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Messages - oldgamerz

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 [176] 177 178 ... 183
General / The D Pad? Or The Joystick?
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:17:15 am »
which kind of video game movement device do you like better.? I prefer the D-pad in which according to the following video was invented by Nintendo in 1982

Wiki information about the joystick (1910)

video from "The Gaming Historian" Who Invented The D Pad "spoiler Nintendo did (1982)"

General / Mistakes Nintendo Made Or What Mistakes You Think They Made
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:55:14 am »
I need to learn more about the history of the video games I play so that is why I am currently watching Toutube.

Here is a video was done by "the video game historian" in fact I highly recommend this YouTube channel to everyone

video title [3 Mistakes Nintendo Made]

My debriefing is I wish more people bought the Nintendo 64. I've lost a TON (EDIT MORE THEN I WANT) of music and video games due do disc rot. :( in fact one mistake I think Nintendo made is not make the cartridges of the N64 hold more data or at least make them bigger with more data crystals inside them all.  >:(

all a vdieo game caridge was was a harddrive to begin with :o

but of couase CD hold 700 megabytes and that my friends is more than half of 1 gigabyte. Harddirves were a lot bigger then N64 cartridges and heavy back then but you could get 10 gigs although it would cost more then it did to manufacture CD's back then anyway ::)

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:02:43 am »
Try being a game developer. The whole industry is built on secrets.

sometimes they can be crime organizations as well :-X

The laws are specifically against illegally sharing the material.  This is why sites get shut down.

The few individuals who have been sued or what have you, the charges were actually about the distribution, not downloading of the materials.  This specifically refers to public demonstration, distribution (regardless of sale or gift), or other methods that potentially damage a copyright holders business or profitability.

A lot of the ROM sites like to say you can only download it if you own the game physically (This is technically still illegal) and that if you do not, you should only be downloading the game for trial like purposes to decide if you want to buy the game and thus delete the download within 24 hours (Also, still illegal).

The fact of the matter is that REALLY, Nintendo is the only company that tries to pursue these matters.  Usually a simple cease and desist.  Sony usually only does it for distribution of the BIOS for the hardware, but I don't know if they still do that.  I know for a while GBA games were really hard to find because Nintendo was constantly having sites shutdown or threatened to be shut down.

yes vary true I forgot to mention  in place here in the United States Of America otherwise I heard you could go to Federal prison for copyright infringement. and My federal prison is the worst in the entire country here in Michigan.

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 15, 2017, 08:19:49 am »
oldgamerz is referring to people that have, say, 10 sealed copies of Little Samson, and don't even bother to at least consider offers for a copy. You know, essentially the kind of people that like to buy multiple copies of "rare" games in order to affect the value/market.

At least that's what I gathered from what he posted.

yes exactly

Illegal Information and I don't want users to do this so I erased it

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:35:51 am »
I am not judging you man carry on just ignore me. I am not perfect. I am just angery at some of the people out their that have 20 copies of every game and don't sell or and don't play them. sorry to make you mad :(
Not mad, just don't understand what you were getting at.

I actually know a guy who had over 400 copies of Jurassic Park for SNES.  He would take pictures of his fridge or bathtub full of copies of the game.  I'm sure some of you folks have seen the pictures before.  He has since sold off the collection of Jurassic Park carts.

Let me tell you though, owning 400 copies of Jurassic Park, it didn't affect the availability or market price for the game.

at least he sold him and didn't throw them away ::), I am glad he sold them eventually so other people could play the physical  copies had once had again :)

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:25:55 am »
I really don't follow what your mindset is.

I fall under the definition of a hoarder of video games.  I certainly am accumulating video games for preservation, future use, or etc.  And for the most part I usually have more games than I have space for.

to accumulate money, food, or the like, in a hidden or carefully guarded place for preservation, future use, etc.

I am not judging you man carry on just ignore me. I am not perfect. I am just angry at some of the people out their that have 20 copies of every game and don't sell or and don't play them.  sorry to make you mad :(

Hardware and Tech / Re: PS4 Issues
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:22:13 am »
Anyone having issues with their PS4?  I noticed recently my controllers will not sync up, sometimes it will not boot or eject a game.  I have to literally plug and unplugg it to get it to turn on.

Really do not want to have to buy another one, curious if anyone else had this issue.  I got the PS4 about 4 months after it was released (same time Infamous came out)

did you drop the PS4. I overheard in the other day that the PS4 is vary fragile :(

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:14:32 am »

LOL well? If you were a millionare would you buy 100 games for 25c
Yes.  Why wouldn't I?  I'm not a millionaire and I'd do that.

good then your playing it smart 8)

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:08:57 am »

LOL well? If you were a millionare would you buy 100 games for 25c

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:04:24 am »
hoarding is just a waste of space, because the people that usally hoard usally have no friends to play with other then themselves and they don't deserve friends as far as I'm concerned

Hoarders are people too. You shouldn't be so judgemental.

I wasn't talking about the mental illness I was only refering to the ones who just don't want to share and have everything to themselves sorry but people who are rich and take everything from the poor piss me off >:(

 IF you had a million dollers would you buy 50 games for 50c just to have them to yourself? I know you would not

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 10:01:44 am »
hoarding is just a waste of space, because the people that usually hoard usually have no friends to play with other then themselves and they don't deserve friends as far as I'm concerned howvever  :-[

does anyone ever try to beat a video game on a higher difficulty or do most of you just beat it on easy difficulty and be done with it forever and sell it or buy something else?

In my humble opinion?

Well, I don't think that is a good thing to do in my opinion, because their is always replay ability and secret levels to unlock and bonus content to see and explore SO?


similar topics,7980.msg133963.html#msg133963

this is not to insult the ones who do different

General / Re: Secrecy in the gaming community
« on: July 14, 2017, 09:24:10 am »
I don't mind at all telling people where I found the best deals, because, where I shop locally none is a dick. and IF someone new comes into my flea market with some ridiculous prices HA they won't sell much because the sellers currently there don't have inflated prices to begin with. AND not too many people on here that I know of on VG collect live in my local area. BUT even if they do, then I am happy to tell my local buddies on VGC where to find the best deals. :D

Well push comes to shove most people are trying to get rid of retro video games in my area and I live in a large city area. I don't care about complete sets, heck with all the games out there I just don't want to get complete sets right away. I know eventually I will get every game on the market if I have enough faith, but I plan to share in the future but sadly I got no friends to share with currently :(

I am a vary open individual so ask me anything outside of usernames and passwords or codes and I'll give you the best answer to my ability. just read some of my Hardware and Tech posts on this site just to see how knowledgeable I am to everyone online. (as long as it is nothing personal)

My religion is personal, but I'll tell you one of the things I believe in.

1: All knowledge in the Universe does not belong to anyone except God, (the one who created it) :)

here is my honey hole and heck I have a HUGE backlong anyway ::),8409.msg140481.html#msg140481

AND if someone buys them all I just get ROMS

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