the worst. and one thing I do hate about the 360 slim, is how the disk tray just has a mind of it's own, and only stays open for a second. and then closes automatically often not letting you change the game without getting your fingers stuck

Classic Video Games / Re: MechWarrior Mechanized EuroLeague
« on: December 12, 2017, 06:19:25 pm »
I don't play modern games but I do enjoy (Mech Warrior 2 31st century combat) for the SONY PlayStation 1. maybe for your first post  @aggressor you should focus the topic on the vary large Mech Warrior series in general, since not too many people talk about the mech warrior series and it really is a vary big series of video games :) and I would love to hear about more mech warrior games in general. besides this forum is mainly for blogs about various games and collections and such :)

General / Re: How many Played Star Soldier For NES And Beat It
« on: December 12, 2017, 04:47:43 am »

I thought it was 16 (4 sets of 4 levels)...I thought I came close once, but I guess not.

Played the he'll out of this game as a kid. It was one of the original games I got with my NES as a kid. I still play it from time to time. It instilled in me a love of shoot-em ups.

according to a site review prior to my first post they did say 16 levels at least for the Wii version. but I remember seeing the stages listed at 32 a lot earlier. thing is this game is so hardcore at least for me and YouTube don't have many Star Soldier play-though's as of 12-12-2017

General / How many Played Star Soldier For NES And Beat It
« on: December 11, 2017, 08:13:58 pm »
The hardest game I ever played in my life so far, is Star Soldier on the NES, on that game you get 3 lives, and all of them are one hit deaths. Star Soldier on the NES is a shoot em up, with only rumours of 32 stages. each level requires you to defeat any entire stage of projectiles and 2 bosses. and if you don't defeat the 2nd boss within a strict time limit you repeat the same stage over only on a harder difficulty. once you are hit 3 times and die you must restart the entire game over without even a password feature.

And the AI on Star Soldier changes evey time you play it meaning the computer picks on your weakness making this game impossibe to beat. I never could make it past stage 2 out of 32 rumoured stages. no continues and you start from the begginning of each stage after a 1 hit death

 how many of you think you could, or already took on Star Soldier from the NES library.

and by default you you don't have rapid fire leaving you needing super musstle thumbs not get fatigued pressing the A or B buttion constantly without a turbo controller. by pressing the bution constantly

Star Soldier is for extreme shoot em up fans. I actually like the game but It is not as fun as Capcom Classic Vol 2 on the PS2 where all games lets you choose lives and continues as infinite.

Site Feedback / Problems with Microsoft Edge Browser WIndows 10
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:51:48 pm »
BY default the windows 10 Microsoft edge browser displays the forum text vary small and I currently need to press ctrl and + in order to read the forum in bigger text.

also I cannot use any type of emoji/ facial expressions but on the Microsoft edge browser the coding only lets me manually type in an emoji. As, I currently can't just click on an emoji when posting to have one that's all. otherwise on google chrome it works fine with no problems. but Google chrome is not what I'm using any more.  Due what happened to my pc recently on Facebook where My browser was hacked and I had to uninstall google chrome.

Classic Video Games / Re: Your Opinion Of Golf Games
« on: December 10, 2017, 07:43:18 pm » love for Mini-Golf games?  :P

I used to play a few mini golf games on my PC back in the day, they were ok, also mini golf for the Atari is only one I have today, and maybe another 2nd generation console game I have a compilation on PS2 for. thanks for reminding me I am thinking of playing them now :P 

I never actually saw a super famicom in real life or even played on one. But to me the super Famicom console looks like it's made more cheaply then the Super Nintendo. As for the controller on the Super Famicom I enjoy the sight of the multi colored buttons,

but the super nintendo in america looks more for adults then the super famicom,. I enjoy the also the looks and size of the super nintendo in america's cartridges and the console as well. I used to own a Super Nintendo and the console switches were always easy to use on or off or even reset. and I also liked it's large eject button

to me the super famicom looks like the console switches would stick after excessive use. while the super Nintendo in america the console switches  feel like they could take more abuse the the super famicom switches in Japan and  Europe.


Most sellers that actually test games, only test to see if they start properly but never actually play the game through to see if it works fully.

I really wonder wich fool would actually do this before selling them games to play one game after another 20 or way more hours each to see if every event and scene in a game triggers succesfully  :o

on a serious note disc repair solves those problems for a couple of dollars unless you have a super damaged disc in wich the risk is pretty expected.

You just have to be lucky I guess. I forgot all about the fact that some new CIB games come out of the factory broken. Yea that would be too time consuming to test run a game before selling it

I used to download ROM files but sometimes I have caught viruses so I stopped. plus I once downloaded a copy of Mike Tyson punch out and the game was altered to make you lose every time to the fat hippo king dude.

I'd say  never pay more then $30.00 for one used cartridge. and not more the $15.00 for a used CD/DVD/Bluray game. Unless it is a game you REALLY want digital or physical. and you got to be careful when buying old stuff. because occasional sometimes the game you buy game will freeze in the middle of playing it. Most sellers that actually test games, only test to see if they start properly but never actually play the game through to see if it works fully.

PS, nothing worse than a video game that stops right in the middle of playing. >:(

Cartridges I found more a guarantee to work (if clean) in my experience as long as the battery works in some of them. I find cartridges more reliable than CD/DVD/Bluray games. on CD's and DVD's they can scratch easy. of course they can be resurfaced in most retro stores or in some Family Video rental stores :)

If you can't fix a broken console youself try to google a retro console or  sometimes a PC repair person and never hire SONY to fix your broken PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4. they charge hundreds of dollars just to get them checked out by SONY.

First off I like to tell you that I got soaked into buying two of them 64mb non SONY memory cards off amazon. for my PlayStation 2. I loved them at first. but quickly found out that that they eventually lose data over time and you can never use them on 2 different PlayStation 2's or they will break.

I'll admit I barly got in 8mbs of storage, before I found out that my older PS2 memory card files no longer loaded even though they were still on the memory card. and no I don't shut off my PlayStation 2 when it is saving to the memory card.

I also heard on other forums that the same thing happen on a 128mb memory card.

So take my advice and never buy a memory card for the PS2 with more then 8mb of storage. Thankfully I got a flea market near by with cheap official PS2 memory cards. but remember this.

don't use those cheap new memory cards off amazon and especially don't buy them off ebay because their likely to not work on your PS2 because these memory cards never save again should you use them on another PS2 console.

If you do want to try one only a brand new only only. and only use them on one of your PlayStation 2 units.

anyways thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your experience in using those often cheaper non SONY PlayStation 2 memory cards

General / Re: PS1 VS PS2 VS PS3 VS PS4 rank them
« on: December 06, 2017, 10:24:08 pm »
I may have ranked the PS1 the lowest, but that does not mean that I don't like it's games, I really like PS1 games! :)  I just don't play them on an actual PlayStation 1. I used to own a PS1 in childhood and I loved it. but compared to the other 3 PlayStation consoles. It find it a little obsolete.

the main thing I don't like about the PS1 is the tiny and vary expensive memory cards. each compatible memory card is only 128kb, according to reading on my  PlayStation 2. in which is less then  a smaller floppy disk on a PC held

I have games that take up 3 blocks, with only up to 15 blocks on a card. One feature I love about the PlayStation 3 is the ability to have the PS1 and PS2 memory cards to store it directly to your PS3's hard drive instead of needing to buy a whole lot of memory cards to save with. Of coarse I don't use PS2 built in memory cards quotas ever because my PS3 don't read PS2 game discs.

 Handhelds I never owned a Vita or a PSP.

I also forgot I made another topic similar to this one.

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