Went to the flea market myself, but sadly it was rather empty this time. Seemed like a few sellers had closed up and not a ton of new garage sale folks. Did grab 4 games, but really only bought them cause they were a buck a piece lol Also, I'm very proud to start off my Dreamcast game collection with NFL2K and the Dreamcast Web Browser...oh, wait, that's not pride, but shame, but they were only a dollar, so I can't complain much lol
Really just didn't want to go home empty handed and were the only games I saw that weren't from resellers, of which one thankfully closed up. I don't mean to be an ass, especially if you do resell games, but when there's 3 or 4 resellers at this one flea market and most of their prices range from "so-so", to "I might as well just buy them on Ebay", I don't have alot of respect for that. I've only come across one around me that I felt was very genuine with his prices and he's thankfully opening up a retro game store next weekend.