My XBox One broke, on Christmas.
I had just finished installing my new copy of Pillars of Eternity, and was about to install my new copy of Wolfenstein II. I stick it in, and it starts making this awful grinding noise. The XBox would neither give it back to me, nor would it read the disc to install the game.
I tried to completely power it down, and start it up again. No good. I then tried the manual eject, that's on the side, that I had to Google to find out even existed. That didn't work, either. I then went to GeekSquad at Best Buy...they don't repair consoles, only give you a new one if you bought a warranty. I then tried Nerds on Call, they do repair consoles...just not XBox Ones. WTF?!
So now I have a XBox One S, so I guess I upgraded, cool. Only I had to use my Christmas cash and then some to get it, which is stupid, because I would have been happy just using my launch model.
Oh, and I never did get Wolfenstein II back. I did try to crack that machine open, but once I did I saw that inside was nuts and bolts I had no idea how to get out, because I didn't have that kind of screwdriver.