Made some silly typos in my edit of
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Seven e-Reader card Bonus Included!) which is my bad. Also, the Demo cards don't have card numbers in the same way the Power-Ups and Levels do so I've added the little ID at the bottom of the card instead.
I've revised what I wanted to add to the Description below and I will be submitting this:
Some copies of the game from Walmart included the 2 standard bonus e-Reader cards: the Power-Up Super Leaf (Item 03) and the Level Wild Ride in the Sky (Level 01) in addition to 5 extra bonus e-Reader cards: the Power-Up Super Mushroom (Item 01), the Power-Up Fire Flower (Item 02), the Power-Up 1-Up Mushroom (Item 18), the Demo for World 4-6 (Card ID: 52512A 07-E004), and the Level Airship's Revenge (Level PR) for 7 cards total.
EDIT: my embarrassment I've left out an apostrophe for the Level "Airship's Revenge". If you see this, please accept my second edit and not my first.